
出版時間:2008-7  出版社:東華大學出版社  作者:卓乃堅,(美) 哈羅克 著  頁數(shù):267  


  紡織品服裝貿(mào)易是國際貿(mào)易中最重要的貿(mào)易之一。發(fā)達國家傾向于進口那些需要使用大量勞動力生產(chǎn)的紡織品和服裝。另一方面,它們傾向于出口那些通過高資本密集方式生產(chǎn)的或能夠通過國際知名品牌獲取高附加值的紡織產(chǎn)品及服裝,或看準那些雖不起眼但卻有利可圖的市場,出口高科技的紡織產(chǎn)品和服裝。許多人口眾多、勞動力成本相對較低的發(fā)展中國家傾向于選擇紡織服裝業(yè)作為發(fā)展國民經(jīng)濟的“發(fā)動機”。因此,紡織品服裝的國際貿(mào)易為世界經(jīng)濟全球化做出了重要貢獻?! 〖徔椘贩b的國際貿(mào)易由許多國家參與。眾所周知,英語是對外貿(mào)易交流和磋商中最常




CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN TEXTILES AND CLOTHING 紡織品服裝國際貿(mào)易縱覽1.1 Why International Trade Occurs 國際貿(mào)易產(chǎn)生的原因1.2 A Brief History of International Trade in Textiles and Apparel 紡織品服裝國際貿(mào)易的歷史概況1.3 The Current Situation in China’S Textile and Clothing Foreign Trade 中國紡織品服裝外貿(mào)現(xiàn)狀1.4 General Exportation and Importation Procedures in China 中國進出口的一般程序 1.4.1 General Sequence of Exportation 出口一般程序 Prepa.ration for business negotiation 貿(mào)易磋商的準備1.4.1.2 Business negotiation and contract establishment 貿(mào)易磋商和合同建立1.4.1.3 Execution of the contract 合同的履行 1.4.2 Genera|Sequence of Importation 進口一般程序1.4.3 General Sequence of Processing Trade 加工貿(mào)易的一般程序1.5 Prerequisites to be a Good Trader in Textiles and Garments 成為一個好的紡織品服裝商人的先決條件Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 2 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND PRACTICES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE 國際貿(mào)易公約和慣例2.1 International Trade Conventions 國際貿(mào)易公約2.2 International Customs and:Practices 國際慣例Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises練習CHAPTER 3 TRANSPORrATION 運輸3.1 Modes of Transportation 運輸方式 3.1.1 Transportation by Sea 海洋運輸3.1.2 Transportation by other Modes 其他運輸方式3.2 Transport Documents 運輸單據(jù) 3.2.1 Classification of Bill of Lading 提單的分類3.2.2 Classification of other Transport Documents 其他運輸單據(jù)的分類Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 4 INSURANCE FOR TIRANSPORTATION 運輸保險4.1 The Insurance Principles 保險原則 4.1.1 The Principle of Insurance Interest 保險利益原則4.1.2 The Principle of Utmoost Good Faith 最大誠信原則 4.1.3 The Principle of Indemnity 補償原則4.1.4 The Principle of Proximate Cause 近因原則4.2 Risks to he Covered 待承保的風險 4.2.1 Risks Involved in Transportation 運輸所涉及的風險4.2.2 Total Loss and Partial Loss 全損和部分損失 4.2.3 Sue and Labour Expenses and Salvage Charges 施救費用和救助費用4.3 Risks Covered under the China Insurance Clauses 中國保險條款下承保的險別4.3.1 Coverage for Ocean Transportahon海洋運輸?shù)碾U別 4.3.2 Coverage for other Modes of Transport 其他運輸方式下的承保范圍4.4 Risks Covered under the Institute Cargo Clauses 協(xié)會貨物保險條款下的險別4.5 Insurance Documents 保險單據(jù)4.6 Procedures for Lodging an Insurance Claim 保險索賠程序Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 5 PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT 其他運輸方式下的承保范圍5.1 Financial Instruments 金融票據(jù) 5.1.1 Drafts 匯票 Definition 定義5.1.1.2 The parties concerned 當事人 Particulars that must be specified 必須記載的項目 Acts involving drafts 匯票行為5.1.1.5 Classification of drafts 匯票的分類 5.1.2 Promissory Notes 本票5.1.3 Cheques 支票5.2 Modes of Payment 支付方式 5.2.1 Payment by Remittance 用匯付方式支付5.2.1.1 Remittance by T/T or by M/T 電匯或信匯 Remittance by D/D 票匯 Characteristics of payment by remittance 用匯付方式支付的特點5.2.2 Payment by Collection 用托收方式支付 Parties involved 當事人 Types of collection 托收的種類5.2.2.3 Characteristics of payment by collection 用托收方式支付的特點5.2.3 Payment by L/C 用信用證方式支付 Types of letter of credit 信用證種類 Primary I/C operations 信用證的基本操作5.2.3.3 Parties involved 當事人 Characteristics of payment by L/C 用信用證方式支付的特點Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 6 TRADE TERMS 貿(mào)易術(shù)語6.1 Overview of the Rules 規(guī)則縱覽 6.1.1 Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932 1932年華沙—牛津規(guī)則6.1.2 Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 1941年美國對外貿(mào)易定義修訂本6.1.3 International Rules for Interpretation of Trade Terms(INCOTERMS)  國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則(INCOTERMS)6.2 Points to be Noted When Using INCOTERMS 使用INCOTERMS的 注意要點Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 7 CONTRACTUAL CLAUSES 合同條款7.1  Name and Quality Specifications 品名和品質(zhì)規(guī)定 7.1.1 Name of the Goods 商品的名稱7.1.2 Quality of the Goods 商品的品質(zhì) Sale by sample 憑樣品買賣 Sale by description 憑文字說明買賣7.2 Quantity 數(shù)量7.3 Packing 包裝 7.3.1 Modes of Packing 包裝方式7.3.2 Marks on Packaging 包裝上的標志7.4 Shipment or Delivery 裝運或交貨 7.4.1 Time of Shipment 裝運期7.4.2 Partial Shipments and Transhipment 分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)運 Partial shipments 分批裝運 Transhipment 轉(zhuǎn)運7.4.3 Places of Departure and Arrival 起訖地7.5 Insurance保險7.6 Payment支付7.7 Price價格 7.7.1 Type of the Currency 貨幣的類型7.7.2 Value of the Unit Price 單價的數(shù)值 7.7.3 Commission and Discount 傭金和折扣7.8 Inspection,Claim,F(xiàn)orce Majeure and Arbitration 檢驗、索賠、不可抗力和仲裁7.9 Other Clauses 其他條款Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 8 BUSINESS NEGOTIATION AND CONTRACT ESTABLISHMENT 貿(mào)易磋商與合同建立8.1 Business Negotiation貿(mào)易磋商 8.1.1 Common Ways to Undertake a Business Negotiation 貿(mào)易磋商常用的方式8.1.2 Enquiry 詢盤 8.1.3 Offer 發(fā)盤8.1.4 Counter-offer 還盤 8.1.5 Acceptance 接受8.2 Drafling a Contract or a General Agreement 起草合同或總協(xié)議8.2.1 Drafting a Contract 起草合同 8.2.2 Drafling a General Agreement 起草總協(xié)議Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習CHAPTER 9 DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF A CONTRACT 合同結(jié)算所需要的單證工作9.1 A Basic Requirements for a Document 單據(jù)的基本要求 9.1.1 Clarity and Neatness 明確和整潔9.1.2 Correctness 正確 9.1.3 Promptness 及時9.2  Documents Required 所需要的單據(jù)Words and Phrases 詞匯Exercises 練習Keys to Exercises 練習題答案Index to Words and Phrases 詞匯索引Chinese Version 中文參考譯文Suggested Further Reading and Links to Websites建議進一步閱讀的讀物和瀏覽的網(wǎng)站Appendix 1 Sales Confirmation 售貨確認書Appendix 2 Attachment to the Sales Confirmation 售貨確認書附頁Appendix 3 General Agreement 總協(xié)議Appendix 4 Letter of Credit 信用證Appendix 5 Bill of Exchange 匯票Appendix 6 Invoice 發(fā)票Appendix 7 Packing List 裝箱單Appendix 8 Bill of Lading 提單Appendix 9 Insurance Policy 保險單Appendix 10 Certificate of Origin 產(chǎn)地證Appendix 11 Beneficiary’s Certificate 受益人證明


  紡織品服裝貿(mào)易是國際貿(mào)易中最重要的貿(mào)易之一。眾所周知,英語是對外貿(mào)易交流和磋商中最常用的語言?! ”緯哪康氖菍iT參照中國和它的貿(mào)易伙伴間的貿(mào)易,介紹紡織品服裝國際貿(mào)易的實務(wù)知識。它特別使用了中文和英文,以便中國讀者不僅能夠了解本書的主題內(nèi)容,而且能夠熟悉相同方面的英語描述、解釋以及術(shù)語。它可以供學習紡織品服裝國際貿(mào)易的學生使用,也可以供目前正在從事或打算從事紡織品服裝國際貿(mào)易的人士參考。本書涵蓋了包括磋商和起草合同、準備單據(jù)、運輸和支付以及貿(mào)易規(guī)則等一系列內(nèi)容。本書還包含了許多專業(yè)術(shù)語,作者相信,它們對于了解和理解常用的操作過程非常有用。



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