
出版時間:2007-11  出版社:西南交通大學出版社  作者:陳文存  頁數(shù):195  字數(shù):243000  


全書分為五章。第一章分析學習的客體——英語。分析內(nèi)容主要有:語言的定義和本質(zhì),同漢語相比較,英語的一些顯著特點,并介紹了幾種主要的語言觀。第二章主要分析語言學習者和語言學習過程,介紹了幾種主要的語言學習觀點、學習者個體差異的幾個主要方面和學習策略。第三章分析了英語教學的發(fā)展趨勢。對以學習者為中心、以人為本的語言教學、任務(wù)型語言學習與教學、合作學習、互動學習、后方法時代、模塊化、超文本化語言教學進行了論述。第四章分析了英語教學的評價問題。涉及評價的基本概念、要素、測試分類、形成性評價的技能、命題步驟和英語試題的編寫指南等。第五章分析了英語教師的教育與發(fā)展。主要內(nèi)容有:從教師培訓到教師發(fā)展、教師教育概述、英語教師的基本素質(zhì)、新教師與老教師的發(fā)展、理念的確立與修正、在職教師的發(fā)展、英語教師的角色。       由于國外學者,尤其是北美學者在研究和討論外語教學時沒有區(qū)分二語和外語,且常常使用Second Language這一術(shù)語。本書在論述時沒有對二語和外語作嚴格區(qū)分。    作者心目中的讀者是英語教師,包括在職教師和即將成為英語教師的大學生。希望能對他們有所幫助。


引言客體分析要——語言與目的語 1.1 語言分析 1.2 語言的基本觀點 1.3 目的語——英語分析 1.4 幾個語言術(shù)語區(qū)分主體分析——語言學習者與學習過程 2.1 對學習的分析 2.2 語言學習的部分研究 2.3 個體差異與二語習得英語教學的發(fā)展與趨勢分析 3.1 學習者為中心 3.2 人本主義語言教學  3.3 教學中的任務(wù)型學習途徑 3.4 教學中的合作學習 3.5 語言教學中的互動 3.6 方法的終結(jié)?后方法時代 3.7 模塊化 3.8 超文本化英語教學的評價分析 4.1 英語教學評價中的基本概念與問題 4.2 評價的基本要素 4.3 測試的分類 4.4 英語教學中形成性評價的技能 4.5 語言測試的命題步驟 4.6 英語試題編寫指南英語教師教育與發(fā)展分析參考文獻


  4.1.5 Assessment, Testing, Teaching and Learning   Tests may be constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate the student, known as the test is geared to the teaching, or primarily as a means of assessing the student's performance in the language, known as the teaching is often geared largely to the test (Heaton, 1988). We can not expect testing only to follow teaching. What we should demand of it, however, is that it should be supportive of good teaching. At present, tests should be constructed to measure the candidate's success in performing purposeful and relevant tasks and their actual ability to communicate in the language. However, most tests are norm-referenced and too many teachers gear their teaching towards an ill-defined "average group" without taking into account the abilities of those students in the class who are at either the end of the scale.  How testing helps students learning English and how testing helps teachers of English? Take classroom tests as an example. A good classroom test can help students create positive attitudes toward the class-a sense of accomplishment and benefit students by helping them master the language study when they prepare for exams and when exams are returned and discussed as soon as possible, requiring them to study hard, emphasizing course objectives, and showing them where they need to improve. A good classroom test also helps teachers to evaluate individual performance, locate the precise areas of difficulty encountered by the class of individuals, and evaluate the effectiveness of the syllabus, method and materials.  We can have a better understanding of the relationship between assessment, testing, teaching, and learning by the following examples: We believe that humans want to learn and learning is an innate and lifelong process. Therefore educators expect that all people can learn. They maintain challenging expectations for all learners. They are passionate about learning model, curiosity and persistence.  Therefore, the primary purpose for assessment is to improve learning. Assessment provides all learners with the capacity to demonstrate what they know, value and are able to do.  We believe that learners are unique and they determine their own learning. Therefore educators recognize individual differences and demonstrate care for and understanding of each learner. They include and maximize the participation of learners of different abilities and backgrounds. They apply a relevant range of teaching approaches and strategies and negotiate with learners about learning goals, activities, issues and contexts. As a result, learners self-assess and develop their capacity to monitor their own learning and negotiate assessment criteria and assessment tasks.  ……



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