
出版時(shí)間:2008-6  出版社:北京航空航天大學(xué)出版社  作者:梁曉暉 編著  頁數(shù):234  字?jǐn)?shù):353000  


感謝《全新英語讀寫一體化教程·閱讀與寫作》叢書出版四年來老師們的大力支持。通過這四年的教學(xué)與科研,我們更加深切地意識(shí)到我們的學(xué)生對用科學(xué)的方法進(jìn)行英語讀寫訓(xùn)練的渴求。    在英國做訪問學(xué)者期間,對那里的英語語言文學(xué)專業(yè)學(xué)生的閱讀能力頗有感觸。他們的本科生平均每學(xué)期有三門課,研究生每學(xué)期有兩門課。除了大班講座以外的所有課程,老師只負(fù)責(zé)介紹基本知識(shí)點(diǎn),啟發(fā)學(xué)生按照正確的方向提出問題,并對學(xué)生的觀點(diǎn)加以評(píng)述;而一半以上的時(shí)間學(xué)生可以發(fā)表自己的觀點(diǎn),或者評(píng)論同學(xué)的觀點(diǎn)。學(xué)生發(fā)言的思路全部來自課外閱讀指定的參考書。每門課的教師都會(huì)列出書單。低年級(jí)本科生平均每月至少閱讀一本大部頭評(píng)論書籍,中篇著作兩至三本,另外還有很多評(píng)論性文章。高年級(jí)同學(xué)每周至少閱讀一本中長篇小說,兩篇以上評(píng)論性文章和若干評(píng)論書籍的章節(jié)。研究生需要每兩周閱讀一本長篇小說和一本理論書籍。這是基本閱讀量。為了準(zhǔn)備期中、期末、畢業(yè)論文,學(xué)生還會(huì)盡可能多地閱讀理論書籍。這樣才能使他們在寫論文時(shí)思路靈敏,文章寫得有理有據(jù)。當(dāng)然,他們閱讀的是母語。但我們的中文系學(xué)生閱讀母語時(shí)也很少有人能夠達(dá)到這樣高的閱讀速度,更不用說要一本本地閱讀英文書籍了。    值此教材再版之際,把幾年來使用這套教材的心得與大家共同分享。    既然提倡學(xué)生要變通地閱讀,這套教材也可以變通地使用。比如:上冊Unit 5,Text A中的第二至第五段是同樣內(nèi)容的不同句式安排。可以要求學(xué)生在看完第二段后根據(jù)教師的提示自己試寫出第三至第五段,然后與課文對照。Unit 6,Text A中有一些中文式英語語句,可以找出來讓學(xué)生修改。Unit 7,Text A,可以讓學(xué)生通讀原文,找出文章結(jié)構(gòu),畫出生詞,從頭到尾猜測所有的生詞詞義。在教師的引導(dǎo)下,學(xué)生是可以猜出大多數(shù)單詞的大致含義的。下冊的Unit 2,Text B選自劉潤青的《語言與文化》,這本書簡明實(shí)用,又是中英文對照,可以鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生閱讀英語書籍。另外我們有-些Reading Skills里的難句摘自《傲慢與偏見》,如果學(xué)生已經(jīng)閱讀了一定數(shù)量的英文簡寫本小說,就可以開始閱讀有一些故事情節(jié)的原著了。


給教師的話——寫在《全新英語讀寫一體化教程•閱讀與寫作》(修訂版)叢書即將出版之際A Few Words to Teachers上 Section OneHuman Relationships  Unit 1 An Open Heart  Unit 2 Parents and Children  Unit 3 Encouragement Section TwoMind and Action  Unit 4 Happiness  Unit 5 Approaches to Reading  Unit 6 The Younger Generation Section ThreeHumans and Nature  Unit 7 Humans and Animals  Unit 8 Seasons Key to Exercises  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4  Unit 5  Unit 6  Unit 7  Unit 8下 Section OneHumans and Culture  Unit 1 The Westerner s Character  Unit 2 Intercultural Communication Section TwoMind and Action  Unit 3 Self improvement  Unit 4 Friendship  Unit 5 Personality of a Leader  Unit 6 Love and Marriage Section ThreeTechnology and Economy  Unit 7 Technology  Unit 8 Economy Key to Exercises  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4  Unit 5  Unit 6  Unit 7  Unit 8附錄 附錄一 附錄二 附錄三


  2. The best means of helping students retain new words is to teach them to draw the network of an associative field centered on a term that has specific meanings in the text. This drawing will show clearly the various relationships between the specific term and the other related words.  In an associative field, everything connected with the central word—its collocations①, situational sets, semantic sets and other associative ideas——can all be included, thereby forming a network.  Situational sets. Situational sets are cohesive chains of lexical relationships in discourse. For example, university, lecture room, lectern, library form a situational set. They are groups of words that are associated because of the subject of the text, its purpose or its construction, they are words related to a particular situation. The words in situational sets form one kind of element in the associative field.  Semantic sets: Semantic sets are words linked by such relationships as synonyms (sofa, couch, divan), antonyms (big, small; tall, short; rich, poor), coordinates (oak, elm, ginko), super ordinates (上限詞 ) (horse, animal; carp, fish; rice, grain), subordinates(下限詞) (fruit, pear; meat, pork; area of study, English), and stimulus- response pairs (關(guān)系組合) (accident, car; baby, mother). They contribute to the chains of associations and are another way of bringing words together.  3. It is more important for students to recognize certain sentence structures in reading and to use them in writing effortlessly than it is for them to remember only the forms of the sentence structure. Techniques that enhance recognition and production are to be centered on the function of the structure rather than on its form; that is, on the searching for appropriate structures to fit the particular occasion. That is why sentence structure may be best taught if the structure is connected with its function.



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  •   不是說3天嗎?怎么四天才到啊,我快回家了啊

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