
出版時間:2007-12  出版社:西南交通大學出版社  作者:張治英,朱勤芹  頁數:185  字數:335000  


初冬的一天,張治英老師拿來一疊書稿要我作序,我欣然從允。張治英老師從事外語教學與研究已二十多年,一直對跨文化交際中英漢語言文化的對比及翻譯研究有著濃厚的興趣,經過多年的潛心鉆研和實踐,發(fā)表了有關學術論文多篇,為撰寫《跨文化交際與翻譯策略》這部專著奠定了基礎。    翻譯是一種實踐性很強的跨文化交際活動,翻譯策略則是從事這種活動的具體手段和方法?!犊缥幕浑H與翻譯策略》一書試圖將比較語言學、跨文化交際學和翻譯理論結合起來研究跨文化交際及翻譯策略,并以跨文化交際理論為指導,借鑒社會學、社會語言學、人類學、語用學等學科關于交際和文化的研究成果,對不同文化中的交際規(guī)則進行跨文化對比。在此基礎上,進一步探索跨文化交際學理論應用于翻譯過程中的可行性,從而更深刻地揭示翻譯的原理與技巧。    本書共分六章。全書說理透徹,脈絡清晰。在翻譯技巧的取舍上,作者未局限于傳統(tǒng)的翻譯技巧框架,不求面面俱到,對讀者熟知的翻譯策略和技巧略去或一帶而過:對讀者可能不太熟悉的技巧則多加筆墨,予以說明。譬如,書中第5.4節(jié)介紹的翻譯策略“零譯法”是一個較為新穎的翻譯技巧,到目前為止,其他翻譯理論書籍尚未詳細闡釋過,也可以說是一個翻譯界未全面探討過的問題,特別值得一讀。    本書貫穿始終的指導思想,就是將翻譯理論和實踐與跨文化交際有機地結合,揭示語言、文化與交際的關系,以及文化對于翻譯過程的影響,從而提高人們的跨文化交際能力和翻譯水平。        總之,本書內容翔實,從理論到實踐環(huán)環(huán)相扣,是一本側重語言實際運用的好書,無疑對廣大翻譯工作者,以及從事外語教育和跨文化交際研究的教師和學者們都會有所裨益。


Chapter 1  IntroductionChapter 2  Language, Culture, Translation and Intercultural Communication 2.1  Def'mitions of culture 2.2  Classifications of culture 2.3  Language and culture  2.3.1  Language is part of culture    2.3.2  Language is the carrier of culture  2.3.3  Language is the stimulus of culture 2.4  Translation and culture 2.5  The era of intercultural communication  2.5.1  Communication in a global village  2.5.2  Elements of communication  2.5.3  Communication and its characteristics    2.5.4  Stumbling blocks in intercultural communicationChapter 3  Translation The.odes 3.1  What is translation?   3.2  The nature of translating    3.2.1  Reproducing the message  3.2.2  Equivalence rather than identity  3.2.3  The priority of meaning  3.2.4  The significance of style   3.3  Translation theories    3.3.1  Translation theory in the past and the present    3.3.2  Developments in interlingual studies    3.3.3  Eugene Nida: applying generative grammar to translation 3.4  Translation as a modem means of communicationChapter 4  Translation Techniques 4.1  The use of componential analysis in translation  4.1.1  Lexical words  4.1.2  Cultural words    4.1.3  Synonyms  4.1.4  Sets and series  4.1.5  Conceptual terms  4.1.6  Words as myths 4.2  The application of case grammar to translation   4.2.1  Translation of missing verbs, i.e. verbal force  4.2.2  The translation of case-gaps 4.3  Literal translation  4.3.1  Varieties of close translation  4.3.2  Faithful and false friends  4.3.3  Words in their context  4.3.4  Elegant variations  4.3.5  Back-translation test (BTT)  4.3.6 Accepted translation  4.3.7  Constraints on literal translation  4.3.8  Natural translation  4.3.9  Re-creative translation  4.3.10  The sub-text  4.3.11  The notion of the "no-equivalent" word  4.3.12  The role of context 4.4  The existing of zero-translation 4.5  Through-translation 4.6  Shifts of transpositions 4.7  Other translation methods  4.7.1  Recognized translation  4.7.2  Word-for-word translation  4.7.3  Faithful translation  4.7.4  Semantic translation  4.7.5  Adaptation  4.7.6  Idiomatic translation  4.7.7  Communicative translation……



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