
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:裴東光 北京體育大學 (2008-05出版)  作者:裴東光  頁數(shù):150  


  China established relationship with the IOC soon after World War I. After vigorous participation in the early editions of the Far East Games, the IOC recognized a Chinese National Olympic Committee. Subsequently, China entered athletes in the Olympic Games of 1932, 1936 and 1948.  The civil war, which resulted in the defeat Kou Ming Tang (KMT) and its subse-quent retreat to the island of Taiwan, prompted confusion within the IOC. Two sport or-ganizations emerged, one in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and one on Taiwan,each claiming to represent each others athletes in international sport affairs. The develo-ping East-West Cold War polarized attitudes and influenced discussions within the IOC on Chinese representation in the Olympic Games. For thirty years the major barrier preventing solution of the problem was the question of names, that is, the insistence by each in being referring to in all global matters as China. The initial impasse reached its climax with the PRCs withdrawal from the Olympic Movement in 1958.  In the 1970s, the international situation changed and, combined with an improve-ment in political and economic environments in the PRC, a solution was reached on the "Two Chinas" issue. The PRC was admitted to the IOC as a full Olympic partner in 1979. Prime factors in the formula for solution of the problem were: ( 1 ) the PRC was recognized by the United Nation and Taiwan was expelled in 1971, (2) The PRC devel-oped a better dialogue and relationship with IOC, primarily due to Avery Brundagess re-tirement as president, (3) changing relationship with United States, (4)increasing inter-national respect and recognition, and (5) The Chinas internal environment was improved dramatically by the initiatives of Deng Xiao Pings new policies implemented in 1978.


CHAPTER Ⅰ  INTRODUCTIONStatement of the ProblemJustification of the ProblemLimitationsDelimitationsResearch MethodsPersonal ExplanationCHAPTER Ⅱ  A BRIEF SUMMARY OF RESEARCH SOURCESMaterial from The Avery Brundage CollectionSummaries of the IOC Executive Committee MinutesSummaries of the IOC General Session MinutesSport Under CommunismThe Peoples'Republic of China and Olympic Movement: A Question of RecognitionAn Examination of the Relationship Between Sport Policy and Canadian Foreign Policy with SpecificReference to the People's Republic of China and the 1976 Olympic IssueSports, Politics and Ideology in ChinaThe Politics of the Olympic GamesOlympic PoliticsOthersCHAPTER Ⅲ  THE MODERN OLYMPIC MOVEMENT: THE GENESIS OF OLYMPIC MATTERS IN CHINA, 1895 - 1948Origins of International Sport in ChinaFigures in China's Earliest Relationship with the IOCChina's Earliest Participation in the Olympic Games, 1932 - 1948ConclusionCHAPTER Ⅳ  THE EVOLUTION OF THE "TWO CHINAS" ISSUEIntroductionSport in the PRC and the Ideology of Chinese CommunistsThe PRC's Earliest Participation in the Olympic GamesThe Post-World War International SituationThe PRC's Preparation for the 1956 GamesThe Critical MomentConclusionCHAPTER Ⅴ  STEPS TOWARD OLYMPIC RECONCILIATION: THE GAMES OF THE NEW EMERGING FORCES (GANEFO) AND CHINA'S CULTURAL REVOLUTIONThe Games of the New Emerging ForcesCHAPTER Ⅵ  SOLUTION OF THE "TWO CHINAS" ISSUE: THE FINAL PHASE/ 1971 - 1984Mao and the United StatesThe Origin and Meaning of Ping-Pong DiplomacyThe PRC's Return to the Olympic FamilyThe Olympics Eventually Transcend Politics——the Solution of the "Two Chinas Issue"CHAPTER Ⅶ  SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Upon ReflectionUnited Nations MembershipBetter Dialogue with the IOCChanging Relationship with the United StatesIncreasing International Respect and RecognitionDeng Xiao Ping's Rise to PowerA Final NoteAPPENDIXBIBLIOGRAPHYVITA





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