
出版時(shí)間:2009-12  出版社:東華大學(xué)出版社  作者:黃旭,張煒棟 主編  頁數(shù):265  


  《實(shí)用染整英語》是供已學(xué)完基礎(chǔ)英語、掌握了一定數(shù)量的常用詞匯和基本語法的輕化類高職高專學(xué)生使用的染整專業(yè)英語教材,旨在培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對(duì)染整專業(yè)英語的應(yīng)用能力,在最后一個(gè)模塊中補(bǔ)充了實(shí)用貿(mào)易基礎(chǔ)部分,使其成為染整企業(yè)專業(yè)技術(shù)人員和從事紡織品外貿(mào)工作人員較好的參考資料?! ”窘滩膬?nèi)容涵蓋纖維和紡織品、染整助劑、染整前處理、染料、染色、印花、整理和實(shí)用貿(mào)易基礎(chǔ)8個(gè)模塊,分為58個(gè)工作任務(wù),在每個(gè)工作任務(wù)申都安排了適當(dāng)?shù)恼n后練習(xí)題及閱讀文章,提供了多樣化的學(xué)習(xí)方式。  本教材由南通紡織職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院染化系教師組織編寫。其中,模塊工由沈志平編寫;模塊2由李錦華編寫;模塊3、模塊4、模塊5和模塊6中的任務(wù)工、任務(wù)2和任務(wù)3由黃旭編寫;模塊6中的任務(wù)4、任務(wù)5和任務(wù)6由賀良震編寫;模塊7中的任務(wù)工、任務(wù)2和任務(wù)3由潘云芳編寫;模塊7中的任務(wù)4、任務(wù)5和任務(wù)6由季莉編寫;模塊8由張煒棟編寫。最后全書由黃旭統(tǒng)稿。  由于編者水平有限,書中難免存在缺點(diǎn)和錯(cuò)誤,懇請(qǐng)廣大讀者批評(píng)指正。






  A fiber is characterized by its high length to diameter ratio, and by its strength andflexibility. Fibers may be of natural origin, or artificially made from natural or syntheticpolymers. They are available in a variety of forms. Staple fibers are short, with length todiameter ratio around 103 to 104, whereas this ratio for continuous filaments is at leastseveral millions. The form and properties of a natural fiber such as cotton are fixed,but for artificially made fibers, a wide choice of properties is available by design. Thevariations include staple fibers of any length, single continuous filaments(monofilaments), or yarns constituted of many filaments (multi-filaments). The fibers Orfilaments may be lustrous, dull or semi-dull, fine or ultrafine, circular or of manyother cross-sections, straight or crimped, regular or chemically modified, solid or hollow.The luster and handle depend on the shape of cross-sections and on the degree of crimping. Natural fibers have a number of inherent disadvantages. They exhibit large variationsin staple length, fineness, shape, crimp and other physical properties, depending upon thelocation and conditions of growth. Animal and vegetable fibers also contain considerableand variable amount of impurities, whose removal before dyeing is essential and entailsmuch processing. Artificially made fibers are much more uniform in their physicalcharacteristics. Their only contaminants are small amounts of slightly soluble lowmolecular weight polymers (oligomers) and some surface lubricants and other chemicalsadded to facilitate processing. These are relatively easy to be removed compared with thedifficulty of purifying natural fibers.



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  •   書內(nèi)容不錯(cuò),真的是實(shí)用英語!
  •   書的包裝都很好,沒有損壞,不錯(cuò)。
  •   大致看了一下覺得不是自己需要的,我想要的是與染整相關(guān)的英語,怎么說呢,就是詞匯,用語之類的吧,書的本身還是可以的。

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