出版時間:2008-8 出版社:東華大學出版社 作者:程家才 編 頁數(shù):222
College English Test 1College English Test 2College English Test 3College English Test 4College English Test 5College English Test 6College English Test 7College English Test 8College English Test 9College English Test 10參考答案和高分范文聽力文字材料和答案
Patients who underwent heart surgery and had adult stem cells(taken from their hip bones)injected into portions of their hearts fared better than those who did not,according to results of a 20patient study by scientists at the Univ.of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania.The research。presented on April 26,at a meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery in Toronto,suggested that the hearts of the patients receiving Stem cells pumped blood more effectively than those that did not.However,separate research on mice,published in the April 8 issue of Nature,called into questioning the effectiveness of heart repair through.adult stem cells.(The issue of whether adult stem cells offer the potential benefits of embryonic stem cells has political implications;some have argued that embryonic stem eell research is unnecessary because adult stem cells can achieve the same ends.) Scientists from Duke Univ.in North Carolina presented a report at the International Association of Bone Marrow Transplantation Research meeting in February showing.that stem cells from umbilical cord blood;when transplanted into children suffering from rare diseases.can develop into heart muscle cells.The clinical effectiveness of the cord blood in treating rare diseases has been known for some time,but only recent research has shown that it is the stem cells in the blood that make the difference,by specializing into needed tissues. Researchers at Harvard Univ.Medical Sch001 in Massachusetts reported in the Mar.1l issue of Nature that female mammals~female mice.in particular-produce new eggs throughout their lives.The finding contradicted the prevailing wisdom that the store of eggs female mammals have at birth is their total allotment and that no new ones are created. Biologist Jonathan Tilly headed the study.If human females were also found to produce eggsthroughout their lives,the discovery could lead to new developments in fertility. A collaborative of biologists from around the world,1ed by Richard Gibbs of the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,TX,sequenced the genome of the rat and published their findings online and in the Apr.1 issue of Nature.The brown Norway rat-commonly used in laboratories-was the third mammal to have its genome(the genetic material of an organism)sequenced,after humans and mice.Rats share many genes with humans(and mice),and scientists believe that knowledge of the rat genome could substantially aid medical research.Among other things,researchers eventually could be able to turn on or off specific genes in rats,and thereby gain a better understanding of the role those genes play in various diseases. ……