
出版時間:2008-11  出版社:中國傳媒大學出版社  作者:蘇志武 丁俊杰主編,羅青執(zhí)行主編  頁數(shù):296  


2007年9月中國傳媒大學亞洲傳媒研究中心成功舉辦了為期十天的“2007亞洲傳媒論壇”國際學術活動周,本次學術活動周以“全球化體育事件與體育傳播”為主題,由中國傳媒大學和韓國高等教育財團聯(lián)合主辦,亞洲傳媒研究中心承辦,并由西班牙巴塞羅那自治大學奧林匹克研究中心和瑞士盧加諾大學中國傳媒觀察研究中心協(xié)辦。來自巴塞羅那、雅典、悉尼、倫敦、慕尼黑、首爾等數(shù)十年來最具代表性的奧林匹克舉辦城市所在國家的重要學術機構及研究學者參加了這次論壇,國內外傳媒界圍繞“奧林匹克全球化和體育事件的大傳播觀”等多個分議題展開了多元化、高水平的學術對話?! ?007年是中國籌辦奧運會的重要一年,以奧運會為代表的現(xiàn)代全球性體育賽事已經(jīng)超越了競技體育的內涵本身,變成了基于傳媒且互動于傳媒的媒介事件,全球化體育事件的傳播特征出現(xiàn)了承載力極為豐富的新變化。




傳播視閾中的體育媒介事件Sports Events:A Communication Perspective從傳播學視角進行奧林匹克研究的幾個關鍵問題The Key Issue of a Communication Approach on Olympic Research I[西班牙]Miquel de MORAGAS21世紀媒介體育的東西方平衡The East-West Balance in 21 st Century Media Sport I[澳大利亞]David ROWE歐洲政策框架內的體育與媒介Sports and the Media in the Eu ropean Framework[比利時]Mathieu MOREUIL奧運的視角:全球性媒介事件和國家軟實力建構An Olympic Perspective:Global Media Events and Setting ofNational Soft Power“中國”錢海虹體育全球化與跨文化傳播Globalizafim of Sports&Intercultural Conmamications通過奧運報道進行跨文化理解的可能性存在嗎?Is Cross.Cultural Understanding Possible through Olympic Journalism?[美國]Susan BROWNELL個性化?同質化?全球化?——媒介融合對重大體育事件提出的挑戰(zhàn)Major Sports Events,Communication and Electronic Media:Is therestill a PIace for a Universal Vision of the Olympic Games?[法國]Francoise PAPA大眾傳媒與奧林匹克——以伊朗、巴西和中國的比較研究為例The Olympic Games and Mass Media with Comparative Studies on I ran,Brazil&China:Past,Present,and Future[伊朗]Hamid GHASEMI[巴西]Leonand0 MATARUNA[中國]WANGfang全球化體育事件與大體育傳播觀GIobalization of Sports and Communication Complexity[中國]羅青體育事件與媒介再現(xiàn)Representing Sports Events奧運傳播中的關鍵影像:2004雅典案例Key Olympic Visuals and Power Shifts[德國]Peter LUDES奧運儀式與跨文化交流:2008北京奧運會的挑戰(zhàn)The Olympic Ceremonies and Intercultu ral Exchange:Challenges forthe Beijing 2008 Olympic Games[西班牙]Christopher KENNElq意圖與策略:“北京奧運火炬?zhèn)鬟f”報道中媒介現(xiàn)實的構建Intention and Strategy:The C0n5trucnon of Media Reality inReporting of Beijing Evening Daily for“Beijing Olympic TorchRelay”[中國]馮?,F(xiàn)代性的英雄:足球賽事直播文本的原型分析Modern Hero:Archetypal Analysis of the Live Football Match[中國】姬德強體育傳播與媒介多樣性Sports Communication and Cultural Diversity電視媒體中的體育全球化和文化多樣性Sports Globalization and Cultural Diversity in TV[德國]Thomas KIRSCH體育新聞與傳播:數(shù)字化時代的挑戰(zhàn)和機遇Sports Journalism and Communication: Challenges andOpportunities in the Digital Media Age[英國]Raymond BOYLE中國奧運媒介之百年發(fā)展變遷Centennial Development and Variation of Chinese Olympic Media[中國]薛文婷奧運傳播中的個人身份與角色建構The Construction af Personal identities and Roles in the OlympicCommunications[中國]曹順妮世紀初亞太地區(qū)遠東運動會與“亞洲意識”的發(fā)展The Far Eastern Games and the Formation of Asian Identity in theAsia—Pacific during the Early Twentieth Century[新加坡]Lou ANTOLIHAO新體育、新經(jīng)濟、新傳媒New Sports,New Economy。New MeSa重大體育事件的傳播新動向New Trends in the Communication of Mega Sports Events[希臘]Roy PANAGIOTOPOULOU窺探奧林匹克的未來——對世界電子體育競技大賽及其贊助方的研究Peeking the Two Olympics:A Descriptive Study of the WCG and itsSponsorship[韓國]Young—ham,SEO從電視轉播權之爭看中國體育電視的發(fā)展趨勢A View of the Development Trends of China’S Sports TV from theStruggle for Broadcasting Rights[中國]洪建平從“奧運報道聯(lián)盟”看網(wǎng)絡媒體的競爭與合作Competition and Cooperation among Internet Media:“OlympicCoverage Alliance”as a Case[中國]程穎體育攝影視覺表現(xiàn)的進步與互動傳播的未來The Innovation and Development of Sports Visual Communication[中國]程鐵良征稿啟事


  Indeed,the influence of the ECI has been very important in terms of the organization of sport in Europe.First of all it has indicated that European law provisions should apply to sporting bodies who do not benefit from any exemption.Secondly,it has influenced sport governance by reinforcing players and clubs positions and balancing federations leadership.Finally,by modiring the traditional transfer scheme in football,it has reinforced the development of a real sport industry.Indeed.by suppressing the nationality criteria as welI as the transfer fees at the expi ration of the working contract,it has indi rectly provoked an increase in number and amount oftransfers and the concentration of the best players whatever their nationality in the best clubs.Such concentration has been attractive for TV broadcasters,leading to incteasedinvestment in TV rights?  The ECI intervention did not create the so.called“sport business”.Howevet it helped the development of a professional sport industry by deregulating transfers and media rights markets. European competition provisions appliedto selling of TV rights for sport According to the ECI.sport is subject to European law only in so far as it constitutes an economic activity.Naturally,the acquisition and sublicensing of broadcaing rights and the sale of advertising slots constitute examples of activities of an economic nature covered by Eu ropean law.  ......



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