
出版時間:2005-6  出版社:上海外教  作者:王守仁,姚媛 編  頁數(shù):282  字數(shù):480000  


  隨著改革開放的日趨深入,社會各界對外語人才的需求持續(xù)增長,我國英語專業(yè)的招生規(guī)模逐年擴大,教學質(zhì)量不斷提高。英語專業(yè)本科生教育的改革、學科建設及教材的出版亦取得了巨大的成績,先后出版了一系列在全國有影響的精品教材。21世紀的到來對英語人才的培養(yǎng)提出了更高的標準,同時也為學科建設和教材編寫提出了新的要求。隨著中國加入世界貿(mào)易組織,社會需要的不是僅僅懂英語的畢業(yè)生,而是思維科學、心理健康、知識面廣博、綜合能力強,并能熟練運用英語的高素質(zhì)的專門人才。由于中學新的課程標準的頒布,中學生英語水平逐年提升,英語專業(yè)本科生入學時的基礎和綜合素質(zhì)也相應提高。此外,大學英語(公外)教育的迅猛發(fā)展,學生英語能力的提高,也為英語專業(yè)學生的培養(yǎng)提出了嚴峻的挑戰(zhàn)和更新、更高的要求。這就規(guī)定了21世紀的英語教學不是單純的英語培訓,而是英語教育,是以英語為主體,全面培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)的復合型人才。教材的編寫和出版也應順應這種潮流?! 榱擞訒r代的挑戰(zhàn),作為我國最大的外語教材和圖書出版基地之一的上海外語教育出版社(外教社)理應成為外語教材出版的領頭羊。在充分調(diào)研的基礎上,外教社及時抓住機遇,于新世紀之初約請了全國25所主要外語院校和教育部重點綜合大學英語院系的50多位英語教育家,在上海召開了“全國高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材編寫委員會會議”。代表們一致認同了編寫面向新世紀教材的必要性、可行性和緊迫性,并對編寫思想、教材構建、編寫程序等提出了建議和要求。而后,外教社又多次召開全國和上海地區(qū)的專家、學者會議,撰寫編寫大綱、確定教材類別、選定教材項目、討論審核樣稿。經(jīng)過一年多的努力,終于迎來了第一批書稿?! ∵@套系列教材共分語言知識和語言技能、語言學與文學、語言與文化、人文科學、測試與教學法等幾個板塊,總數(shù)將超過150余種,可以說幾乎涵蓋了當前我國高校英語專業(yè)所開設的全部課程。編寫內(nèi)容深入淺出,反映了各個學科領域的最新研究成果;編寫體例采用國家最新有關標準,力求科學、嚴謹,滿足各門課程的具體要求;編寫思想上,除了幫助學生打下扎實的語言基本功外,還著力培養(yǎng)學生分析問題、解決問題的能力,提高學生的人文、科學素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)健康向上的人生觀,使學生真正成為我國21世紀所需要的外語專門人才。




READING SKILL:SkimmingUNIT 1 Reading StrategiesText Ⅰ:Why Read FasterText Ⅱ:Common Faults and Eye MovementsUNIT 2 EducationText Ⅰ:It's Never Too Late for SuccessText Ⅱ:The Education of Benjamin FranklinUNIT 3 Body LanguageText Ⅰ:Signals Without wordsText Ⅱ:The Secret Language of Barrier SignalsUNIT 4 AnimalsText Ⅰ:Little Brother of the WolfText Ⅱ:Marmosets:The World's Smallest MonkeysUNIT 5 HistoryText Ⅰ:Some Therories of HistoryText Ⅱ:Abraham Lincoln AgainUNIT 6 Language Text Ⅰ:Vocabulary ChangeText Ⅱ:Give Up Six Words and Change Your LifeUNIT 7 SpaceText Ⅰ:Has the Bright Promise of the Space Program Faded?Text :Probing the UniverseUNIT 8 WomenText Ⅰ:Women in Education,Sports and MediaText Ⅱ:Women In ScienceUNIT 9 CitiesText Ⅰ:The Unforgettable Hong KongText Ⅱ:LondonUNIT 10 Coss-Cultural CommunicationUNIT 11 Information TetrievalUNIT 12 EnvironmentUNIT 13 MedicineUNIT 14 EvolutionUNIT 15 TransportationUNIT 16 TimeUNIT 17 TelevisionUNIT 18 Poetry


  The word "Yankee" is about 300 years old. It was first used as a nickname for the colonists who settled in New England. But where did the word come from? What does it mean? How did it get into the language?  There are 20 stories explaining where "Yankee" came from. But the experts say only two of these stories are believable.  A number of people believe that it came from a Scottish word meaning sharp and clever. Even today, anyone who is a sharp trader is called "Yankee trader." But most experts agree that "Yankee" came from Holland.  Many years ago, the Hollander who made cheese were called Jan Kees by the Germans. Some of these Hollanders came to America in the early 1600s. They settled near the New England colonists. The Hollanders were great farmers. They laughed at the colonists in the north who tried to build farms on the mountain rocks. And so, the Hollanders gave their own nickname to the New England colonists. The British quickly picked up the nickname and the New Englanders became Yankees.  During the American Civil War "Yankee" took on a wider meaning. The soldiers in the northern states were called Yankees by the men of the southern army.  During World War One the word was shortened to "Yank." The song, "The Yanks Are Coming," brought tears and joy to the peoples of the hard-pressed Allied nations.  Today, "Yankee" is known throughout the world as another name for an American.  Of course, one cannot talk about "Yankee" and not mention "Doodle" or "Yankee Doodle." This phrase also has a story.  It is said that in 1775 a British army doctor, Richard Shucksberg, wrote the song, "Yankee Doodle," to poke fun at the colonial troops. The British army, always neat in its bright red uniforms, looked down on the rough colonial soldiers, who really were not soldiers at all, but farmers with clubs and old guns--angry farmers who rebelled against the high British taxes.


  普通高等教育“十五”國家級規(guī)劃教材培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)、復合型外語創(chuàng)新人才 理念新穎人文、科學知識融入教材 特色明顯覆蓋知識,技能、文化等科目,總數(shù)超過150種 體系完備全國30余所著名高校百余位英語教育專家參加編寫 陣容強大  “新世紀高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材”的編寫和出版,不僅能滿足2l世紀英語人才培養(yǎng)的需要,其前瞻性、先進性和創(chuàng)新性也將為外語乃至其他學科教材的編寫開辟一條新的思路,拓展一片新的視野。




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