出版時間:2009-6 出版社:清華大學出版社 作者:周紅紅 頁數(shù):177
Chapter One Introduction1.1 What Are Loanwords?1.1.1 Borrowings and Loanwords1.1.2 Various Terms in Chinese1.2 The Survival Law of Loanwords1.3 Research Methods1.3.1 A Combination of Description and Explanation1.3.2 Corpus-based Analyses1.4 Outline of the Present DissertationChapter Two Literature Review on Loanwords2.1 Studies on the Premise of Borrowing -- Language Contact2.1.1 Sapir: The Drift of Language Changing2.1.2 Bloomfield: Three Major Types of Language Contact2.1.3 Haugen and Weinreich: Founders of Contact Linguistics2.1.4 Thomason and Kaufman: A Contact-induced Change Framework ...2.1.5 Comments on Language Contact Research2.2 Studies on Lexical Borrowing2.2.1 Focusing on Etymology of Loanwords2.2.2 Focusing on Constraints on Borrowability2.2.3 Focusing on Reasons for Lexical Borrowing2.2.4 Focusing on Typology of Loanwords2.3 SummaryChapter Three Functions of Loanwords and Their Survival Model3.1 Theories on Functions of Language3.1.1 Jakobsons Theory on Functions of Language3.1.2 Hymes Model of Language Functions3.1.3 Hallidays Theory on Functions of Language3.1.4 Functions of Loanwords3.2 Register3.2.1 Malinowski. Contexts of Situation and Culture3.2.2 Firth: Meaning and Language Variation3.2.3 Halliday: Register Theory3.2.4 Register Variables and Language Functions3.2.5 Register Variables and Functions of Loanwords3.3 A Tentative Definition of Loanwords3.4 Classification of Loanwords3.4.1 Phonetic Loan (Transliteration)3.4.2 Semantic Loan3.4.3 Graphic Loan3.4.4 An Integrated Table and Figure3.5 The Survival Model of Loanwords3.5.1 The Process of Borrowing3.5.2 The Process of Functional Selection3.6 SummaryChapter Four The Referential Function of Loanwords4. t The Field of Discourse4.2 Loanwords Indicating the Processes4.2.1 The Asymmetry in the Topics of Loanwords4.2.2 The Asymmetry in the Range of Donor Languages4.2.3 The Asymmetry in the Percentage of Loanwords in the Vocabulary4.3 Loanwords Chinese Participants Preferred4.3.1 Choose Meaning over Sound4.3.2 Choose Sound over Meaning4.3.3 Choose Loanwords for Different Shades of Meaning4.3.4 Choices of Different Participants4.4 Loanwords Transferring Through Circumstances4.4.1 Loanwords in Technical Fields4.4.2 From Technical to the Common Core4.5 SummaryChapter Five The Interpersonal Function of Loanwords5.1 Tenor of Discourse……Chapter Six The Metalingual Function of LoanwordsChapter Seven ConclusionBibliographyAppendix