
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:清華大學出版社有限公司  作者:周紅紅,楊若東 主編  頁數(shù):291  


  《高級英語寫作》(Advanced English Writing)是北京交通大學研究生英語教研室所承擔的中國學位與研究生教育學會“十一五”研究課題《研究生英語讀寫課程教學的改革與研究》的成果之一,是基于研究生英語作文語料庫,通過對研究生英語作文典型錯誤的統(tǒng)計、分析和研究,專門為我國非英語專業(yè)碩士生和博士生編寫的英語寫作教材。本教材主要操練英語寫作的各個主要環(huán)節(jié),介紹英語學術論文和常見應用文的寫作,通過課堂教學和課內外學習,切實幫助研究生提高實用英語寫作能力?! ”窘滩牡闹饕厣缦隆! ∫弧⑨槍π?。本教材是在對我校非英語專業(yè)研究生的英語學習狀況和寫作需求進行了大規(guī)模調研的基礎上制定的編寫計劃,編者們針對學生的弱點和需求,力圖在有限的篇幅內為學生們提供最有效的寫作信息和思維及語言訓練。  二、創(chuàng)新性。目前國內圖書市場上常見的寫作教材以介紹英語文體為主,內容往往淺顯有余而深度不足,不能滿足研究生階段的寫作需求。同時,寫作教材通常以專題介紹和范文分析為主,缺乏供學生思考和討論的練習,寫作課只能以教師講授為主,學生們缺乏積極參與的機會,無法通過親身實踐提高寫作技能。本教材力求在這兩方面有所建樹,一是根據研究生階段的寫作需求介紹學術論文和常用應用文的寫作技巧及注意事項,二是按照以學生為中心的課堂教學需要編寫教學內容,以練為主,通過讀寫訓練實現(xiàn)提高寫作能力的目的?! ∪?、實用性。本教材不僅介紹記敘文、描寫文、說明文和議論文等一般性英語文體的寫作技巧,而且訓練學生們學術論文和應用文的寫作技能,總結中國學生寫作常用的表達,分析和更正他們寫作時常犯的錯誤,為他們在專業(yè)學習、求學、留學、謀職和供職時具有一定的英語寫作技能打下堅實的基礎。


《高級英語寫作》(Advanced English Writing)針對目前我國非英語專業(yè)碩士生和博士生的英語基礎和他們對英語學術論文及常見應用文的寫作需求,從最基本的寫作技巧人手,由詞一句一段一篇到學術研究和論文寫作以及申請書、簡歷、考試作文寫作,系統(tǒng)而又深入淺出地講解寫作要點,分析學生寫作弱點,通過大量有針對性的練習幫助學生實現(xiàn)在短時間內最大限度地提高寫作水平的目的。


Chapter One  Basic Writing Techniques 1.1  Diction  1.1.1  Formal and Informal Words  1.1.2  General and Specific Words 1.2  Grammar  1.2.1  Subject-Verb Agreement  1.2.2  Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement  1.2.3  Pronoun Reference 1.3  Mechanics  1.3.1  Capitalization  1.3.2  Punctuation  1.3.3  ManuscriptChapter Two  Sentence Style 2.1  Basic Sentence Patterns  2.1.1  Clauses  2.1.2  Kinds of Sentences 2.2  Sentence Unity  2.2.1  Preservation of Sentence Unity  2.2.2  Precautions Against No Unity 2.3  Sentence Coherence 2.4  Sentence Expansion 2.5  Sentence Variety  2.5.1  Varying Sentence Length and Emphasis  2.5.2  Varying Sentence Beginnings  2.5.3  Inverting the Normal Word Order  2.5.4  Varying Simple Sentences  2.5.5  Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences Combined Chapter Three  Sentence Improvement 3.1  Parallelism 3.2  Faulty Modification  3.2.1  Stacked Modifiers  3.2.2  Misplaced Modifiers  3.2.3  Dangling Modifiers 3.3  Sentence Fragments  3.3.1  Revising Dependent Clause Fragments  3.3.2  Revising Phrase Fragments  3.3.3  Revising Appositive Fragments  3.3.4  Using Fragments Intentionally 3.4  Choppy Sentences   3.5  Run-ons 3.6  Stringy SentencesChapter Four  Paragraph Writing 4.1  Paragraph Structure  4.1.1  Topic Sentence  4.1.2  Supporting Sentences  4.1.3  Concluding Sentence 4.2  Paragraph Unity 4.3  Paragraph Coherence  4.3.1  Repetition of Key Nouns  4.3.2  Use of Consistent Pronouns    4.3.3  Transition .Signals 4.4  Paragraph Outlining  4.4.1  The "Parallel Form" Rule  4.4.2  The "Equivalent Value" Rule 4.5  Paragraph Development  4.5.1  Chronological Order  4.5.2  Logical Division of Ideas/Order of Importance  4.5.3  Comparison and Contrast  4.5.4  Cause and Effect  4.5.5  Exemplification  4.5.6  Quotations  4.5.7  Paraphrases and SummariesChapter Five  Essay Writing 5.1  Characteristics of an Effective Essay 5.2  Structure of an Essay   ……Chapter Six Making a ResearchChapter Seven Writing the ThesisChapter Eight Writing for Special PurposesKeys to ExercisesBibliography


  Clustering  Clustering is another brainstorming activity to generate ideas. As a prewriting invention technique, clustering is a visual way to show logical relations between and among ideas. It is a non-linear brainstorming technique whose results yield a visual representation of the subjects and organization. It asks that you be receptive to words and phrases and trust your instincts. So, you can always start with a stimulus word——the word or phrase that represents the first, tentative idea of the whole——circled in the center of the page. Then, as each new word or idea strikes, give it a new circle and draw a line from it to the preceding circle. When some new ideas occur, radiate them from the stimulus word or from any word/phrase that seemed to prompt the new idea or strand. Write quickly and be sensitive to any emerging structure. Keep clustering until the moment when a sense of the whole is achieved, that a structure has made itself known. It is suggested that the end layer of this clustering should be examples, facts, etc. which may be used for supporting sentences in a paragraph.  Clustering is a generative tool (i.e. makes use of the unconsciousness in retrieving information) that helps to connect thoughts, feelings, and ideas not connected before. It loosely structures ideas as they occur in a shape that allows for the further generation. It taps the associative powers in a self-organizing process, encouraging a writer to create personally meaningful patterns. On the other hand, clustering can frustrate more linear thinkers——-those who need neatness and order to think clearly.



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用戶評論 (總計13條)


  •   此書內容比較簡單,只是一些基本的常識的寫作,達不到高級寫作的水平。這書是針對我國非英語碩士編寫的,甚至對英語專業(yè)的本科學生都覺得簡單了,看了之后覺得枉稱“高級”二字。我買錯了...
  •   質量不錯,獲益匪淺,對英語提高很有幫助。
  •   目前只看了一點點,但是感覺寫書的人很專業(yè),文筆很西化,有點原汁原味的感覺,還配有練習。效果很好的。
  •   很實用,essay writing部分有點弱
  •   全英文的教科書,比較詳細和基礎
  •   很實用啊,很喜歡,基礎部分很扎實。
  •   看起來不錯的書,是指定教材,幫同學買的,她很喜歡
  •   正在迫切提高寫作水平
  •   教材用書,博士課程用
  •   總的來說,質量還是不錯的
  •   書的質量還行,就是打折太少,老師強力推薦的教材
  •   書不錯,不過內容挺多,好好學吧

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
