
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:清華大學出版社有限公司  作者:趙新,王建榮 主編  頁數(shù):216  


  聽是語言學習及運用過程中不可或缺的一個重要環(huán)節(jié),聽力技能的提高對于高等院校英語專業(yè)基礎階段的學習則顯得尤為迫切、極其關鍵。為了滿足該階段英語教和學的實際需要,我們在借鑒近年來英語聽力教學研究成果的基礎上,結合教師的課堂教學實踐,緊扣最新的《高等院校英語專業(yè)基礎階段英語教學大綱》的要求,完成了本教材的編寫及錄音合成工作。  本教材希望通過系統(tǒng)的聽力技能單項訓練和綜合訓練,幫助學生發(fā)掘自身的潛能,養(yǎng)成良好的聽的習慣,提高信息處理及記錄、記憶能力,能夠做到快速反應、準確識別,善于展開分析推理、歸納總結?! ”窘滩挠幸韵聨讉€方面的突出特點?! ?.題材廣泛,語料豐富,內(nèi)容包羅萬象、涉及寬泛,同時強調語言的真實性、典型性和實用性,以增進學生對目的語言的文化理解,從而使學生能夠學以致用?! ?.練習形式多樣,聽與寫結合,為適應英語專業(yè)四級考試的聽力測試形式,在練習的編寫上除保留技能訓練的常見題型外,增加了專題聽寫及新聞、長對話和短文等客觀題型。  3. 重視語言基本功的培養(yǎng),針對中國學生學習的弱點,設計了辨音及數(shù)字辨識等有針對性的技能練習,而且內(nèi)容安排由簡至繁、循序漸進,系統(tǒng)地訓練和提高學生的英語聽力技能。  4.每單元極富情趣的幽默故事或對話有利于緩解學習壓力,營造輕松的課堂氣氛?! ?.每單元的結構基本一致,從而能夠使教學過程駕輕就熟、從容地展開。本教材每單元的結構均包括以下5部分?! 〉谝徊糠郑罕嬉粲柧??! 〉诙糠郑簾嵘砭毩?。提供適當?shù)那腥它c,引導學生進入主題。  第三部分:專題訓練。所選材料與話題密切相關,形式多為小對話、長對話及段落等?! 〉谒牟糠郑盒侣劶皥蟮?。篩選最新的VOA、BBc等的新聞報道、短評或講話等材料,幫助學生聽懂新聞?! 〉谖宀糠郑狠p松一刻。以輕松幽默的方式結束緊張的聽力課堂教學?! ”窘滩墓矁蓛?,每冊30個單元,可供高等學校英語專業(yè)一、二年級學生使用,同時也適合師范類院校、廣播電視大學、成人教育院校英語專業(yè)的學生及其他英語學習者使用。


  本教材是與《綜合英語聽力教程學生用書》第1冊配套的教師用書,主要內(nèi)容包括各單元的聽力文字材料和練習答案。  本教材可供使用《綜合英語聽力教程學生用書)第1冊的讀者使用。


Unit 1  Meeting and GreetingUnit 2  Talking about Personal InformationUnit 3  Making Phone CallsUnit 4  Finding an ApartmentUnit 5  ShoppingUnit 6  Seeing a DoctorUnit 7  Entertaining Friends at DinnerUnit8  Spending Spare TimeUnit 9  Talking about SportsUnit 10  Talking about WeatherUnit 11  Making an AppointmentUnit 12  Celebrating a Holiday  Unit 13  Showing the WayUnit 14  Talking about StudyUnit 15  Applying for a JobUnit 16  Describing Daily Routine  Unit 17  Talking about Family LifeUnit 18  Complaining  Unit 19  Keeping Fit  Unit 20  Talking about ArtsUnit 21  Car DrivingUnit 22  Eating OutUnit 23  Having a HaircutUnit 24  BankingUnit 25  Asking for RepairsUnit 26  Staying at a HotelUnit 27  Talking about Likes and DislikesUnit 28  Traveling by AirUnit 29  Traveling by TrainUnit 30  Traveling Abroad


  B.  Keys:  1. 5 or 6 weeks before Christmas Day.  2. Paper decorations, leaves and branches; Christmas tree with silver paper and colored lights.  3. Theyll receive presents.  4. In the morning or in the evening.  5. Turkey, ham and Christmas pudding.  Transcript:  December 25 is Christmas Day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. In  the large shops preparations for Christmas are begun five or six weeks before the actual day. In  larger towns decorations are put up in the main street two or three weeks before Christmas ——  usually these decorations are lit up at night.  Preparations are also made at home. Special puddings and cakes are eaten on Christmas Day  and these have to be made three or four weeks in advance. Two or three days before Christmas,  people decorate their houses with paper decorations and leaves and branches. People also like to  have a Christmas tree in the living room. This is a very small fir tree decorated with silver paper  and colored lights.  Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day, it is particularly enjoyed by children, who get very  excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive. When small children go to  bed on Christmas Eve, they hang a stocking at the end of their beds. When they wake up, they  find their stocking filled with presents. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always  wake up early.  Every family has its own traditions at Christmas. Some exchange presents first thing on  Christmas morning. Others put all the presents around the Christmas tree and wait until evening  before giving them out. But all families have a huge Christmas dinner —— usually at midday. If  they can afford it they have a turkey and ham, followed by Christmas pudding.  Part Ⅳ News and Reports  One of 6 Americans receive money from the Social Security system. Monthly payments go to  retired workers and disabled people and to their survivors. 2/3 of Americans age 65 and older  depend on Social Security for at least half the money they get.  The system is financed mostly by a 12.4 percent wage tax shared by workers and employers.  This year close to 50 million people will receive more than 500 billion dollars in benefits. ~ But in  his state of the Union speech Wednesday night, President Bush said: “With each passing year,  fewer workers are paying ever higher benefits to an ever-larger number of retirees. “ 13 years from  now, he said, Social Security will be paying out more than it takes in. In his words: “We must  pass reforms that solve the financial problems of Social Security once and for all.”



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