
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:東華大學出版社  作者:周邦友 編  頁數(shù):460  


  There is a Chinese proverb that says: a Workman must firstsharpen his tools if he wants to do his work well.As English maors or just lovers of the English language, we should know how to put thekiiis we learn into practice. The purpose of this book, Practical Eng-liShWriting, is to teach us how to use the English we have learned intlie proper context so that we can communicate effectively.




PrefacePart 1  General Remarks on Practical English Writing  1.1  Definition of Practical Writing  1.2  Appropriateness and Accuracy  1.3  Features of Practical English Writing    1.3.1  Practicality    1.3.2  Reality    1.3.3  Certainty    1.3.4  Formality and Informality    1.3.5  Timeliness  1.4  Principles of Practical Writing    1.4.1  Clarity    1.4.2  Conciseness    1.4.3  Coherence    1.4.4  Readability  1.5  Personal vs. Impersonal Constructions  1.6  Usage of the Past and Present Tense  1.7  Paragraph Coherence    1.7.1  Common Transitional Words and Phrases    1.7.2  Repetition of Key Words    1.7.3  Linking PronounsPart 2  Letter Writing  2.1  An Introduction to Letter Writing  2.2  The Look of the Letter    2.2.1  Letter Placement and Design    2.2.2  Letter Format  Block Style  Modified Block Style  Modified Semiblock Style  Official Style  Simplified Style  Memorandum  2.3  The Elements of A Letter    2.3.1  Letterhead    2.3.2  Date    2.3.3  Inside Address    2.3.4  Salutation    2.3.5  Text    2.3.6  Complimentary Close    2.3.7  Signature    2.3.8  Enclosure    2.3.9  Copy Notation    2.3.10  Postscript  2.4  Envelopes    2.4.1  For Business Letters    ……Part 3  Sample Letters and IllustrationsPart 4  Secretarial WorkPart 5  Information and PublicityPart 6  Legal DocumentsPart 7  Personal InformationPart 8  Research PaperPart 9  Note TakingPart 10  Punctuation MarksBibliography


  By certainty, we mean that the language used in practical writingshould be definite and certain. For instance, when we refers to smooth finish, we seldom say as smooth as glass; when werefers to hardness, we rarely say as hard as steel; when weindicate the place of delivery, we cannot say along the YangtzeRiver, either. That is to say, in practical writing, rhetorical device—— such as, simile, metaphor, and hyperbole —— is considerably lessused.  ……



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  •   書的內(nèi)容很全面。適合大學生階段學習,很有用。在老師的指導下,比較全面的掌握了一些寫英語應用文的技巧和方法。
  •   我覺得書的質(zhì)量很好,內(nèi)容很豐富
  •   紙張可以,內(nèi)容很好
  •   里面很詳細
  •   這本書是純英文 涉及的應用文比較多。不足是都是簡單的帶過,例子很少。

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