
出版時間:2005-6  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:莫爾  頁數(shù):194  


  《英語詞匯擴(kuò)展》共有六冊,每冊介紹240—300個在TOEFL、GRE、SAT等測試中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的單詞,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生根據(jù)上下文的語境,包括例證、同義、異義、類比等關(guān)系來理解單詞,通過反復(fù)練習(xí)、多次使用來熟悉和記憶單詞。此外,書中部分練習(xí)題的題型與TOEFL、GRE、SAT等美國常用入學(xué)考試的形式相似,對于我國有志于出國留學(xué)的學(xué)生熟悉題型也有一定的幫助。  《英語詞匯擴(kuò)展》為第四冊,書中提供的英語詞匯練習(xí)適用于我國高校英語專業(yè)二年級(TEM4)學(xué)生的水平,也可以用作TOEFL培訓(xùn)高級階段和GRE培訓(xùn)初級階段的輔助教材。


PrefaceIntroductionPretest of the Whole BookUnit ONEUnit One PretestChapter 1 Joseph PalmerChapter 2 Telephone SalespeopleChapter 3 A Cruel SportChapter 4 Bald Is BeautifulChapter 5 No Luck with WomenChapter 6 A Taste of Parenthood (Word Parts)Unit One Review (Crossword Puzzle)Unit One TestsUnit TWOUnit Two PretestChapter 7 Accident and RecoveryChapter 8 Animal SensesChapter 9 Money ProblemsChapter 10 The New French EmployeeChapter 11 A Cruel TeacherChapter 12 It"s Never Too Late (Word Parts)Unit Two Review (Crossword Puzzle)Unit Two TestsUnit THREEUnit Three PretestChapter t3 Learning to StudyChapter 14 The Mad MonkChapter 15 Conflict Over HolidaysChapter 16 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Chapter 17 Relating to ParentsChapter 18 Held Back by Fears (Word Parts)Unit Three Review (Crossword Puzzle)Unit Three TestsUnit FOURUnit Four PretestChapter 19 Interview with a Rude StarChapter 20 The Nightmare of GymChapter 21 Skipping ChurchChapter 22 A Model TeacherChapter 23 My Talented RoommateChapter 24 Fascinating Courses (Word Parts)Unit Four Review (Crossword Puzzle)Unit Four TestsUnit FIVEUnit Five PretestChapter 25 Cal and His SistersChapter 26 ShoplifterChapter 27 A Nutty Newspaper OfficeChapter 28 Roughing ItChapter 29 Getting ScaredChapter 30 My Sister"s DateUnit Five Review (Crossword Puzzle)Unit Five TestsPosttest of the Whole BookAPPEN DIXESA Answer Key1.Answers to the Pretest of the Whole Book2.Answers to the Unit Pretests3.Answers to the Chapter Activities4.Answers to the Posttest of the Whole BookB List of Words and Word Parts




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