
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:北京大學醫(yī)學出版社  作者:(美)杜雷克 主編  頁數:1103  


The first edition of Gray's Anatomy for Students accom-plished many of the goals we had established for this text-book,including our primary goal of helping students learnanatomy.However,we realized from the many sugges-tions,comments,and kind advice we received from col-leagues and students around the world that there were modifications and changes that would improve this text.book.So keeping in mind the goals and objectives of thefirst edition,we began work on the second edition by evalu-ating all of the input from our readers,assessing changesoccurring in the educational environment.and doing ourbest to predict the future direction of anatomy education.The result is the second edition of Gray's Anatomy forStudents.which builds on the past and looks toward thefuture.




編者:(美國)杜雷克(Richard L.Drake) (美國)A.Wayne Vogl (美國)Adam W.M.Mitchell


1 The bodyWhat is anatomy?How can gross anatomy be studied?Important anatomica,termsImagingDiagnostic imaging techniqruesNuclear medicine imagingImage interpretationPlain radiographyComputed tomographyMagnetic resonance imagingNuclear medicine imagingSafety in imagingBody systemsSkeletal systemCartilageBoneJ0intsSkin and fasciasSkinFasciaMUSCUlar sysfemCardiovascular systemLymphatic systemLymphatic vesselsLymph nodesLymphatic trunks and ductsNervoussystemCentraI nervous systemFunctional subdivisions of the CNSSomatic part of the nervous systermViscer of part of the nervous systerm0ther systemsLnlCaI CaSeS2 BackConceptual overviewGeneral descriptionFunctionsSupportMovementProtection of the nervous systemComponent partsBonesMusclesVertebral canalSpinal nervesRelationship to other regions HeadThorax,abdomen,and pelvis LimbsKey featuresLong vertebral column and short spinal cordIntervertebral foramina and spinal nervesInnervation of the backRegional anatomySkeleta,framework VertebraeIntervertebral foraminaPosterior spaces between vertebral arches JointsJoints between vertebrae in the backLigamentsAnterior and posterior longitudinal ligamentsLigamenta flavaSupraspinous ligament and ligamentum nuchaeInterspinous ligamentsBack musculatureSuperficial group of back musclesIntermediate group of back musclesDeep group of back musclesSuboccipital musclesSpinal cordVasculatureMeningesArrangement of structures in the vertebralCanalSpinal nerves5urtace anatomyBack surface anatomyAbsence of lateral curvaturesPrimary and secondary curvatures in the sagittal planeUseful nonvertebraI skeletaIlandmarksHow to identify specific vertebral spinous processesVisualizing the inferior ends of the spinal cord and subarachnoid spaceIdentilying major musclesClinicaI cases3 ThoroxConceptual overviewGeneral descriptionFunctionsBreathingProtection of vital organsConduitComponent partsThoracic wallSuperior thoracic apertureInferior thoracic apertureDiaphragmMediastinumPleuraI cavitiesRelationship to other regionsNeckUpper limbAbdomenBreastKeyfeaturesVertebralleveI TIV/VVenous shunts from left to rightSegmental neurovascular supply of thoracic wallSympathetic systemFlexible wall and inferior thoracic apertureInnervation of the diaphragmRegional anatomyPectoral regionBreastMuscles of the pectoral regionTHoracic wallSkeletaI frameworkIntercostal spacesDiaphragmVenous drainageInnervationMovements of thethoracic wall and diaphragm during breathingPleural cavitiesPleuraLungsMediastinumMiddle mediastinumSuperior mediastinumPosterior mediastinumAnterior mediastinumSurface anatomyThorax surface anatomyHow to count ribsSurface anatomy of the breast in womenVisualizing structures at the TIV/V vertebral IevelVisualizing structures in the superior mediastinumVisualizing the margins of the heartWhere to Iisten for heart soundsVisualizing the pleural cavities and lungs,pleural recesses,and lunq Iobes and fissuresWhere to listen for lung soundsClinicaI cases4 AbdomenConceptual overviewGeneral descriptionFunctionsHouses and protects major visceraBreathingChanges in intra-abdominal pressureComponent parts WallAbdominal cavityInferior thoracic apertureDiaphragmPelvic inletRelationship to other regionsThoraxPelvisLower limbKeyfeaturesArrangement of abdominal viscera in the AdultVisceraDefining surface regions to which pain from the gut is referredWhere to find the kidneysWhere to find the spleenClinical cases5 Pelvis and perineumConceptual overviewGeneral descriptionFunctionsContain and support bladderf rectum,anal canal,and reproductive tractsAnchors the roots of the externaI genitalia 408Component partsPelvic inletPelvic wallsPelvic outletPelvic floorPelvic cavityPerineumRelationship to other regionsAbdomenLower limbKeyfeoturesThe pelvic cavity projects posteriorlyImportant structures cross the ureters in the pelvic cavityThe prostate is anterior to rectumThe perineum is innervated by sacral spinal cord segmentsNerves are related to boneParasympathetic innervation frOm spinal cord levelsS2 to S4 controls erectionMuscles and fascia of the pelvic floor and perineumintersect at the perineal bodyGender determines the cou rse of the urethraRegional anatomyPelvisBonesJoints0rientationGender difierencesTrue pelvisVisceraFasciaPeritoneumNervesBlood vesselsLymphaticsPerineumBorders and ceilingIschio-anal fossae and their anterior recessesAnal triangleUrogenital triangleSomatic nervesVisceral nervesBlood vesselsVeinsLymphaticsSurface anatomySu rface anatomy of the pelvis and perineumOrientation of the pelvis and perineum in the anatomical positionHow to define the margins of the perineumIdentification of structu res in the anal triangleIdentification of structures in the u rogenital triangle of womenIdentification of structures in the urogenital triangle ofmenClinicaI Cases6 Lower limbConceptual overviewGeneral introductionFunctionSupport the body weightLocomotionComponent partsBones and jointsMusclesRelationship to other regionsAbdomenPelvisPerineumKeypointsInnervation is by lumbar and sacral spinalNervesNerves related to boneSuperficial veinsRegional anatomyBony pelvisProximaI femurHip jointGateways to the lower IimbNervesArteriesVeinsLymphaticsDeep fascia and the saphenous openingFemoraI triangleGluteal regionMusclesNervesArteriesVeinsLymphaticsThighBonesMusclesArteriesVeinsNervesKnee iointTibiofibular jointPopliteal fossaLegBonesJointsPosterior compa rtment of legLateral compartment of legAnterior compa rtment of leg_0atBonesJointsTarsal tunnel,retinacula,and arrangement of majorstructu res at the ankleArches of the foatPlantar aponeurosisFibrous sheaths of toesExtensor hoodsIntrinsic musclesArteriesVeinsNervesSurface anatomyLower limb surface anatomyAvoiding the sciatic nerveFinding the femoral artery in the femoraltriangleIdentifying structu res around the kneeVisualizing the contents of the popliteal fossaFinding the tarsal tunnel——the gateway to thefootIdentifying tendons around the ankle and in the foot……7 Upper limb8 Head and neck








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用戶評論 (總計89條)


  •   和以前的格氏解剖學教學版一樣好。這次買給學弟了。
  •   感覺質量很不錯,沒想到那么重!嘿嘿。包裝也還行,快遞嘛,難免由有些磕磕碰碰的,這些都無所謂,快遞很快,預計時間挺準的??爝f師傅也很有愛,嘿嘿!以后就開始好好學習嘍!哈哈,內容也很不錯,經典的格氏解剖學,哈哈??傊?,此次購書很滿意,一如既往的支持當當!
  •   非常經典的一本解剖學教材 但是也非常厚。。。也很貴。。。雖然說是"雙語教材"實際上內頁全是英語。。。所以抱著雙語來的別買了 原來擔心影印版可能是黑白的 不過實際到手發(fā)現(xiàn)是全彩的 和原版沒什么差 講解的很到位
  •   經典的解剖學教材,教學版性價比高
  •   系統(tǒng)解剖學經典著作。三維立體圖片,結構很清晰。和國內教學結構不同,看起來不太習慣
  •   格式解剖教學版,很適合學生學習解剖,就算英語程度不好,看看里面高清晰的圖片,也會受益匪淺,雖然有點貴,但比原版便宜多了,強烈推薦醫(yī)學生購買
  •   完美的解剖學教科書,值得收藏品鑒,如果有中文版就完美了
  •   解剖學第一經典,不過要確認你可以看得進英文才可以,否則就當個擺設了
  •   我覺得西醫(yī)的東西還是國外的要正宗一些,本著這個精神我就選了它,誰知是全英文的……所以就激勵我一邊把英語學好,一邊把解剖學扎實吧!
  •   非常好一本經典解剖教材,語言簡潔、地道,插圖精美,雖然是影印版,但是質量很好。
  •   雖然是影印版,但是很清晰。字大行間距大,看著舒服。雖然紙薄,但是質量還是不錯的。
  •   幫學生買的,開始還擔心影印版印刷質量問題,看到書以后就放心了,真的很不錯。沒有來得及細看,但是聽已經擁有第一版的同事說很不錯,準備自己也買一本。
  •   唯有經典二字才能形容這本書,跟國內的教材編排思路不同,一切從臨床出發(fā)
  •   其實這個問題最有價值!比起市場上其它的解剖類書籍,了解《GA for Students》有什么、沒有什么,對于是否適合自己、是否值得自己購買才能清晰認識,才能做出理性的抉擇。
    現(xiàn)摘錄本書《About the book》一節(jié)的部分內容,來詮釋此書:
    1. The book
    《GA for Students》is a clinically oriented,student-friendly textbook of human anatomy.It has been prepared primarily for students in a variety of professional programs(e.g.,medical,dental,chiropractic,and physical therapy programs).It can be used by students in traditional,systemic,***bined traditional/systemic,and problem-based curricula and will be particularly useful to students when lec***es and laboratories in gross anatomy are minimal.
    2. Content
    Each regional anatomy chapter consists of four consecutive sections:conceptual overview,regional anatomy,surface anatomy,and clinical cases.
    3. What does the book doesn't contain?
    《GA for Students》focuses on gross anatomy.While many curricula around the world are being presented in a more integrated format ***bining anatomy,physiology,histology,and embryology,we have focused this textbook on understanding only the anatomy and its application to clinical problems.Except for some brief references to embryology where necessary for a better understanding of the anatomy,material from other disciplines is not included.We felt that there are many outstanding textbooks covering these subject areas,and that trying to cover everything in a single book would produce a text of questionable quality and usefulness,not to mention enormous size!
  •   非常精致經典,圖片質與量堪比圖譜 紙張很薄但是印刷特別好,整本書很容易就卷起來的,要小心保存 有志向用英語學習醫(yī)學的朋友不要錯過啊
  •   看著好有壓力哇~書的結構和我們用的解剖書差別好大。但是真的好詳細!不愧是經典?。±^續(xù)瞻仰著。。。
  •   因為解剖室英文教學的,所以助教推薦了這本,很適合平時用來翻閱,收藏價值肯定不值原版,但是這個價買到這本書還是很實用的~
  •   紙張和印刷都很好,內容豐富,可以當作英文解剖的教材用,滿意!
  •   是全英文的,為什么叫雙語教材啊,反正看這本書要有點艱難了
  •   書不錯~圖片很清晰~外觀也沒什么損壞~確實比國內的要好
  •   很好很強大!醫(yī)學生必備!
  •   我主要是買回來學解剖英語的,哈哈。
  •   很精致,學習西方醫(yī)學思維,好書
  •   顏色全彩,正品!雖紙張微薄,但效果很好!
  •   質量很好很厚的一本里面的排版插圖都很不錯內容尚未細看是全英文的 英語不好的學習起來可能有點困難
  •   可以領略國外的教學風格,開始看有點難
  •   挺好的,圖畫清晰,紙質好。
  •   紙質很好,字面也很清晰,圖畫的也很準確,我很滿意。
  •   內容就不說了,全英文,專業(yè)書
  •   書非常不錯——印刷質量、內容、分量——= =好吧挺重的……= = 還是要好好學啦~~
  •   精致的編排,得體的剪裁,經典的內容,完美的書籍!
  •   國外的教程非常規(guī)矩,內容詳實易懂
  •   快遞是用的紙盒子裝的,比Z網的一個快遞袋好多了。可是書的封面有些被擦傷了,不過完全不影響使用,只是我希望兩百的書能夠完美。書是一本好書,這就不用說了。
  •   作為一本教材足夠了,其實八年制那么都夠撐了
  •   很好的一本書,除了書名是漢語,正文全英。
  •   幫同學訂的,她說不錯!
  •   書的質量很好,可是買了第二天就降價了,我該說什么好呢
  •   一直想買的書,很全面,很好用。
  •   不咋滴,紙?zhí)?/li>
  •   全英文的,雖然很貴但是值得。質量不錯。有些刮傷,但無大礙。
  •   全英文的,銅版紙全彩印刷,價格便宜
  •   全英語滴!價格比原本實惠!
  •   看起來不錯,當當很負責,以后還會買,希望更優(yōu)惠,謝謝
  •   為了學專業(yè)英語買的,對于我來說,很難讀~
  •   不錯 就是看起來有點累
  •   當當買書方便。好書。
  •   果然外文書籍就是不一樣,很全面!
  •   當當上好書很多,但是有的很貴
  •   印刷時滑面彩色印刷,很不錯。全英文,可以看很久了
  •   非常高興收到書,非常不錯的書
  •   很不錯,全英文的,慢慢消化
  •   替專業(yè)老師購買,質量很好
  •   我嘞個擦,以前的書都是完好無損,這次的竟然有破損?。?!角有窩邊,有磕碰痕跡??!雖然那無所謂,但是幾百塊買的書很心疼的好不好?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。?!幾百塊買的書很心疼的好不好?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。?!幾百塊買的書很心疼的好不好!?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。?!幾百塊買的書很心疼的好不好?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。装賶K買的書很心疼的好不好?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。?!幾百塊買的書很心疼的好不好!?。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。?!
  •   收到書 很激動
  •   絕對好用,比上課用的課本好多了!
  •   經典的外文教材影印版,紙張也很好,喜歡。
  •   送貨速度很快,態(tài)度非常好,很感謝!只是書皮上寫著雙語,里面卻全是英文,沒一個漢字。只好退貨了。
  •   不是雙語,基本上全英文,不過也不錯。
  •   一直想買這種書來著,碰活動就買了,拿回來很喜歡,讓我有了鉆研醫(yī)學英語的興趣,加油!
  •   可能是我的問題?雖然比原版便宜了很多很多。但是紙張真的好薄啊。對于我這種暴力的人群來說不太好。印刷什么的肯定是贊的。。
  •   書脊裝訂物過長,露出來了。除了裝訂問題,這一本非常好的書
  •   送書速度快,書稍有點損害。
  •   是全英文的 我吃不消
  •   所說大部分都是英文的,但是圖很不錯。
  •   economically
  •   英文版,看不懂,買的有點虧
  •   才買就降價了。。。
  •   當當的服務太差了
  •   書頁起皺像是被水漬過,看起來非常不爽。前不久當當發(fā)了一封郵件“懇求”訪問,我想就給它一次機會吧,結果送來的東西像屎一樣,非常失望,再也不在當當上購物了。
  •   比國外的原版在紙張上薄一些(價格的原因哈),所以在翻閱的時候盡量小心。紙依然是彩色蠟光紙,還沒太仔細比較,但是對原版基本沒有改動。值!
  •   最好的解剖教科書,沒有之一。不需要過多的贊美。
  •   卓越的送貨速度超快啊,中午剛下的訂單下午四點就到了。書很不錯,原本以為影印本的圖片會比較粗糙,但是看了非常清晰,跟正版的沒什么差別。紙張是很薄,但如果厚了一千多頁的書就太大了。原本覺得有點貴,但畢竟全是彩圖,有所值。內容就不必說了,現(xiàn)在開始啃吧。總之非常滿意。
  •   其實這個問題最有價值!比起市場上其它的解剖類書籍,了解《GA for Students》有什么、沒有什么,對于是否適合自己、是否值得自己購買才能清晰認識,才能做出理性的抉擇。現(xiàn)摘錄本書《About the book》一節(jié)的部分內容,來詮釋此書:1. The book《GA for Students》is a clinically oriented,student-friendly textbook of human anatomy.It has been prepared primarily for students in a variety of professional programs(e.g.,medical,dental,chiropractic,and physical therapy programs).It can be used by students in traditional,systemic,combined traditional/systemic,and problem-based curricula and will be particularly useful to students when lectures and laboratories in gross anatomy are minimal.2. ContentEach regional anatomy chapter consists of four consecutive sections:conceptual overview,regional anatomy,surface anatomy,and clinical cases.3. What the book does not contain?《GA for Students》focuses on gross anatomy.While many curricula around the world are being presented in a more integrated format combining anatomy,physiology,histology,and embryology,we have focused this textbook on understanding only the anatomy and its application to clinical problems.Except for some brief references to embryology where necessary for a better understanding of the anatomy,material from other disciplines is not included.We felt that there are many outstanding textbooks covering these subject areas,and that trying to cover everything in a single book would produce a text of questionable quality and usefulness,not to mention enormous size! 閱讀更多 ›
  •   書本是很需要的,但是送過來之后發(fā)現(xiàn)不僅幾個角被碰壞了而且書面上有地方被劃到,好多頁都破損了。畢竟還是這么貴的書,很心疼的!
  •   價格優(yōu)惠,但書的品質非常好。全彩,紙張的質量也很棒,絕對不像一般大學教科書的便宜紙張那般,薄薄一片一翻就破。整本書除了封面和出版介紹是中文之外,書的內文全部是英文原文,不是“雙語”,買之前要注意一下。amazon 出貨速度很快,昨天下午購買,今天早上九點就收到書。運送還行,書完好無缺。
  •   英文版,讀不了,后悔
  •   為班里同學訂的,發(fā)貨速度還ok記得是半個星期左右。打開來也很滿意,紙張的厚度沒有原版厚是肯定的,不過韌性強度都夠啦不易破損,對得起價格。雖然郵費減半不過每本十塊還是覺得那啥。。。要是能稍微打點折那是極好的~給四星是因為有一本的書脊上半部分破碎了。。雖然不至于散開不過還是需要膠紙貼~總而言之,喜歡
  •   紙張很好,里面的解剖圖是彩色的,圖片和文字都很清晰,閱讀起來賞心悅目。滿贊。。。。~\(≧▽≦)/~
  •   實用,略優(yōu)于國內版教材
  •   習慣中國醫(yī)學教育的上手這本書還是要費些時間的 還有就是解剖和英語一定要好 要不然看起來會很吃力
  •   超級喜歡,雖然還沒來得及好好看。。
  •   200多元的書封面又臟又舊,布滿灰塵和劃痕,賣家發(fā)貨時很不負責!差!差!差!
  •   看著還不錯的吧,紙張還可以,但是影印版確實比原版差不少啊。
  •   醫(yī)學生解剖,有條理,排版不錯
  •   很有特色,臨床結合解剖學,看了后你會有我為什么這么晚才發(fā)現(xiàn)這本書的感覺。
  •   內容不錯,影印版也對得起這個價格了,紙張挺薄的,甚至能透過背面的字。但是書的表面真的很臟很臟的,甚至有些膠的印記,擦都擦不掉。書脊上緣都破損了不少,真不知道是EMS的錯還是書本身就是這樣的,本來收到書挺開心的,結果一看到,再一擦,就被澆了一盆冷水,挺無語的。
  •   很好,很值。除了紙有點薄以外,其余都很滿意。
  •   比格氏解剖學內容少一些, 編排更適合學習,打折的時候買的, 差不多120, 很好
  •   教學版的,被朋友搶走了

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
