
出版時間:2005-7  出版社:中南大學(xué)出版社  作者:展江,李青藜,李  頁數(shù):211  字數(shù):243000  




展江,1957年生,中國青年政治學(xué)院新聞與傳播系教授、系主任。畢業(yè)于中國人民大學(xué)新聞學(xué)院,法學(xué)博士。著有《戰(zhàn)時新聞傳播諸論》、《正義與勇氣》等,譯著有《美國新聞史》、《一個自由而負責(zé)的新聞界》、《新聞報道與寫作》(主譯)、《新聞與正義 普利策新聞獎獲獎作品集》


Unit 1  What Is News?  Passage 1  What Is News:Some Answers Past and Present  Passage 2  Why We Need NewsUnit 2  What Is Commmunication?  Passage 1  What Is Communication  Passage 2   Three Communication MarketsUnit 3  Newspaper  Passage 1  Newspaper:A Brief History  Passage 2  J oseph PulitzerUnit 4  Book  Passage 1  Variety in Book Publishing  Passage 2  The Lessons of Harry PotterUnit 5  Magazine  Passage 1  Evolution of Periodicals  Passage 2  Modern Magazine Publishing:The Specialized AudiencdUnit 6  Film  Passage 1  The Production of Films  Passage 2  Charlie ChaplinUnit 7  Radio  Passage 1  Radio Station Formats  Passage 2  New Competition in RadioUnit 8  TV   Passage 1  The History of TV  Passage 2  The Creation of Sesame Street Unit 9  Internet  Passage 1  Making Internet History  Passage 2  WeblogUnit 10  Journalism  Passage 1  Nine Elements of Journalism  Passage 2  What Is Journalism for?Unit 11  Press Freedom  Passage 1  History of Press Freedom  Passage 2  The Zenaer CaseUnit 12  Photo,Comic & Cartoon  Passage 1  Comic Strip  Passage 2  Robert CapaUnit 13  Propaganda  Passage 1  Propaganda  Passage 2  Carriers of Propaganda InformationUnit 14  Advertising & Public Relation  Passage 1  A Bird's-Eye View on Advertising  Passage 2  The Growth of Public RelationsUnit 15  Media LawsUnit 16  EthicsUnit 17  Communication Education & Media LiteracyUnit 18  Communication Studies參考譯文Key to Exercise ⅢBibliography




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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   新聞與傳播學(xué)專業(yè)英語
  •   其實還是挺淺顯的
  •   師弟師妹們,要買早點買,不要像我,拖到學(xué)期末才買,結(jié)果為了復(fù)習(xí),又必須買。中青新聞人傷不起啊
  •   能通過此書概括了解新聞英語理論概貌,可讀性不強
  •   就是找些文章匯編一下,估計是人都能編出這樣的書。不過同事非要買,只好代勞了。

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