出版時(shí)間:2009-10 出版社:云南大學(xué)出版社 作者:劉鴻武,楊潔勉 編 頁數(shù):420
The book is the collection of researc:h papers by Chinese academics; over 30 research papers collected in this book includes history, present situation, progress and future prospect to Sino-African cooperation in the ficlds as politics, diplomacy, economics, technology, agricul-ture, culture and education, etc. The authors work in major institutes of African studies in China whereas the research papers are conducive to improving the understanding to the background, progress, results and significance of Sino-African cooperation relations with broad-ened vision of the authors.
Yang Jiemian, President of ShanghaiInstitute of International Studies, Research Fellow and Doctoral Tutor, Evaluation Expert of National Social Science Fund, Vice-Director of China National Associa-tion for International Studies, Director of Shanghai Association for International Studies; Mr. Yang is committed to theresearch in international relations, Chinadiplomacy, and Sino-Americ-an relations and has publicized large amount of research papers and books. He owns the honors of "State Council Special Allowance" and "Outstanding Professionak of Shanghai." Liu Hongwu, Distiinguishcd Professor, "Qianjiang Scholar" of Zhcjiang province;Dircctor of Institutc of African Srudics of Zhcjiang Normal Univcrsity; Doctoral Tutor; also the Dircetor of Institute of Afric:an Stuciics of Yunnan Univcrsity.Mr. Liu is committed to studies of Africanissues and Sino-African Relations; he: hadvisited over 20 African countries andpublicizcd a numher of books and rcscarch papers on African studics. In2009, he was a wardcd as "China-Africa Friendship Contribution Award-Moveto Africa, 10 Chincse" by Chincse-African Pcople's Frienciship Association.
Prologue 1 A Note on Sino-African Relations to the WorldPrologue 2 Mrican Studies and" New Frontiers" of China's Academic DomainⅠFifty Years of Sino-African Cooperation Relations: Backgroud, Progress and SignifcanceBuilding a Sustainable Strategic Partnership by China and Mr/caReflections on Promotion of a Harmonious and Win-win Relationship Between China and AfricaChinese Experiences in Development :Some Implications for AfricaThe Transformation of International System and China-Africa RelationsChina's African Policy: Driving Forces, Features and Global ImpactChina Model and Africa's DevelopmentChina Engaging into Africa -Looking for the FutureUnderstanding Contemporary Sino-African Relations in Retrospective and PerspectiveⅡFifty years of Sino-African Agricultural CooperationSino-African Cooperation on Poverty Alleviation: Progress, Features and Experience-SharingThoughts on China-Africa Energy Cooperation and MoreSino-African Cooperation in Science and Technology: History and ProspectSino-Africa Cooperation in Infrastructure Construction under the FOCAC FrameworkSino-African Economic Cooperation: Achievements, Problems and SuggestionsChina and Africa: A New Paradigm in Educational Cooperation……ⅢAppendixes
But this explanation seems to ignore the fact that only in 1993 did China go from being an energy exporter to an energy im- porter, and that since the People's Republic of Cluna was established in 1949, the Sino-African relationship has been developing steadily and healthily and Africa has consistently been positioned highly in China's diplomacy. In addition, the current development of China's relationship with Africa is not confined to those resource- rich African countries, but with all African countries that have diplomatic relations with China. The direct beneficiaries of Chinese measures including debt deduc-tion, ero tariff treatment, and aid increase are those Ieast-developed African coun- tries, most of which are not rich in resources. Obviously, although the need for resources is, in fact, one of the driving forces behind China's African policy, it is certainly not the only, nor is it the key factor. To objectively analyze the driving forces belund China's African policy, it isneeded to take a broader view and a comprehensive perspective as China's national characteristics, her national interest as well as her overall diplomatic strategy andthinking.