
出版時間:2005-9  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:布朗  頁數(shù):271  




Authors' AcknowledgmentsTo the InstructorTo the StudentUnit 1 Belonging to a GroupChapter 1 Marriage, Family, and the Home1 The Family TodayPREPARING TO READThinking About the Topic · Examining Graphic MaterialAFTER YOU READReading for the Main Idea · Building Vocabulary: Dealing with UnknownWords · Language Focus: Writing About Changes · Reading Actively2 Alternative LifestylesPREPARING TO READThinking About the Topic · SkimmingAFTER YOU READReading Boxed Texts · Building Vocabulary: Using Knowledge of RelatedWords · Note Taking · Test Taking: Preparing for a Short-Answer Quiz3 How We Learn to BehavePREPARING TO READPredicting · Personalizing the TopicAFTER YOU READLanguage Focus: Defining · Building Vocabulary: Learning Words Relatedto the Topic · Summarizing · Applying What You Read4 The Importance of the Social EnvironmentPREPARING TO READThinking About the TopicAFTER YOU READVisualizing Parts of the Text · Building Vocabulary: Using Context Clues ·Reading for Main Ideas · Citing Studies in Your WritingWriting AssignmentChapter 2 The Power of the Group1 The Influence of CulturePREPARING TO READThinking About the TopicAFTER YOU READUnderstanding Key Terms in the Text · Writing Expanded Definitions ·Reading Boxed Texts · Applying What You Read2 Peer Group PressurePREPARING TO READPersonalizing the Topic · Previewing Art in the TextAFTER YOU READShort-Answer Quizzes: Making Use of Your Own Experience · VaryingYour Language · Language Focus: Writing About Differences3 CrowdsPREPARING TO READThinking About the Topic · Skimming: Reading First SentencesAFTER YOU READApplying What You Read · Language Focus: Topic Sentences · BuildingVocabulary: Using Grammar to Work Out Unknown Words4 Panic!PREPARING TO READPersonalizing the TopicAFTER YOU READScanning · Understanding Complex Sentences · Building Vocabulary: WordMaps for Remembering New Vocabulary · Writing a Listing ParagraphWriting AssignmentUnit 2 Gender and SexualityChapter 3 Growing Up Male or Female1 Bringing Up Boys and GirlsPREPARING TO READSkimming · Personalizing the TopicAFTER YOU READNote Taking: Making a Chart · Language Focus: Linking Words · Writing aComparison and Contrast Text2 Fairy-Tale Lessons for GirlsPREPARING TO READThinking About the Topic · Building Vocabulary: Learning Words Relatedto the Topic……Chapter 4 Gender Issues TodayUnit 3 Media and SocietyChapter 5 Mass Media TodayChapter 6 The Influence of the MediaUnit 4 Breaking the RulesChapter 7 Crime and CriminalsChapter 8 Controlling Crime Unit 5 Changing SocietiesChapter 9 Cultural ChangeChapter 10 Global IssuesText CreditsArt and Photo CreditsTask Index



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