
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:安徽大學(xué)出版社  作者:方傳余  頁數(shù):212  


  《言語幽默語用策略研究》將言語幽默置于動(dòng)態(tài)的交際過程,將其視為一種言語交際語用策略。在綜合分析言語幽默交際基本特征的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)言語交際中幽默的呈現(xiàn)方式和幽默發(fā)出者的角色類型,將幽默語用策略分為講述者策略和交際者策略?!堆哉Z幽默語用策略研究》借用言語幽默的語義腳本理論和語用學(xué)基本理論,分別從宏觀與微觀層面分析講述者策略和交際者策略,并分析幽默發(fā)出者的提示策略和幽默接受者的回應(yīng)策略。  《言語幽默語用策略研究》適合有一定英語基礎(chǔ)的語言專業(yè)的學(xué)習(xí)者和研究者以及對(duì)英語幽默和幽默研究感興趣的廣大讀者。




序前言List of Abbreviations1 Introduction1.1 Preamble1.2 Rationale of the study1.3 Objectives of the study1.4 Scope of the study1.5 Methodology and data collection1.6 Organization of the study2 Study of Humor and Pragmatic Strategy: An Overview2.1 Study of humor2.1.1 Disagreement on humor and humor study2.1.2 Social-psychological theories of humor2.1.2.1 Relief theories2.1.2.2 Superiority theories2.1.2.3 Incongruity theories2.1.3 Linguistic theories of humor2.1.3.1 Semantic script theory of humor2.1.3.2 General theory of verbal humor2.1.3.3 Audience-based theory of verbal humor2.1.4 Other preval.ent approaches to humor2.1.4.1 Pragmatic approaches2.1.4.2 Cognitive-linguistic approaches2.1.4.3 Chinese scholars on humor2.2 Study of pragmatic strategy2.2.1 Pragmatic theories and pragmatic strategy2.2.2 Sporadic studies of pragmatic strategy2.3 Summary3 Humor in C0mmunieati0n3.1 Basic notions related to humor in communication3.1.1 Humor and laughter3.1.2 Sense of humor3.1.3 Joke similarity and variation3.1.3.1 Joke similarity3.1.3.2 Joke variation3.1.4 Canned jokes and spontaneous humor3.1.4.1 Canned jokes in communication3.1.4.2 Transferability between canned jokes and spontaneous humor3.2 Humor as a communication mode3.2.1 Serious and humorous modes of communication3.2.1.1 Serious mode of communication3.2.1.2 Humorous mode of communication3.2.2 Mode-switching in communication3.3 Summary4 Joke Tellers Strategies4.1 Macro-strategies4.1.1 Script4.1.2 Script overlap4.1.3 Script oppositeness4.2 Micro-strategies4.2.1 Orthographic strategy4.2.2 Phonological strategy4.2.3 Lexical strategy4.2.4 Syntactic strategy4.2.5 Discourse strategy4.3 Summary5 Interlocutors Strategies5.1 Interlocutor as humor producer5.2 Macro-strategies5.2.1 CP-related strategies5.2.2 PP-related strategies5.2.3 Speech-act-related strategies5.3 Micro-strategies5.3.1 Presupposition-related strategies5.3.2 Deixis-related strategies5.4 Summary6 Signaling Strategies and Responding Strategies6.1 Signaling strategies6.2 Responding strategies6.2.1 Nonverbal responses6.2.2 Verbal responses6.2.3 Lack of response6.2.4 Implicatures of responding strategies6.3 Summary7 Conclusion7. 1 Major findings of the study7.2 Implications of the study7.3 Limitations of the study7.4 Suggestions for further studyBibliography


  Another pragmatic approach to verbal humor is to take itas a speech act. Humor is indeed an act, among otherattributes. Following the idea of the Speech Act Theory thatutterances are actions, verbal humor is naturally a speech act.To refer to an individual occurrence of a funny stimulus,Raskin (1985) uses the term humor act with the humorparticipants, the speaker and the hearer, as an importantcomponent of the act. In analogy to the Speech Act Theory,Raskin (1985) even proposes a definition of the speech act ofmaking a joke. ?。?004) takes verbal humor as a speech act of amusement,which follows an entirely different principle than that of seriousdiscourse, and to be verbally humorous is to amuse withwords. Since humor is basically amusing, amusement is theuniversal and essential element in diverse forms of humorousinteractions. With speech act theory as the theoreticalguideline, her study describes the speech act of amusement interms of its components and its characteristics, and groupsamusement into the category of directive speech act.  As a speech act, verbal humor is also studied either as aface-saving act or as a face-threatening .act in the light of thePoliteness Principle (Leech 1983) and the Face Saving Theory(Brown & Levinson 1978).



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