出版時(shí)間:2008-11 出版社:云南大學(xué)出版社 作者:黃慧 頁數(shù):200 字?jǐn)?shù):294000
《從認(rèn)知角度解讀以學(xué)生為中心的二語學(xué)習(xí)》介紹了外語的學(xué)習(xí)以及方法!主要內(nèi)容包括Implicit or Explicit: Interface Hypothesis、Role of Consciousness in SLA、Attention, Memory and SLA Research、Levels of Processing、The Elaboration Model、The Key Concepts of Elaboration等等。
INDEXSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESABBREVIATIONSABSTRACTABSTRACT (CHINESE)CHAPTER ONE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND 1.1.1 ESL Background in China 1.1.2 Problems 1.2 A PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.3 FOCUS OF THE RESEARCH 1.4 DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THE THESISCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW (1) PSYCHOLINGUISTIC BACKGROUND FOR THE RESEARCH 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 MEMORY PROCESS OF LEARNING AND SLA 2.2.1 General Introduction to Memory Processing 2.2.2 Components of Working Memory 2.2.3 Working Memory, Long-term Memory and Information Processing 2.2.4 How Knowledge is Represented in Long-term Memory 2.3 CONSCIOUSNESS AND LEARNING 2.3.1 Consciousness and Working Memory 2.3.2 Capacity Theory of Attention -- Attention to Form and/or Meaning? 2.3.3 Consciousness, Awareness, Explicitness and Implicitness in SLA Implicit or Explicit: Interface Hypothesis Attention, With or Without Awareness? Awareness: To What Level? 2.3.4 Role of Consciousness in SLA 2.3.5 Attention, Memory and SLA Research 2.4 ELABORATION MODEL AND RELEVANT CONCEPTS 2.4.1 Levels of Processing 2.4.2 The Elaboration Model 2.4.3 The Key Concepts of Elaboration Semanticity and Elaboration Prior Knowledge and Elaboration 2.4.4 Learning, Prior Knowledge and Elaboration Imposed Precise Elaborations Self-generated Elaborations 2.4.5 Prior Knowledge, Depth of Processing, Elaborations and SLA Research 2.5 SUMMARYCHAPTER THREE LITERATURE REVIEW (2) SEARCHING ELABORATIONS FOR THE RESEARCH 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 GRAMMAR TEACHING METHODS IN SLA 3.2.1 Focus-on-meaning Approach 3.2.2 Focus-on-forms Approach 3.2.3 Focus-on-form Approach -- An Integration of Grammar into Communicative Classroom 3.3 SEARCHING ELABORATIONS FOR THE RESEARCH 3.3.1 Rationale 3.3.I.1 Noticing and Cognitive Comparison Negotiation of Meaning and Form 3.3.2 Accessibility of an Elaboration Focus-on-form Task 3.3.3 Searching the Explicit Elaborations Rationale for Explicit Elaborations How to Self-generate Elaborations 3.3.4 Feasibility of Elaboration Tasks for ESL Learners …… CHAPTER FOUR METHODOLOGYCHAPTER FIVE RESULTSCHAPTER SIX DISCUSSIONCHAPTER CONCLUSIONAPPENDICESBIBLIOGRAPHY
This section briefly introduces the theoretical framework for the research, which will be dis-cussed in detail in the Literature Review. In the SLA field, there is continuing argument over the interface hypothesis (i. e., whetherthere is any interface between learner s explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge). The argu-ment ranges from one extreme to another. Some researchers in the 1980 s, holding the strong in-terface hypothesis position (e.g., Gregg, 1984; Long, 1983; R. Ellis, 1984; SharwoodSmith, 1981), claim that explicit knowledge converts to implicit knowledge as a result of in-struction and practice. They advocate systematic attention to a series of isolated target linguisticfeatures, utilizing various combinations of grammatical rule statements, structural pattern drills,memorization and translation. Others ( e. g., Krashen, 1982, 1985 ) who hold the non-inter-face hypothesis position, believe that language learning is essentially unconscious and they haveshunned grammar teaching in favour of TL experiences, much like those encountered by youngchildren acquiring their first language (L1) in other words, experiences that focus on"natural" exposure, on meaning and communication and on implicit and incidental learning,rather than explicit learning. However, recent findings (e. g., De Keyser, 1995; Doughty andWilliams, 1998a; N. Ellis, 1994, 2005; R. Ellis, 2001, 2002; Long, 1991; Norris & Orte-ga, 2000; Spada, 1997), indicate some weak interface between explicit and implicit learning. In fact, the above debate on the interface argument is concerned about the issue of the ex-plicitness and implicitness of learning in SLA, which depends on whether and to what level con-sciousness plays a role in L2 learning. In 1990, Schmidt, in SLA, advocates the "noticing hy-pothesis" and claims that "noticing" at the level of awareness is necessary for L2 learning.Thereafter in SLA research and empirical practice, "noticing" is considered as a very importantfactor, not only in the process of conversion of input to intake (e.g., Robinson, 1995;Schmidt, 1990, 1994; Skehan, 1996; R. Ellis, 1994, 1999, 2001), but also in the processof cognitive comparison ( Schmidt and Frota, 1986 ; Swain, 1985, 1995).
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