出版時間:2005-10 出版社:上海外教 作者:(英)亞力山大|改編:戴煒棟 頁數(shù):147
此教材系《新概念英語》(NCE)作者L.G.Alexander編寫的另一套英語教材,專供非英語國家中、小學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語使用。全書共有學(xué)生用書四冊,學(xué)生練習(xí)冊四冊,以及供教師教學(xué)參考用的教師用書四冊。 此套教材語言地道、淺近、實用、有趣,圖文并茂,編排體例新穎。學(xué)生用書每冊有60單元,含120課;即采用兩課為一個單元的形式,其中單課為課文,雙課為句型課,以保證新的語言材料在實踐中反復(fù)操練,結(jié)合實際,靈活運用,達到牢固掌握的目的。全書旨在培養(yǎng)學(xué)生使用英語的能力,學(xué)生讀完四冊課本,不但學(xué)到了規(guī)范的語言,而且了解了英語國家的風(fēng)土人情。 四冊課本共有詞匯2000個左右,句型250多個。 本書系第二冊,詞匯量為300個左右,適合初中二年級學(xué)生使用。本冊課本與第一冊在編排上大同小異,除極少數(shù)幾課出現(xiàn)敘述體之外,仍保留了第一冊以對話體為主的特點。本冊課文后配有兒歌,歌詞淺顯,朗朗上口,對幫助鞏固課堂教學(xué)內(nèi)容,活躍課堂氣氛起了一定的作用。
Rev. L. The holidays are overRev. L. Photographs of our holidayRev. L. A pair of sunglassesRev. L. Please pay attention!Rev. L. Can you tell us the way?,Rev. L. Professor BoffinRev. L. Mrs GasbagRev. L. The weighing machine Flour and water Sandy's money-box Father hangs a picture Professor Boffin's umbrella It sounds terrible! A funny cake Mother meets Mr May Sandy has a bad cold Sandy's medicine No parking Pour it over yourself! Haircut or shave? A fight Where's the key?. Where's the car?. Sue diary Professor Boffin's shoes Scientists are clever men Sue's diary: At the dentist's Put those cakes back! Professor Boffin buys some eggs A lovely treat Sue's diary: Grandma and Grandpa Mrs Boffin's birthday Sue's diary: The donkey Sue's diary: Farmer Gimbel arrives Sue's diary: Give him a carrot ! Sue's diary: We said goodbye Sue's diary: Lucky or unlucky?. Sue's diary: Who is it? Sue's diary: What do you want for breakfast?. Sue's diary: Pass it along! Sue's diary: A new kite Sue's diary: A day indoors Billy's lucky number A very short visit I didn't play truant! Try it on How Iong've you been here? There's been a mistake! Whoops! That's a nice fire A trick Don't waste time! A new pair of shoes Where shall we go? The robot comes to tea Fishing in the rain A big fire Who'll run an errand for me? 'L' for learner What do you want me to do? The end of term附錄Ⅰ:課文參考譯文附錄Ⅱ:總詞匯表
著名英語語言專家L.G.Alexander又一力作,專為非英語國家中、小學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語度身定制?! ∽詥柺酪詠?,風(fēng)靡世界,歷久不衰?! ≌Z言地道,淺近實用,圖文并茂,編排新穎?! ≌n文生動有趣,朗朗上口,貼近學(xué)生生活,學(xué)了就能運用,有利于學(xué)生養(yǎng)成用英語交流的習(xí)慣?! 【湫头磸?fù)操練,結(jié)合實際,以達到牢固掌握的目的。 學(xué)習(xí)規(guī)范的語言,了解英語國家的風(fēng)土人情。