
出版時(shí)間:2006-1  出版社:上外教育  作者:克魯恩  頁數(shù):135  








書摘“諾瑪·簡(jiǎn),抬頭看看天上!”    小女孩抬起頭,向天上的云彩望去。一架小型雙座飛機(jī)朝她家越飛越近,窗戶玻璃被震得咯咯作響,她的小狗提皮跟著狂叫。    當(dāng)飛機(jī)再一次在她家上空盤旋的時(shí)候,諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)高興地尖叫著,不過她的聲音被飛機(jī)引擎的響聲淹沒了。這次,飛行員探出身,朝著這個(gè)6歲大的小姑娘揮揮手。諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)看見他戴著護(hù)目鏡,穿著厚厚的皮夾克,一副30年代早期飛行員的典型裝束。一條白色的圍巾緊緊地系在他的脖子上,在他背后隨風(fēng)飄蕩。    諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)不知道這是她媽媽格拉迪斯特意為她安排的。格拉迪斯在位于加州好萊塢的哥倫比亞電影制片廠做剪輯師。她托一位為公司送貨的飛行員朋友下次飛過她家的時(shí)候向諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)揮揮手,打個(gè)招呼。    格拉迪斯沒機(jī)會(huì)經(jīng)??吹脚畠?,因?yàn)闆]有足夠的錢好好照顧諾瑪·簡(jiǎn),所以只得把她寄放在寄養(yǎng)家庭里。格拉迪斯想為女兒的生日做點(diǎn)非常特別的事,她知道諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)會(huì)喜歡這個(gè)驚喜。    如果諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)知道自己有一天將在好萊塢工作,而且她的工作還會(huì)那么與眾不同的話,她應(yīng)該會(huì)更驚訝。諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)·莫泰森有一天將改名為“瑪麗蓮·夢(mèng)露”,成為一名艷光四射、舉世聞名的電影明星。    1926年6月1日,諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)·莫泰森出生在洛杉磯綜合醫(yī)院的慈善病房中。諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)是一個(gè)健康的寶寶,長(zhǎng)著藍(lán)色的大眼睛和草莓紅的頭發(fā)。    諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)的媽媽格拉迪斯·珀?duì)枴へ惪恕つ┥且粋€(gè)清秀的紅發(fā)女郎。雖然格拉迪斯雄心勃勃,卻并不走運(yùn)。她26歲的時(shí)候就已經(jīng)有過兩次失敗的婚姻了。    1915年,年僅14歲的格拉迪斯嫁給了一個(gè)叫加斯帕·貝克的人(在她母親的慫恿之下,格拉迪斯隱瞞了自己的真實(shí)年齡,謊稱自己已經(jīng)18歲了)。格拉迪斯與加斯帕生了兩個(gè)孩子,波尼斯和杰姬。一天格拉迪斯下班回到家里,發(fā)現(xiàn)丈夫和孩子都不見了。加斯帕只留下一張小紙條:他已經(jīng)帶著孩子到另一個(gè)州去了,格拉迪斯再也見不到他們了。    在洛杉磯,格拉迪斯努力使自己重新振作起來。她長(zhǎng)時(shí)間地?fù)湓陔娪爸破瑥S的工作上。她告訴相識(shí)的人,說她的孩子都死了,這樣她就可以不再談起失去親人的悲傷了。    19世紀(jì)晚期,世界上有幾個(gè)發(fā)明家在試驗(yàn)制作“移動(dòng)的圖像”。他們制造了特殊的攝影機(jī)和放映機(jī),使靜止不動(dòng)的相片活動(dòng)起來。1895年,盧米埃兄弟在法國(guó)放映了他們的第一部電影。那一年,電影在倫敦、柏林和紐約也首次上映。電影轟動(dòng)一時(shí),人們對(duì)這種新奇有趣的東西贊不絕口。    1913年在洛杉磯市郊一個(gè)叫好萊塢的小地方,幾家電影制片廠開張了。新興的電影業(yè)為技術(shù)人員、建筑業(yè)人員、導(dǎo)演、作家和演員創(chuàng)造了許多工作機(jī)會(huì)。每年都有最新的技術(shù)被應(yīng)用于電影制作。1927年,第一部有聲電影——阿爾·喬森主演的《爵士歌王》誕生(在此之前電影都是無聲的)。    格拉迪斯·貝克認(rèn)為自己在好萊塢擁有這樣一份工作是件幸運(yùn)的事。她喜歡剪接電影膠片,這是電影制作中必不可少的一個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)。她剪下的電影畫面或片段通過剪輯合成最終的影片。20年代的著名演員,比如魯?shù)婪颉ね邆惖僦Z、葛麗泰·嘉寶、葛洛麗亞·史璜森以及查理·卓別林這些明星們的形象都流經(jīng)過她的指尖——作為如此激動(dòng)人心的行業(yè)中的一分子,格拉迪斯感到非常自豪。    美國(guó)的20世紀(jì)20年代一“興旺的20年代”——是一個(gè)充滿生趣和自由的時(shí)代,尤其對(duì)女性而言。美國(guó)婦女剛剛贏得了選舉權(quán)。那些“無拘無束的年輕女子”穿著齊膝短裙,歡快地跳著一種叫做查爾斯頓的舞廳熱舞。許多婦女都將她們傾慕的電影明星視為榜樣來打扮自己。她們的臉上涂著脂粉,唇上抹著口紅,還改變了頭發(fā)的顏色。格拉迪斯就模仿時(shí)髦影星克拉拉·鮑的樣子將自己的頭發(fā)染成了炫目的紅色。    1924年格拉迪斯再婚了。馬丁·愛德華·莫泰森是個(gè)高個(gè)子的俊朗男人。不幸的是,這場(chǎng)婚姻并不長(zhǎng)久?;楹鬀]幾個(gè)月,格拉迪斯和馬丁就離婚了。    這對(duì)夫婦勞燕分飛幾個(gè)月后,格拉迪斯發(fā)現(xiàn)自己懷孕了。她說莫泰森是孩子的父親,但在她受孕的那段時(shí)間,她與幾個(gè)男人都有過約會(huì)。沒有人確切地知道諾瑪·簡(jiǎn)的親生父親到底是誰。    很快就要成為單親媽媽了,格拉迪斯真不知道如何一面照顧她的寶寶,一面在電影廠繼續(xù)工作。格拉迪斯自己的母親黛拉·夢(mèng)露疾病纏身,無法幫忙照顧寶寶。她也沒有別的親人可以依靠,而且也毫無其他選擇——20年代還沒有什么日間托兒所和幼兒園。    "NORMA JEANE, LOOK UP IN THE SKY!"    The young girl tilted her head toward the clouds. A small, two-seaterairplane flew close to her house,so close that the windows rattled andher dog, Tippy, barked.    The sound of the engine drowned out Norma Jeane's shrieks of de-light as the airplane circled her house once again. This time, the pilotleaned out of the plane and waved to the six-year-old girl. Norma Jeanesaw that he wore goggles and a thick leather jacket, typical gear for apilot in the early 1930s. A long white scarf, knotted tightly around hisneck, blew behind him in the wind.    Norma Jeane didn't know that her mother, Gladys, had arrangedthe special event. Gladys worked as a film cutter for Columbia Studios,a movie studio in Hollywood, California. She had asked a friend, a de-livery pilot for the studio, to wave hello to Norma Jeane the next time heflew over her house.    Gladys didn't have the opportunity to see her daughter very often.She didn't have enough money to take care of Norma Jeane, and she hadbeen forced to place her in a foster home. She wanted to do somethingvery special for her daughter's birthday. Gladys knew that Norma Jeanewould love the surprise.    Norma Jeane would have been even more surprised to know that she herself would be working in Hollywood one day, and her job would be like no other. Norma Jeane Mortensen would one day change her name to "Marilyn Monroe," and she would be a radiantly beautiful, woddfamous movie star. Norma Jeane Mortensen was born on the first day of June, 1926, in the, charity ward of Los Angeles GeneralHospital. Norma Jeane was a healthy baby with big blue eyes and straw-berry blond hair.    Norma Jeane's mother, Gladys Pearl Baker Mortensen, was a deli-cate woman with red hair. While Gladys was ambitious, she was alsodown on her luck. At twenty-six, Gladys had been married and di-vorced twice.    In 1915, when Gladys was only fourteen, she married a man namedJasper Baker. (With her mother's encouragement, Gladys lied about herage and said she was eighteen.) Gladys and Jasper had two children,Berniece and Jackie. One day Gladys came home from work and herhusband and children were gone. Jasper left only a short note behind: hehad taken the children to another state, and Gladys would never seethem again.    In Los Angeles, Gladys tried to pull her life together. She workedlong hours at her job at the film studio. She told acquaintances that herchildren had died, so she wouldn't have to talk about her painful loss.    In the late 1800s, a handful of inventors across the world experi-mented with "moving pictures." They made special cameras and projec-tors that put still photographs in motion. In 1895, the Lumiere brothersshowed their first film in France. That year, films were also screened forthe fLrSt time in London, Berlin, and New York. The public ravedt aboutthe new mad entertaining sensation.    In 1913, motion picture studios opened for business in a small suburbof Los Angeles called Hollywood. The new film industry created many jobs for technical crews, builders, directors, writers, and actors. Each year brought technological advances to motion pictures. In 1927, the first sound movie was made, The Jazz Singer, starring A1 Jolson. (Until then, movies were silent.) Gladys Baker considered herself fortunate to have a job in Hollywood. She liked splicing, or cutting, the film,an essential step of movie production. She cut frames, or pieces,of film that editors used to put together the final movie. As im-ages of popular actors of the 1920s passed through her fingers --stars like Rudolph Valentino, Greta Garbo, Gloria Swanson, andCharlie Chaplin -- Gladys felt proud to be part of such an excitingindustry.    The 1920s in the United States -- the "Roaring Twenties" -- wasknown as a fun, free time, especially for women. American women hadrecently won the fight to vote. "'Flappers" in knee-length dresses kickedup their heels and danced the Charleston, a fast ballroom dance. Manywomen modeled themselves after the film stars they admired. Theypainted their faces with rouge and lipstick and changed the color oftheir hair. Gladys dyed her hair a dazzling shade of red, to resemble thesassy screen star Clara Bow.    In 1924 Gladys remarried. Martin Edward Mortensen was a tall,handsome man. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last long. Gladys andMartin divorced justa few months after the wedding.    Several months after the couple parted ways, Gladys discoveredshe was pregnant. She said that Mortensen was the father of her baby,but at the time she became pregnant she had been dating a few men. Noone would ever know for sure who Norma Jeane's real father was.    Soon to be a single parent, Gladys didn't know how she would carefor her baby and keep her job at the studio. Gladys's own mother, DellaMonroe, was ill and couldn't help with the new baby. Gladys had no other family and few options -- in the 1920s, day care cen-ters and preschools did not exist.  P6-11






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  •   這個(gè)商品很贊,很滿意,下次還會(huì)再來
  •   這本書讓我對(duì)瑪麗蓮。夢(mèng)露的認(rèn)識(shí)更加全面,無論是中文還是英文都教淺顯易懂,不足的是,整本書有點(diǎn)薄,所以對(duì)瑪麗蓮。夢(mèng)露的書寫沒有非常深入,個(gè)人認(rèn)為適合初中級(jí)高中生閱讀
  •   感覺寫得不錯(cuò),用詞也很地道。內(nèi)容也不錯(cuò)(只是傳記這種都是只寫好的方面,也很正常啦)
  •   書有點(diǎn)薄,但是便宜又包郵,還可以學(xué)英語,賺到了!
  •   簡(jiǎn)略知道瑪麗蓮夢(mèng)露生前的事跡。。。。也可以讀英語。
  •   不詳細(xì),太片面,兒童讀物
  •   顯然,翻譯得太差了,哎哎,我的夢(mèng)露啊,,
  •   外教社的一套都買了。。覺得都還不錯(cuò)。就是故事有點(diǎn)簡(jiǎn)單。

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