
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:江蘇大學(xué)出版社  作者:胡良榮,馮濤,林麗 編寫  頁數(shù):266  字數(shù):520000  


  is written with the references of the previous textbooks of
us, and foreign English teaching works of intellectual property
copyright. Compared with the existing bilingual textbooks, this
book has the following characteristics


  first, it is the purely English edition;second, it is the
combination of theory and legal norms ; third, it is the comparison
of domestic and foreign legislative.


Part I General Remarks on Intellectual Property Law,
Chapter 1 The Scope of Intellectual Property Rights
1.1 Concept and Scope of Intellectual Property Rights
1.2 The Legal Nature of Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter 2 The Scope of Intellectual Property Law
2.1 The Concept of Intellectual Property Law
2.2 The Characteristics of Intellectual Property Law
Chapter 3 Regional Structure of Intellectual Property Law in
3.1 Overview of Legal Protection of IPIk in China
3.2 Intellectual Property Law in Mainland China02t
3.3 Intellectual Property Legislation in Hong Kong
3.4 Intellectual Property Law in Taiwan
Part H Copyright Law
Chapter 4 Legislation of Copyright
4.1 Concept and Nature of Copyright
4.2 Copyright Law and Its Legal Position in Civil Law
4.3 Formation and Development of the Copyright System
Chapter 5 Subject of Copyright
5.1 Concept of Subject of Copyright and Its
5.2 Subject of Copyright of Special Works
Chapter 6 Object of Copyright
6.1 Definition and Classification of Copyright Works
6.2 Protection of Expressio of Folklore
6.3 Protection of Computer Software
Chapter 7 Content of Copyright
7.1 Pe onal Rights
7.2 Property Rights
7.3 Acquisition of Copyright and the Duration
Chapter 8 Neighboring Rights of Works
8.1 Overview of Neighboring Rights
8.2 Main Content of Neighboring Rights
Chapter 9 Exploitation of Copyright
9.1 Copyright Assignmentt
9.2 Lice ing of Copyright
9.3 Other Uses of Copyright
Chapter 10 Copyright Restrictio
10.1 Fair Use
10.2 Statutory Lice ing
10.3 Compulsory Lice ing
Chapter 11 Legal Protection of Copyright
11.1 Concept and Co titutive Requirements of Copyright
11.2 Classificatio of Copyright Infringement
11.3 Enforcement Measures
Part HI Patents
Chapter 12 Foundation of Patent Protection
12.1 Origi and Development of Patent Law
12.2 Patent Basics
12.3 The Two Theories of Patent Protection
Chapter 13 The Third Revision of the IP in China
13.1 Background and the Process of the Revision
13.2 The Main Points of Revision to the Patent Law and Its
Implementing Regulatio
13.3 Explanatio on Main Points of Revision
Chapter 14 The Subject Matter of Patents
14.1 Ideas v. Applicatio
14.2 Processes as Subject Matter Apart from Products
14.3 The Boundaries of the Three Product Categories
14.4 The Subject Matte
Chapter 15 Patentability
15.1 Novelty
15.2 Utility
15.3 Non-obviousness
Chapter 16 Patenting Process
16.1 The Patentee
16.2 Joint Invention
16.3 Prosecuting a Patent Application
16.4 The Specificatio and Claims
16.5 The Limits of Agency Discretion
16.6 Claims Drafting
16.7 Reissue and Re-examination
Chapter 17 Infringement and Remedies
17.1 Infringement
17.2 Remedies
Part IV Trademarks
Chapter 18 The Foundation of Trademarks Protection
18.1 Origi and Development of Trademark Law
18.2 Common Law Trademark
18.3 Registration
Chapter 19 Distinctiveness
19.1 Different Markets
19.2 Prior Use
19.3 Secondary Meaning and Descriptiveness
19.4 The Ba agai t Geographic Marks, Immoral Marks, and
Chapter 20 Dilution and the Expa ion of Trademark Doctrine
20.1 Trademarks and Goodwill
20.2 Likelihood of Expa ion
20.3 The Interests Protected
20.4 State Anti-dilution Statutes
Chapter 21 Loss of Trademark Protection and Partial
21.1 Partial Rights
21.2 The Rights of a Senior Registrant Agai t a Pre-registration
21.3 The Rights of a Junior Registrant Agai t a Pre-registration
21.4 Concurrent Registration
21.5 Abandonment
21.6 Incontestability
Chapter 22 Trademark Practice
22.1 Fi t Use in Commerce
22.2 Standing
Chapter 23 Subject Matter
23.1 Certification Marks
23.2 Collection Marks
23.3 Service Marks
23.4 Primary Purpose
23.5 The Functional Bar
23.6 Color
Chapter 24 Infringement and Remedies
24.1 Infringement
24.2 Remedies
Part V Anti-unfair Competition Law
Chapter 25 Introduction and Enforcement
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Enforcement
Chapter 26 Unfair Competition Acts
Chapter 27 Supervision and Respo ibilities
27.1 Supervision
27.2 Legal Respo ibility
Chapter 28 Merger Regulatio under Competition Law
28.1 Introduction
28.2 The Meaning of Merger
28.3 Exemptio to Merger Prohibition
28.4 Formation of Controlling Relation
Part VI Protection of Undisclosed Information
Chapter 29 The Characteristics of Undisclosed Information
Chapter 30 Protection of Undisclosed Information in TRIPs
30.1 Legislation
30.2 Implicatio for Drug Registration Data
Chapter 31 Protection of Undisclosed Information in China
31.1 Overview of Trade Secret Protection in China
31.2 Legislation
31.3 Confidential Information or Business Secrets
31.4 Offe e of Infringement and Its Judicial Definition


PrefacePart I General Remarks on Intellectual Property Law,Chapter 1 The Scope of Intellectual Property Rights1.1 Concept and Scope of Intellectual Property Rights1.2 The Legal Nature of Intellectual Property RightsChapter 2 The Scope of Intellectua



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