
出版時(shí)間:2005-7  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:潘文國  頁數(shù):426  




Preface: Lost and Found in TranslationMackie CHASE, Jan WALLS and Zhenyi LI .The Status of Equivalence in Translation Studies: An AppraisalMona BAKER, University of ManchesterCollaborative Translation -- or What Can We Learn from theChinese Translation Tradition?Eva HUNG, Chinese University of Hong KongYah Fu and His Translation TheoryPAN Wenguo, East China Normal UniversityAre Translators Born or Bred?Jianfeng HUANG and Po-Ching YIP, University ofLeedsThe Significance of Cultural Background in the Transmissionof Text between Translator and ReaderZvia BOWMAN, Kings College, University of LondonTranslation of Film Titles: Reflections on the Norms ofTranslationTSE Chung Alan, City University of Hong KongA Corpus-based Approach to Tense and Aspect in English-ChineseTranslationZhonghua XIAO and Tony McENERY,Lancaster UniversityTranslation -- A Tester in Foreign Language Teaching:Investigation of Chinese Language Learning in the EnglishEnvironmentCUI Yan, University of LondonAlienation or Foreignization: Translation in China and the WestLUO Xuanmin, Tsinghua UniversityA Textual Analysis and English Translation of the Supplementto the Qian and Kun Hexagrams in the Zhou Book of ChangeFU Huisheng, East China Normal UniversityContrastive Study: A Functional Discourse PerspectiveChauncey C. CHU, University of FloridaThe Dangers of McDonaidisation: Disciplinary and CulturalHurdles in the Functional Description of ChineseEdward McDONALD, Tsinghua UniversityA Semantic Analysis of Sports Metaphors from Two CulturesXiaozhao HUANG, University of North DakotaWriting "Clearly": Differing Perceptions of Clarity in Chineseand American TextsKimberly De VRIES, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEast and West: Different Interactive Patterns in FrequentCultural Encounters between Chinese and American SpeakersMiao-Fen TSENG, University of VirginiaThe Role of Contrastive Analysis in Interlunguage Analysis:The Case of Hong Kong Learners EnglishTony T.N. HUNG, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityKnowledge Exchange Across Cultures: Challenges and Solutionsfor Chinese LearnersMackie CHASE and Zhenyi LI, University of BritishColumbiaFrom Cultural Acquisition to Cultural Learning: Rethinkingthe Teaching and Learning of English in 21st Century ChinaYi LI & Olenka BiLASH, University of AlbertaBalance Rather Than Preferences: Form and Meaning inSecond Language TeachingWANG Juquan and ZUO Biao, Shanghai MaritimeUniversity






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