
出版時(shí)間:2008-4  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)出版社  作者:韓永紅  頁數(shù):344  


  本書的編著遵循“方便使用者”(user-friendly)的指導(dǎo)思想,從體例安排到語言風(fēng)格均旨在滿足使用者(包括教授者與學(xué)習(xí)者)的實(shí)際需求。為幫助使用者快速了解本書,現(xiàn)將其主要特點(diǎn)簡要介紹如下:  一、在體例設(shè)計(jì)上,本書兼采中外同類著作的優(yōu)點(diǎn),從方便教學(xué),方便學(xué)習(xí)者使用的角度設(shè)計(jì)。全書正文共設(shè)十章:國際貿(mào)易的法律環(huán)境、國際貨物買賣法(I)、國際貨物買賣法(II)、國際貨物運(yùn)輸法律制度、國際貿(mào)易支付法律制度、國際技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓法律制度、國際電子商務(wù)法律制度、世界貿(mào)易組織法律制度、各國管理貿(mào)易的法律制度、國際商事爭議解決法律制度。每章包括“內(nèi)容大綱”、“熱身問題”、“正文”、“小結(jié)”和“練習(xí)”五個(gè)組成部分?!皟?nèi)容大綱”(Chapter。outline)可幫助使用者宏觀了解本章的內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu)和主要問題,課前對“熱身問題”(Warm-up questions)的討論則可以幫助學(xué)習(xí)者積累必要的背景知識,激發(fā)其學(xué)習(xí)本章內(nèi)容的興趣和探索的熱情?!靶〗Y(jié)”(Chapter summary)是對本章所討論的主要理論、規(guī)則、觀點(diǎn)的簡要?dú)w納,以幫助學(xué)習(xí)者回顧本章的主要內(nèi)容?!熬毩?xí)”(Chapter questions)部分安排了“正誤辨析”、“問答題”、“案例題”,個(gè)別章節(jié)還安排有“選擇題”和“開放式討論題”等多種練習(xí)形式,使用者可根據(jù)個(gè)人情況選擇逐一完成或只選做其中部分題目。除上述內(nèi)容外,全書還包括“前言”、“目錄”、“附錄”、“法律術(shù)語表”、“參考書目”其他五個(gè)組成部分。  二、在內(nèi)容安排上,本書緊扣國際貿(mào)易法的法律淵源,既注重對重要國際條約(公約)或示范法的闡釋,也看重當(dāng)今世界主要貿(mào)易國家國內(nèi)法的影響,尤其是相應(yīng)中國法律的立法狀況與立法內(nèi)容的介紹。從而使學(xué)習(xí)者認(rèn)識到國際貿(mào)易法不僅是國際法更是國內(nèi)法,在學(xué)習(xí)國際貿(mào)易法的過程中,既要有國際視野,也要關(guān)注本土法律資源。針對中國學(xué)習(xí)者的整體水平,在具體的內(nèi)容論述中本書對不同問題所費(fèi)筆墨有所區(qū)別。對分歧較大的觀點(diǎn),著重闡述通說,對其他觀點(diǎn)只做一般性提及,以免對學(xué)習(xí)者造成不必要的觀點(diǎn)混亂性困擾。而對重要內(nèi)容,本書采用黑體字予以突出,以提醒使用者重點(diǎn)掌握和理解這些內(nèi)容。同時(shí)借鑒英美國家案例教學(xué)的優(yōu)點(diǎn),在對重要內(nèi)容進(jìn)行闡述時(shí),穿插了一些中外經(jīng)典案例以幫助學(xué)習(xí)者更好地理解和應(yīng)用相關(guān)的法律規(guī)則。


  本書的編著遵循“方便使用者”的指導(dǎo)思想,從體例安排到語言風(fēng)格均旨在滿足使用者(包括教授者與學(xué)習(xí)者)的實(shí)際需求。為幫助使用者快速了解本書,現(xiàn)將其主要特點(diǎn)簡要介紹如下:  一、在體例設(shè)計(jì)上,本書兼采中外同類著作的優(yōu)點(diǎn),從方便教學(xué),方便學(xué)習(xí)者使用的角度設(shè)計(jì)?! 《⒃趦?nèi)容安排上,本書緊扣國際貿(mào)易法的法律淵源,既注重對重要國際條約(公約)或示范法的闡釋,也看重當(dāng)今世界主要貿(mào)易國家國內(nèi)法的影響,尤其相應(yīng)中國法律的立法狀況與立法內(nèi)容的介紹?! ∪?、在寫作語言上,編著者努力使語言既嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)、流暢同時(shí)又不失活潑?! ”緯墓苍O(shè)十章:國際貿(mào)易的法律環(huán)境、國際貨物買賣法(Ⅰ)、國際貨物買賣法(Ⅱ)、國際貨物運(yùn)輸法律制度、國際貿(mào)易支付法律制度、國際技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓法律制度、國際電子商務(wù)法律制度、世界貿(mào)易組織法律制度、各國管理貿(mào)易的法律制度、國際商事爭議解決法律制度。每章包括“內(nèi)容大綱”、“熱身問題”、“正文”、“小結(jié)”和“練習(xí)”五個(gè)組成部分。全書緊扣國際貿(mào)易法的法律淵源,既注重對重要國際條約(公約)或示范法的闡釋,也看重當(dāng)今世界主要貿(mào)易國家國內(nèi)法的影響,尤其是相應(yīng)中國法律的立法狀況與立法內(nèi)容的介紹。


Chapter 1 The Legal Environment of International Trade1.1 Globalization and International Trade1.2 Economic Theories Underlying International Trade1.3 History of International Trade Law1.4 Sources of International Trade LawA. International Treaties and ConventionsB. International Trade Customs and UsagesC. National LawD. Other Sources1.5 Comparison of Legal SystemsA. The Romano-Germanic Civil Law SystemB. The Anglo-American Common Law System1.6 The Role of International Organizations in International TradeChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 2 International Sale of Goods (Ⅰ)2.1 What Is Contract?2.2 Classification of Contract2.3 Essential Elements of a Valid Contract2.4 Sources of Rules Governing International Sale of GoodsA. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsB. National LawC. Principles of International Commercial ContractsD. International Customs and Usages: IncotermsChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 3 International Sale of Goods (Ⅱ)3.1 The Sphere of Application of CISGA. Three Requirements for the Application of CISGB. Choice of Law ClausesC. Sales Excluded from CISGD. Contractual Issues Excluded from CISG3.2 General Provisions for Interpretation of CISG3.3 Contract FormationA. The OfferB. The AcceptanceC. Battle of the Forms3.4 Sellers ObligationsA. Obligations of DeliveryB. Obligations of Quality of the GoodsC. OblD. Specific PerformanceE. Other Remedies Available under CISGChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 4 International Carriage of Goods4.1 Carriage of Goods by SeaA. Bills of LadingB. Charterparties4.2 Carriage of Goods by AirA. The Warsaw Convention 1929B. The Montreal Convention 19994.3 Carriage of Goods by Road and Rail4.4 Multimodal Carriage of Goods4.5 Marine Cargo InsuranceA. Types of LossesB. Types of Marine Insurance PoliciesC. Types of CoverageChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 5 Payment in International Trade5.1 Modes of International Payment5.2 Fundamentals of Negotiable Instruments5.3 The Bill of ExchangeA. Laws Governing the Bill of ExchangeB. Brief Requirements of the Bill of ExchangeC. Negotiation of the Bill of Exchange5.4 Documentary Letters of CreditA. OverviewB. The Governing Rules: UCP 600C. Basic Legal Principles5.5 Standby Letters of CreditChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 6 The International Transfer of Intellectual Property6.1 Fundamentals of InTEllectUal Property RightsA. CopyrightsB. PatentsC. TrademarksD. Know-how or Trade Secrets6.2 International Intellectual Property Organizations and Treaties6.3 Regulations on International LicensingA. Rules Regulating the Anticompetitive Aspects of, International LicensingB. Restrictive Business Practices7.3 UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic CommerceA. In GeneralB. Non-Discrimination ProvisionsC. Contract Formation Provisions7.4 Chinas Legislation on Electronic CommerceA. Development of Electronic Commerce in ChinaB. Electronic Signature Law of the Peoples Republic of China7.5 European Unions Law on Electronic CommerceA. Electronic Signature DirectiveB. Personal Data Protection Directive7.6 United States Federal Law - E-SIGN ActChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 8 WTO Law8.1 Historical Development of GATT Law and WTO LawA. The Birth of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)B. Evolution of the GATT and GATT LawC. The Uruguay Round8.2 Overview of the WTOA. What Is the WTO?B. Membership of the WTOC. Structure of the WTO8.3 WTO AgreementsA. WTO Dispute SettlementB. Multilateral Agreements on Trade in GoodsC. The General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)D. The Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS Agreement)8.4 China and the WTOA. Non-market Economy StatusB. Specific Safeguard Mechanism for Products of Chinese OriginC. Specific Safeguard Mechanism for Trade in Textiles and Clothing ProductsChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsChapter 9 National Regulations on Imports and Exports9.1 Introduction9.2 Chinas Regulations on Imports and ExportsA. Overview of Chinas Regulatioas on,Imports and ExportsB. The FundamentalChapter QuestionsChapter 10 Settlement of International Commercial Disputes10.1 Methods of International Commercial Dispute Settlement10.2 Settlement of Commercial Disputes through ArbitrationA. Overview of Arbitration and International Commercial ArbitrationB. Arbitration ClausesC. Arbitration ProcedureD. Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: New York Convention10.3 Settlement of Commercial Disputes Involving States through ArbitrationA. International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)B. Dispute Settlement in the WTO10.4 Settlement of Commercial Disputes through LitigationA. JurisdictionB. Choosing the Governing LawC. Proving Foreign LawD. Recognizing and Enforcing Foreign JudgmentChapter SummaryChapter QuestionsAppendix Ⅰ United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsAppendix Ⅱ Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits UCP 600List of Legal TermsReferences


  Warm-up Questions  1)How do you understand the importance of international trade?  2)What are the differences between international trade and domestic trade?  3)In your opinion,where can you find the rules and norms governing international trade?  4)Do you know some theories the economists have created to justify and explain international trade?  5)Can you name some international organizations,which play a role in regulating international trade?  1. 1 Globalization and International Trade  Trade consists of the import and export of goods,services and technologies. It is as old as the oldest civilization. Throughout the history of mankind,countries traded to obtain needed items ranging from textiles to spices that were not readily available in their own countries. Asia,Middle East,Africa and Europe have been the major marketplaces of trade for hundreds of years. There were famous”silk road”,which linked the market of ancient China with Middle East and Europe,and the first international sea trade route established by the Europeans in the sixteenth century. With the advent of great naval power,Portugal and Spain opened the Americas,India,and the Pacific to trade. For more than three hundreds of years,trade in cotton,corn,horses,weapons and even slaves thrived among Europe,America and Africa




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