
出版時間:2009-12  出版社:東北大學(xué)出版社有限公司  作者:楊春卉 主編  頁數(shù):213  字?jǐn)?shù):372000  




Chapter 1 Olympic Games 1.1 Origin of Ancient Olympic Games 1.2 Pierre de Coubertin 1.3 Olympic Spirit 1.4 Beijing Olympics Games 1.5 Translation 1.6 Olympic Sports 1.7 GlossaryChapter 2 Volleyball 2.1 Origin of Volleyball 2.2 Court and Equipment 2.3 Positions 2.4 Hand Signals 2.5 The Techniques of Volleyball 2.6 The Referees 2.7 Players 2.8 Rules of Volleyball 2.9 Translation 2.10 GlossaryChapter 3 Football 3.1 Introduction of Football 3.2 Referee 3.3 Field of Play 3.4 The Position 3.5 The Basic Techniques of Football 3.6 Rule 3.7 Referee Signals 3.8 Competition Format 3.9 Translation 3.10 GlossaryChapter 4 Basketball 4.1 James Naismith 4.2 Court and Equipment 4.3 Introduction of Basketball 4.4 Techniques 4.5 NBA 4.6 GlossaryChapter 5 Track and Field 5.1 Short Introduction 5.2 Division 5.3 IAAF and World Tournaments 5.4 Running Events 5.5 Jumping Events 5.6 Rules of Athletics 5.7 Competition Format of Beijing Olympics 5.8 Translation 5.9 GlossaryChapter 6 Table Tennis 6.1 Origin of Table Tennis 6.2 The Equipment of Table Tennis 6.3 Technique of Table Tennis 6.4 The Laws of Table Tennis 6.5 Table Tennis Tournaments 6.6 Translation 6.7 GlossaryChapter 7 Badminton 7.1 History and Development of Badminton 7.2 Equipment 7.3 Law of Badminton 7.4 Skills for Every Player——Preliminaries 7.5 Technique Badminton 7.6 Strategies and Tactics 7.7 Glossary and Useful ExpressionChapter 8 Tennis 8.1 Discipline's Origin 8.2 Equipment 8.3 Techniques 8.4 Tennis Rules 8.5 The International Tennis Federation (ITF) 8.6 Olympic History 8.7 Competition Format of Beijing Olympics 8.8 Super Star of Tennis 8.9 Translation 8.10 GlossaryChapter 9 The Ice and Snowing Sports 9.1 Speed Skate 9.2 The Technique of Speed Skating 9.3 The Figure Skate 9.4 Short Track Relay Race 9.5 The Ice Hockey 9.6 Translation 9.7 Glossary and Useful ExpressionChapter 10 Fitness 10.1 Safety First 10.2 Aerobic Fitness 10.3 Muscular FitnessChapter 11 Commands in the Class and Fitness 11.1 Commands in the Class 11.2 Fitness 11.3 Glossary部分參考譯文第1章 奧林匹克第2章 排球第3章 足球第4章 籃球第5章 田徑第6章 乒乓球第7章 羽毛球第8章 網(wǎng)球第9章 冰雪運動第10章 健身運動



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