
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:安徽大學出版社  作者:陳葵陽,孟艾萍  頁數(shù):290  字數(shù):436000  




基礎英語快速閱讀 Unit1   Passage1 English Language    Passage2 Talking Without Sound     Passage3 1066 and All That     Passage4 Why English?  Unit2    Passage5 Inerlligence    Passage6 Intelligence Tests    Passage7 How to Study    Passage8 Learning to Keep You Cool during Tests  Unit3     Passage9 Energy    Passage10 Oil Exploitation    Passage11 Petrol    Passage12 Atom  Unit4     Passage13 Breakfast and Human Health    Passage14 Will It Matter if I Skip Breakfast?    Passage15 Healthy Eating     Passage16 A Carrot a Day May Keep Cancer Away  Unit5  Unit6  Unit7  Unit8  Unit9  Unit10  Unit11  Unit12  Unit13  Unit14  Unit15  Unit16  Unit17  Unit18  Unit19  Unit20商務英語快速閱讀 Unit1  Unit2 Unit3  Unit4 Unit5  Unit6  Unit7  Unit8  Unit9  Unit10  Unit11  Unit12  Unit13  Unit14  Unit15  Unit16  Unit17  Unit18  Unit19  Unit20Key to Units



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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
