
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:董敏 中國海洋大學出版社 (2009-05出版)  作者:董敏  






總序一總序二序一序二前方List of FiguresList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationales for the present study1.1.1 Rationale from the field of discourse analysis 1.1.2 Rationale from the domain of forensic linguistics1.2 Objectives of the present study1.3 Data and methodology1.4 Organization of the bookChapter 2 Literature Review on Genre and Genre Analysis2.1 Introduction2.2 Conception of genre in literary theory2.3 Conception of genre in ethnography of speaking2.4 Text-internal definition of genre and text-based descriptions of text structure of genre2.4.1 Conception of genre as text type——text-internal genre2.4.2 Text-based descriptions of text structure of genre2.5 Genre as the functional composite construct of text and context2.5.1 Halliday's conception of genre2.5.2 Hasan's conception of genre2.5.3 Martin's connotative semiotic model of genre vs. ESP conception of genre vs. New Rhetoric conception of genre2.6 Bakhtin's conception of speech genre2.7 Concluding remarksChapter 3 Praxis-Oriented Social Semiotic Perspective on Generic Semantic Configuration3.1 Introduction3.2 The conception of genre as generic semantic configuration3.3 Praxis-oriented social semiotic perspective3.3.1 Socio-functional social semiotic perspective on language3.3.2 Socio-critical social semiotic theory of discourse3.4 Context of discourse community3.4.1 Genre as associated with discourse community in contextual terms3.4.2 Notion of code within context of discourse community3.4.3 Notion of social heteroglossia in context of discourse community3.5 Configuration of text-based semantic patterns——text-based semantic configuration3.6 Concluding remarksChapter 4 Forensic Linguistic Study of Language and Law4.1 Introduction4.2 Status quo of forensic linguistics abroad4.2.1 Relationship between language and law4.2.2 Classification of legal discourse——legal text typology4.2.3 Systemic functional approach to analysis of legal discourse4.2.4 Genre-based approaches to analysis of legal discourse4.3 Forensic linguistic research on judicial judgments4.4 Status quo of forensic linguistics at home4.5 Concluding remarksChapter 5 Generic Structure Potential of Current First Instance Civil Case Judgments in China5.1 Introduction5.2 Legal characteristics of civil case judgments5.2.1 Basic concepts related to civil litigation5.2.2 Characteristics of judicial justice5.3 Legal issues relevant to current judicial judgments in China5.4 Generic Structure Potential of current first instance civil case judgments in China5.5 Concluding remarksChapter 6 Generic Semantic Configuration of One Current First Instance Civil Case Judgment in ChinaChapter 7 ConclusionAppendixBibliography后記



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