出版時間:2008-10 出版社:東北財經大學出版社 作者:《英漢雙解休閑、旅行與旅游詞典》編寫組 編 頁數:510
This dictionary aims to provide the basic vocabulary of terms used in the leisure,travel and tourism industries; the fields covered include catering (restaurants andkitchens), hotels and guesthouses, travel, insurance and health and safety, togetherwith terms relating to general business, such as accounts, personnel etc.For this new edition of the dictionary we have expanded and edited the text to keeppace with changes in the industries. For example, readers will find terms related tofood and drink (including different diets and types of coffee), ecotourism, extremesports etc. At the same time, to make the dictionary more useful to students, wegive phonetic transcriptions for all the headwords.The main words and phrases are defined in simple English and in some cases thedefinitions have been expanded by explanatory comments. We also give quotationsfrom specialist magazines and other publications relating to the subjects. Thesupplements at the back give additional information.We are grateful to many people who have contributed to the work, in particularJoseph Armstrong and Hazel and David Curties who read the text and providedmany valuable comments for the first edition. Also, many thanks to MarzenaPrzeczek for her invaluable contributions to the text.
隨著我國改革開放的不斷深入和發(fā)展,我國對外貿易、商業(yè)及學術交流日益頻繁。尤其是在全球化和新技術浪潮下,我國加入世界貿易組織后,在日益頻繁的經濟貿易、對外交流等活動中,需要大量博學多能、視野開闊、適應開放型經濟發(fā)展需要的高素質人才,特別是精通外語、學有專長的復合型高級人才,具有涉外知識、擅長商務談判的人才,金融、保險、證券、財務、經營管理方面的專家等。為了適應這一形勢,滿足廣大讀者的迫切需要,經過兩年的反復推敲,我們組織編譯、出版了這套“英漢雙解財經詞典”。 作為廣大經貿人才提升自身競爭力的武器,從事業(yè)務工作的得力助手,開展國際交流的工具,本套“英漢雙解財經詞典”詞匯新穎,內容全面;涵蓋經濟學、金融證券、商務、人力資源、市場營銷、會計學、旅游與休閑等方面的詞匯和知識。 在此套叢書出版之際,特作如下說明: 1.根據在不同領域中的用法,給許多詞匯列出了多種定義。首先給出應用范圍最普遍的定義,然后再列出特定范圍的其他定義。由于這些范圍會有交叉,讀者應仔細查閱所有定義。 2.本套詞典還包括了常為人們使用的符號、縮略詞語。外來詞匯和短語只收進了那些已經成為英文詞匯的部分。 3.為滿足不同讀者的需要,本著方便快捷提供信息的目的,我們在詞典內容的組織上作了安排。在英漢部分,只提供了關鍵詞(黑體字)的各種解釋,對例句沒有進行翻譯。新增的漢英部分可方便讀者進行漢英查詢。 4.參加本套詞典翻譯的人員有:蔡麗、李季、劉幫成、苗欣、于行行、孫平、孫冰潔、唐寧玉、吳迅捷、張旭鳳、巴彤、馮蕾、梁月、劉洋、三鐵燕、熊華娟、趙錫堯。 詞典雖然付梓,但謬誤在所難免,尚祈專家、讀者指正。