
出版時間:2008-7  出版社:云南大學出版社  作者:徐楓 編  頁數(shù):258  


  在大學里,教師應該以教書為主還是以研究為主,這是一個長期以來一直有爭論的問題。  我認為(而且我想大多數(shù)人也都這樣認為),教師主要的職責當然應該是教書。教師就是要教好學生,把知識傳授給學生,為學生釋疑解惑,幫助學生掌握正確的思維方法和學習方法。確實,一個不認真教書、不好好上課的教師,絕對不是一個合格的教師。話雖這樣說,但實際情況是,近年來一些大學過分強調科研,對教師的考核、評職稱、評獎等,都有非常具體的科研項目、科研成果、論文數(shù)量的指標規(guī)定。這就使得許多大學老師越來越“重研輕教”,只想著多出成果、多發(fā)論文,對日常教學提不起興趣,花在教書育人上的精力越來越少。這樣的辦學導向,我認為肯定是不正確的?! 〉牵瑫r我也認為,一個只會教書而不會作研究的大學教師,肯定不是一位優(yōu)秀的大學教師。我們都知道,現(xiàn)代大學具有三大功能:人才培養(yǎng)、科學研究和社會服務。也就是說,大學的任務不僅僅是培養(yǎng)學生,同時還承擔著從事科學研究和為社會提供服務的任務?,F(xiàn)代大學除了培養(yǎng)人才、傳播知識外,還應該深化知識、更新知識、創(chuàng)造知識,用自己所擁有的人才和知識為社會的發(fā)展作貢獻。因此,作為一名大學教師,僅僅教好書是不夠的,還必須從事科學(或學術)研究,還應該為社會提供服務。這也就是大學教師與中小學教師不一樣的地方?! 獾拇髮W教師也面臨著同樣的問題,除了教書,還必須作研究,必須發(fā)表成果。美國大學里就有這樣的說法:“publish or perish”(發(fā)表或滅亡)。這句話說得好聽一些是“(在大學里)不發(fā)表科研成果就沒有立足之地”,說得不客氣一點就是“寫不出東西就滾蛋”。大學里各個專業(yè)的老師,除了要把本專業(yè)現(xiàn)有的知識全面、系統(tǒng)地介紹給學生,把學生帶到本專業(yè)領域的最前沿地帶之外,教師自己也要努力研究,探索未知,創(chuàng)造新知識,開拓本專業(yè)的新領域。




序言第一部分 外國文學研究Double Focalization in“A Rose for Emily”The Significance of Names in Toni Morrison’s NovelsA Complete Rejection of Men——An Analysis ofKatherine Aline Porters“Theft”A Black Divinity in a Moral Wasteland——A Textual Analysis of Dilsey in William Faulkners The Sound and the FuryLecture d’Hamlet et CEdipe de JonesA Critical Study On Zhu Guangqians Aesthetic View of Tragic Pleasure渴望“潔白的床”——淺析《占有》中的兩性和諧意識第二部分 外語教學研究Effective Extensive Reading:Principle and PracticeTo What Extent Can We Make Best Use of Metadiscourse in Teaching English Writing?A Critique of the Claim that Nothing of Any Real Substance has been Developed in Language Teaching Since the Rise of Communicative Language Teaching in the 1970s and 1980s談談朗讀在大學英語教學中的作用提高學生法語學習興趣的幾種方式英漢翻譯量化教學法研究淺析佛教對GMS地區(qū)大學生學習特點的影響第三部分 外國文化及跨文化交際研究In Sociocuhurally Defined Boundaries:On Joking RelationshipsCultural Analysis of Chinese and American Views on Charity態(tài)度、知識、技能并重,培養(yǎng)跨文化交際能力女歌人小野小町淺議阿拉伯書法藝術權威與可信:中、英學者學術語篇中的人際附加語日本戰(zhàn)爭題材電影對戰(zhàn)爭責任的概念偷換第四部分 翻譯研究現(xiàn)代旅游宣傳對中國古典文學翻譯的影響淺析——以美秀博物館《桃花源記》譯本為例宗教詞匯翻譯:準確理解與靈活變通——對witness,sect(cult)和ministry譯法的探討第五部分 外國語言研究法庭交叉訊問中問句與權勢的關系——對法庭交叉訊問中問句的多層次批評性分析淺論阿拉伯語的若干特點「ぅち」與「そと」之詞義淺析日本語動詞—中國語對照編后記


  Tragedy is generally regarded as the highest form of literary art and those who have excelled in it are viewed as the worlds greatest literary geniuses. They were be lieved to be the most profound psychologists before the science of psychology had ever come into being. Theories on Tragedy mainly concern these three questions: What is tragic pleasure? Why do people take pleasure in Tragedy? And what produces tragic pleasure? In spite of the efforts made by philosophers and critics, the solution to the problem of tragic pleasure remains as remote as ever. Du Bos and Croce lean towards the pleasure of feeling. Addison illustrates tragic pleasure as a combination of the pleasure of recognition and the pleasure of relief, whereas Burke views it as a pleas ure answering a sympathetic need. Most of these theories fall short of meeting the de mands of modern psychology concerning the source of human emotions. None of them except Zhu Guangqian pays attention to the power of the psychology of tragedy. In ThePsychology of Tragedy, Zhu attempts to give a critical study of various theories of Tragedy in the light of psychology, and to define the relation and difference between the tragic pleasure and pleasure of other modes, such as that evolved by the beautiful and the sublime. Zhu patterns his theory with the realization that a solution to the ori gin of tragic pleasure would throw light on many other psychological questions, such as how the attraction to beauty shapes an individuals sense; and how the pleasure gained from all forms of art mirrors human spiritual reality and spiritual convictions.



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