
出版時間:2011-10  出版社:東華大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉|,呂春昕 主編  頁數(shù):248  字數(shù):284000  




Reading Exercise 1
Harvard Uruversity(哈佛大學(xué))
The Secret of a Long Life(長壽的秘訣)
Forgot to Post Them(我忘記寄了)
Reading Exercise 2
The First Computer(第一臺計算機)
A Letter from the Company(來自公司的一封信)
Ballet Shoes(芭蕾舞鞋)
Reading Exercise 3
Andrew Ca:megie(安德魯·卡內(nèi)基)
Making a Noise(制造噪音)
A Busy Morning(忙碌的早晨)
Reading Eercise 4
The Old Lady's Words(老婦人的話)
Join a Dancing Group(加入舞蹈團)
In a Restaurant(在餐館吃飯)
Reading Exercise 5
Greenland and Iceland(格陵蘭島和冰島)
Notice of a New Film(新片預(yù)告)
The Kiwi(幾維)
Reading Exercise 6
The Weather Report(天氣預(yù)報)
A Brave Dog(勇敢的狗)
Fast Food Restaurants Near You(你附近的快餐店)
Reading Exercise 7
Natural Gas under a Lake(湖底的天然氣)
Farming in the Sea(海上養(yǎng)殖)
Reading Exerdse 8
Henry's First Flight(亨利的第一次空中旅行)
Turn off Your Cell Phonel(關(guān)上你的電話)
A Busy Mother(忙碌的母親)
Reading Exercise 9
A Bicycle Trip(騎自行車旅行)
Who Should Be a King?(誰應(yīng)該成為國王?)
The Camel(駱駝)
Reading Exercise 10
Don't Lose Your Temper(不要發(fā)脾氣)
A Boy without Arms(沒有胳膊的男孩)
The Terrible Smell(難聞的味道)
Reading Exercise 11
Changing Places)換位置)
Shopping in a Supermarket(在超市購物)
Not Knowing Its Owner(認不出它的主人)
Reading Exercise 12
The Car in the Future(未來的汽車)
A Computer Expert(一位計算機專家)
The Weather in Britain(英國的氣候)
Reading Exercise 13
Sending Men to the Moon(載人登月)
Meeting the Storm(遭遇暴風雨)
The Soil(土壤)
Reading Exercise 14
Reading Exercise 15
Reading Exercise 16
Reading Exercise 17
Reading Exercise 18
Reading Exercise 19
Reading Exercise 20
Reading Exercise 21
Reading Exercise 22
Reading Exercise 23
Reading Exercise 24
Reading Exercise 25
Reading Exercise 26
Reading Exercise 27
Reading Exercise 28
Reading Exercise 29
Reading Exercise 30
Reading Exercise 31
Reading Exercise 32
Reading Exercise 33
Reading Exercise 34
Reading Exercise 35
Reading Exercise 36
Reading Exercise 37
Reading Exercise 38
Reading Exercise 39
Reading Exercise 40
Reading Exercise 41
Reading Exercise 42
Reading Exercise 43
Reading Exercise 44
Reading Exercise 45
Reading Exercise 46
Reading Exercise 47
Reading Exercise 48
Reading Exercise 49
Reading Exercise 50


  材料來自中考真題  詞匯提供詳細注釋  練習(xí)配備多種題型



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用戶評論 (總計10條)


  •   里面的文章內(nèi)容新穎,列出的單詞相關(guān)中考,讓學(xué)生在提高閱讀能力的同時不忘中考基本詞匯,是近期出的閱讀書中教好的一本輔導(dǎo)書,基礎(chǔ)版適合6,7年級學(xué)生,提高版適合8,9年級學(xué)生!
  •   閱讀的內(nèi)容很有趣,單詞有注解,難易適中,適合大部分初中生,推薦!
  •   很適合英語基礎(chǔ)差的同學(xué),相當于初二水平,而且對有的生詞有解釋,挺滿意。
  •   醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)的,覺得學(xué)習(xí)看看其他課外書很重要,所以買了。覺得還不錯。
  •   很好的一本書~~~~ 值得參考!
  •   幫妹妹買的,書本送來的時候沒有磨損,印刷質(zhì)量也不錯
  •   是正版,比書店便宜好多,孩子也超喜歡
  •   看著不錯,對孩子有幫助
  •   文章還不錯,可就是內(nèi)容有點枯燥
  •   短易讀

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
