
出版時(shí)間:2005-8  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:王守仁 趙文書  頁數(shù):260  


  隨著改革開放的日趨深入,社會(huì)各界對(duì)外語人才的需求持續(xù)增長(zhǎng),我國(guó)英語專業(yè)的招生規(guī)模逐年擴(kuò)大,教學(xué)質(zhì)量不斷提高。英語專業(yè)本科生教育的改革、學(xué)科建設(shè)及教材的出版亦取得了巨大的成績(jī),先后出版了一系列在全國(guó)有影響的精品教材。2工世紀(jì)的到來對(duì)英語人才的培養(yǎng)提出了更高的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),同時(shí)也為學(xué)科建設(shè)和教材編寫提出了新的要求。隨著中國(guó)加入世界貿(mào)易組織,社會(huì)需要的不是僅僅懂英語的畢業(yè)生,而是思維科學(xué)、心理健康、知識(shí)面廣博、綜合能力強(qiáng),并能熟練運(yùn)用英語的高素質(zhì)的專門人才。由于中學(xué)新的課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的頒布,中學(xué)生英語水平逐年提升,英語專業(yè)本科生入學(xué)時(shí)的基礎(chǔ)和綜合素質(zhì)也相應(yīng)提高。此外,大學(xué)英語(公外)教育的迅猛發(fā)展,學(xué)生英語能力的提高,也為英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的培養(yǎng)提出了嚴(yán)峻的挑戰(zhàn)和更新更高的要求。這就規(guī)定了2工世紀(jì)的英語教學(xué)不是單純的英語培訓(xùn),而是英語教育,是以英語為主體,全面培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)的復(fù)合型人才。教材的編寫和出版也應(yīng)順隨這種潮流?! 榱擞訒r(shí)代的挑戰(zhàn),作為我國(guó)最大的外語教材和圖書出版基地之一的上海外語教育出版社(外教社)理應(yīng)成為外語教材出版的領(lǐng)頭羊。在充分調(diào)研的基礎(chǔ)上,外教社及時(shí)抓住機(jī)遇,于新世紀(jì)之初約請(qǐng)了全國(guó)25所主要外語院校和教育部重點(diǎn)綜合大學(xué)英語院系的50多位英語教育家,在上海召開了“全國(guó)高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材編寫委員會(huì)會(huì)議”。代表們一致認(rèn)同了編寫面向新世紀(jì)教材的必要性、可行性和緊迫性,并對(duì)編寫思想、教材構(gòu)建、編寫程序等提出了建議和要求。而后,外教社又多次召開全國(guó)和上海地區(qū)的專家、學(xué)者會(huì)議,撰寫編寫大綱、確定教材類別、選定教材項(xiàng)目、討論審核樣稿。經(jīng)過一年多的努力,終于迎來了第一批書稿?! ∵@套系列教材共分語言知識(shí)和語言技能、語言學(xué)與文學(xué)、語言與文化、人文科學(xué)、測(cè)試與教學(xué)法等幾個(gè)板塊,總數(shù)將超過工50余種,可以說幾乎涵蓋了當(dāng)前我國(guó)高校英語專業(yè)所開設(shè)的全部課程。編寫內(nèi)容深入淺出,反映了各個(gè)學(xué)科領(lǐng)域的最新研究成果;編寫體例采用國(guó)家最新有關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),力求科學(xué)、嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),滿足各門課程的具體要求;編寫思想上,除了幫助學(xué)生打下扎實(shí)的語言基本功外,還著力培養(yǎng)學(xué)生分析問題、解決問題的能力,提高學(xué)生的人文、科學(xué)素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)健康向上的人生觀,使學(xué)生真正成為我國(guó)2工世紀(jì)所需要的外語專門人才。




READING SKILL:Context Clue to Word Meaning ⅠUNIT 1 Uniuersity Srudent zife   TEXTⅠ: On Being a Student  TIXTⅡ: Getting the Best Value for Time UNIT 2 Gulture Shock  TEXTⅠ: Making a Cultural Change   TIXTⅡ: Culrure Shock:A Fish out of Water UNIT 3 Mouic  TEXTⅠ: How Do the Movies Do It?  TIXTⅡ: The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse UNIT 4 Food  TEXTⅠ: A Food Tour of the United Staes  TIXTⅡ: Dinner InvitationsREADING SKILL: Context Clue to Word Meaning ⅡUNIT 5 Business  TEXTⅠ: Levi Strauss & Company   TIXTⅡ: What Is the WTO?UNIT 6 Sports  TEXTⅠ: A City Wild with Joy  TIXTⅡ: How the Olympic Games StartedUNIT 7 Shyness  TEXTⅠ: Overcome Shyness   TIXTⅡ: How to Make a Good ImperssionUNIT 8 Natoue Peoples   TEXTⅠ: Native American Influences Modern American Culture   TIXTⅡ: Endangered PeoplesUNIT 9 Bible Stories   TEXTⅠ: Cenesis   TIXTⅡ: The Birth of Jesus Christ UNIT 10 Festiuals and Holidnys  TEXTⅠ:Christmas  TIXTⅡ: Celebrating the Chinese New Year Home and AbroadUNIT 11 Ctduertising   TEXTⅠ: International Advertising as a Communication Process  TIXTⅡ:  How Advertisement Is Done UNIT 12 Ctgriculture   TEXTⅠ: Scientists Find Way to Boost Rice Crop Yield  TIXTⅡ:  Gdlden Rice:A Solution to Blindness?READING SKILL:Distinguishing Topic from Main IdeaUNIT 13 Dwychology  TEXTⅠ: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs  TIXTⅡ: General Psychology: The Study of Behavior UNIT 14 Mgsteries   TEXTⅠ: Have You Ever Seen a UFO?  TIXTⅡ: A Dustbin of Unsolvde Mysteries NUIT 15 Computer  TEXTⅠ: The School of the Future  TIXTⅡ: Google ThrevesNUIT 16 Dhysieal Fitness  TEXTⅠ: Some Myths atout  Physecal Fitness  TIXTⅡ: Getting Thin—for Good NUIT 17 Dseudoseienee   TEXTⅠ: Analyze Yourself with the Help of Doodles  TIXTⅡ: HoroscopesNUIT 18 Fietion  TEXTⅠ: Whitewashing Aunt Polly's Fence  TIXTⅡ: A Long -Expected Party


  One of the most interesting amres of American cooking iS its variety.The traveler who crosses the U.S.by bus or by car will find the food as worthy of attention as the scenery-and full of unexpected surprises,too.For American cooking at its best is regional in character.  Except for turkey at Thanksgiving,no single dish has gmned wide enough popularity in oc U.s. to become a symbol for the country as a whole.Each region sets its table with a different specialty. These regional specialties capture the flavor and aroma and express the charactef of a particular place. For instance,New Orleans is known for its jambalaya,a spicy dish of rice,ham,shrimp,and tomatoes。 And Boston,where the winters are long and cold,is called“bean town”because of its baked beans.a mixture of dried beans,salt pork,brown sugar,and molasses.Mixed in an iron pot and baked for hours in a slow oven,this dish iS hearty and nutritious。Americans say.“It sticks to your ribs.”  Being regional,these dishes are made from the vegetables,fruits,meats,poultry,and seafood that are locally available.And since local conditions vary a great deal in the U.S as might be ex. pected in the worldS fourth largest country,the result is a national food menu on which most of the world’S favorite foods are listed.  Seafood of all kinds can be found in the states that border the oceans or possess lake and fiver systems。Shrimp,crab,and lobster,as well as fresh fish.are all mealtime favorites.Citrus fruit-oranges,frapefruit,lemons,and times-are produced in P10rida arid California.The fruit groves in these States supply most of the frozen juice and sun-ripened fruit that decorate the.breakfast tables of the nation.Acmss the landlocked states in the Midwest stretch endiess corn and wheat fields..nlcSc grams are used to make bread,cereal,and cooking oiL.ne region is called“the breadbasket of the nation.”For vegetables,California iS America’s most productive state。It is first in the production of broccoli,asparagus,tomats,carrots, grapes,lettuce’peaches,and pears.




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  •   書里內(nèi)容太簡(jiǎn)單了,主要是泛讀嘛,沒有很難,很適合初級(jí)英語學(xué)者學(xué)習(xí)。每單元題量適中,類型多,對(duì)基礎(chǔ)的鞏固很有幫助,不錯(cuò)!
  •   這套泛讀教材是英專必備經(jīng)典啊,很喜歡
  •   剛剛讀了第一課 挺好
  •   還沒有讀。
  •   很好的教材 專業(yè)的學(xué)生們都用這個(gè)
  •   快遞速度超快 書也很新
  •   內(nèi)容都不錯(cuò),很適合用來練習(xí)~
  •   挺好的,學(xué)校規(guī)定買的教材
  •   一二冊(cè)是一起買的
  •   內(nèi)容挺好的 設(shè)計(jì)也滿意
  •   課文內(nèi)容受益匪淺
  •   紙張有些差,除此都還行,用來做課本的,還沒看。
  •   趕在開課之前拿到書了,很開心,而且便宜了一點(diǎn),不錯(cuò)
  •   課本很好,我很喜歡!
  •   課堂用書,買對(duì)了。題型不難。
  •   一看這個(gè)紙張就比我們學(xué)校的好,而且也便宜。最重要是快遞相當(dāng)?shù)慕o力
  •   這本書還不錯(cuò),只不過木有答案滴!
  •   發(fā)貨很快1
  •   包裝完好,書本完整
  •   很實(shí)用的一本書 我們泛讀考試直接從這本書上出題目
  •   貨發(fā)的不太快,這本書倒還好。
  •   因?yàn)橛⒄Z副修要用,才不得已買的。內(nèi)容不太難,但是也沒有答案參考。

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