
出版時(shí)間:2009-8  出版社:上海大學(xué)出版社  作者:曾東京  頁(yè)數(shù):336  


Professor Zeng Dongjing has studied academic problems about dictionaries for many years. Starting from 1980s, he has been writing comments, ideas, suggestions and advice on all kinds of dictionaries in foreign language journals in our country. Later, he made a further research on dictionary problems-especially English Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries, based on lexicography and principles and methods of its relevant subjects, including descriptiveness and prescriptiveness of entry, principles of compilation, arrangement, contents, functions, index and retrieval system and so on. "Small brooks converge into a might torrent." For many years, Professor Zeng's achievement about lexicographical concrete evidence and theoretical studies presents a splendid sight. Through systematical arrangement, he has written the book A Theoretical Study on the Compilation of Translatology Dictionaries, which combines lexicography with translation studies so as to offer a unique monograph.




Part Ⅰ Introduction Chapter I Translation  Translatology  Dictionary of Translation Studies   1.1 Translation  1.2 Translatology  1.3 Dictionary of Translation Studies  Chapter II Compilation of DiCtionary of Translation Studies from the Perspective of Lexicography   2.1 Dictionary of Translation Studies and Status Quo of Its Research  2.2 Problems with Domestic and Foreign Translatology Dictionaries  2.3 Solutions. Chapter III On Category, Concept and Term of a Dictionary of Translation Studies  3.1 Definitions of Category, Concept and Term  3.2 Differences of Category, Concept and Term ……Part ⅡMonographsPart ⅢCommentsPart ⅤConclusion


1.1.2 RolesHuman civilization should be somewhat attributed to translation. It is because east-west communication, establishment of the United Nations and cross-cultural activities cannot be developed without translation, still less strengthened and consolidated. To date, European culture still is strong and dynamic just because it keeps assimilating elements and nutrition from other cultures before it is thus colorful and updated. It is true for cultures in China and Japan. As Mr. Ji Xianlin said, "the point is how Chinese culture can be an exception since no culture is eternal and static. It is probably the effect of translation, I think The reason is that there is some new blood injected into Chinese culture, big or small, more or less. Among the things, there were two major ones, one from India and the other from the West, both with the help of translation. The dynamic and active Chinese culture owes a lot to translation. What a great role translation has!" (See also Theory and Practice of Literary Translation: Dialogues between Translators, Xu Jun, Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2001: 3)





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