
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:北京航空航天大學出版社  作者:梁曉暉 等編著  頁數(shù):232  字數(shù):298000  


本套教材在編寫過程中遵從了以下原則:    1.教材在設(shè)計中通過寫作調(diào)動學生閱讀——在寫作實踐中學生在詞語表達、文章組織上的困惑激發(fā)了他們的閱讀興趣,并增強了他們在閱讀過程中吸收知識的敏感度。所以本教材不僅適用于閱讀、寫作綜合課程,也適用于單獨設(shè)立的泛讀課程。    2.教材在選文上按照與人有關(guān)的話題劃分了總的框架,緊貼學生生活及學生所關(guān)心的事物,以語言功能為統(tǒng)領(lǐng),以題材完全相同,甚至話題相同的一組組文章作為主課文,由記敘文過渡到各種體裁相結(jié)合,從而調(diào)動學生對同一問題進行多角度分析和思考的能力。    3.各單元開頭的閱讀技能訓練從字面意義理解、引申意義理解過渡到批評性理解,從詞句理解上升為對作者意圖的判定,囊括了閱讀理解的全部思維過程及英語語言的基本特點,幫助學生透析閱讀理解及英語語言的奧秘。     4.利用語篇幫助學生建立語義場以及反映同一思想的各種表達方式:引導學生從詞匯關(guān)系人手,用科學的方法記單詞,改變學生無序背單詞的現(xiàn)狀。在練習中體現(xiàn)學生需要掌握的積極詞匯及使用場合,便于寫作。    5.語法和句型訓練不僅體現(xiàn)系統(tǒng)語法的規(guī)則,即重點在于語言的內(nèi)部底層關(guān)系,更體現(xiàn)了功能語法的規(guī)則,即針對語言結(jié)構(gòu)在語篇中的功能的學習。幫助學生掌握英語句型的奧妙和使用方法,改變學生孤立學習語法及英文寫作時中文表述的現(xiàn)狀。    6.注重培養(yǎng)學生對謀篇機制及文章結(jié)構(gòu)的認識,意識到在表達思想時各句不能孤立使用,應(yīng)依靠銜接機制相互粘合:英文思想表達具有一定的邏輯結(jié)構(gòu)。這樣既可以大大提高學生的閱讀速度及理解能力,又能解決學生在寫作時句與句之間意思交錯、跳躍、邏輯關(guān)系不清的問題。    7.《全新英語讀寫一體化教程,閱讀與寫作》(修訂版)叢書適合大學一、二年級學生以及培訓期為一至兩年的學生使用。


Section One Human Relationships  Unit 1 An Open Herat   Text A Angel on a Doorstep   Text B The Woman Who Would Not Tell  Text C Mama and the Garfield Boys Unit 2 Parents and Children  Text A A Simple Act of Love  Text B Mystery of the White Gardenia   Text C My No.l priority Unit 3 Encouragement   Text A Beethoven's Kiss  Text B Words theat Work Miracles  Text C profits of praiseSection Two Mind and Action  Unit 4 Happiness  Text A Simple Truth about Happiness  Text B The Secret of True Happiness  Text C The Terribly Tragically Sad Man Unit 5 Approaches to Reading  Text A Comprehension Skills  Text B How to Find Time to Read  Text C The Learning Revolution: Relearn how to read-faster, better, more easily Unit 6 The Younger Generation  Text A New-New Generation(新新人類)—A Special Lifestyle  Text B An Insider's Guide to Teen-speak  Text C Coexisting with TeenagersSection Three Humans and Nature Unit 7 Humans and Animals  Text A Canine Crisis  Text B About Montmorency  Text C Old Ranger Unit 8 Seasons  Text A Song of Autumn  Text B Spring Diary  Text C When the Sun Stood StillGlossary  Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4  Unit 5  Unit 6  Unit 7  Unit 8


  4 "She was a pretty woman," he said, "with six children and another on the way. She was always saying, Im going to pay you soon, when my husband gets a second job. I believed her. What a fool I was! I thought I was doing a good thing, but Ive learned my lesson. Ive had! " All I could say was, "Im so sorry."  5 The next time I saw him, his anger seemed worse. He bristled as he talked about the messy young ones who had drunk up all his milk.  6 I repeated my condolences and let the matter rest. But when Ben left, I found myself caught up in his problem and longed to help. Worried that this incident would sour a warm person, I mulled over what to do. Then, remembering that Christmas was coming, I thought of what my grandmother used to say: "When someone has taken from you, give it to them, and then you can never be robbed."  7 The next time Ben delivered milk, I told him I had a way to make him feel better about the $79.  8 "Nothing will do that," he said, "but tell me anyway."  9 "Give the woman the milk. Make it a Christmas present to the kids who needed it."  10 "Are you kidding? " he replied. "I dont even get my wife a Christmas gift that expensive."  11 "You know the Bible says,I was a stranger and you took me in. You just took her in with all her little children."  12 "Dont you mean she took me in? The trouble with you is, it wasnt your $79."  13 I let the subject drop, but I still believed in my suggestion.  14 Wed joke about it when hed come. "Have you given her the milk yet? " Id say.




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