
出版時(shí)間:2009-4  出版社:江蘇大學(xué)出版社  作者:彭建武,陳士法 主編  頁數(shù):299  


本書共有11章,每章均包含4個(gè)部分:(1)正文內(nèi)容。每一章內(nèi)容均簡明扼要地對所涉及的英語語言學(xué)理論和知識進(jìn)行論述,并特別將理論講解和對相關(guān)例題的分析相結(jié)合,使學(xué)生融會貫通。(2)課后練習(xí)。從各大高校的英語語言學(xué)試卷中精選一部分試題作為課后練習(xí)題,試題覆蓋面廣,并與每一章的內(nèi)容緊密聯(lián)系,使學(xué)生在答題過程中掌握理論知識,并提高應(yīng)試能力。(3)參考答案。書后附有詳細(xì)的解題思路和參考答案,對學(xué)生應(yīng)對研究生入學(xué)考試十分奏效。(4)參考文獻(xiàn)。每章后附有參考文獻(xiàn),可作為推薦讀物來提高學(xué)生對該章的學(xué)習(xí)效果,并為讀者繼續(xù)閱讀、學(xué)習(xí)提供了較大的便利。     本書是英語語言學(xué)理論方面的通俗讀物,在對重要概念和相關(guān)理論進(jìn)行清晰講解時(shí),盡量避免生冷、晦澀,力求做到淺顯易懂、講練結(jié)合、可讀性強(qiáng),幫助讀者輕松掌握、綜合歸納、靈活運(yùn)用。本書可作為高校英語專業(yè)的本科生教材,也可用作英語專業(yè)碩士研究生入學(xué)考試的備考指導(dǎo)用書,還適用于所有對英語語言學(xué)感興趣的人們閱讀和研修。


Chapter 1  Towards Linguistics: Some Fundamental Concepts 1.1  What Is Language?   1.2  Design Features 1.3  Functions of Language 1.4  The Origin of Language 1.5  What Is Linguistics?  1.6  Areas of General Linguistics 1.7  Guiding Principles for Linguistic Studies 1.8  Some Basic Distinctions in Linguistics  Exercises ReferencesChapter 2  Speech Sounds 2.1  Speech Production and Perception 2.2  Speech Organs 2.3  Consonants 2.4  Vowels 2.5  Coarticulation and Phonetic Transcription 2.6  Phonological Analysis 2.7  Phonemes and Allophones   2.8  Distinctive Features 2.9  Phonological Processes 2.10  Suprasegmental Features Exercises ReferencesChapter 3  Lexicon 3.1  Lexicon 3.2  Word   3.3  Morpheme 3.4  Inflection and Word-Formation 3.5  Phonology and Morphology 3.6  Lexical Change 3.7  Idiom 3.8  Collocation Exercises ReferencesChapter 4  Syntax 4.1  The Traditional Approach 4.2  The Structural Approach 4.3  The Generative Approach Exercises ReferencesChapter 5  Meaning 5.1  Meanings of "Meaning"  5.2  Different Approaches to Meaning 5.3  Word Meaning 5.4  Sentence Meaning 5.5  Semantic Analysis Exercises ReferencesChapter 6  Psycholinguistics 6.1  First Language Acquisition 6.2  Second Language Acquisition 6.3  Language Comprehension 6.4  Language Production Exercises References  Chapter 7  Language, Culture and Society 7.1 Language and Culture 7.2  Language and Society   Exercises   ReferencesChapter 8  Pragmatics 8.1  Speech Act Theory 8.2  The Theory of Conversational Implicature 8.3  Conversational Analysis Exercises ReferencesChapter 9  Stylistics  9.1  How to Define Stylistics?   9.2  Potential Stylistic Features 9.3  Literary Stylistics Exercises ReferencesChapter 10  Foreign Language Teaching and Testing 10.1  Theories of Foreign Language Teaching 10.2  Syllabus Design 10.3  Testing 10.4  Summary Exercises ReferencesChapter 11  Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics 11.1  The Beginning of Modem Linguistics 11.2  American Structuralist Linguistics 11.3  Functionalist Linguistics Theories 11.4  Transformational-Generative Grammar Exercises ReferencesKeys to the Exercises




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