出版時(shí)間:2004-4-1 出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社 作者:丁言仁 頁(yè)數(shù):256
第二語(yǔ)言習(xí)得研究短短四十年的發(fā)展歷史卻集中了眾多跨學(xué)科研究領(lǐng)域內(nèi)學(xué)者們激烈的討論,其中包括有關(guān)第二語(yǔ)言的習(xí)得過(guò)程,限制這一過(guò)程的外因與內(nèi)因,以及第二語(yǔ)言教與學(xué)的關(guān)系、實(shí)現(xiàn)方法等。. 在這本專(zhuān)著里,作者針對(duì)國(guó)內(nèi)第二語(yǔ)言教學(xué)中存在的問(wèn)題以及教師、學(xué)生對(duì)這一學(xué)科在理論與實(shí)踐方面的疑惑,重點(diǎn)選擇了與此相關(guān)且極具影響力的某些理論和假說(shuō),就其產(chǎn)生原因、在學(xué)科中的地位和作用、之間的相互關(guān)系、對(duì)教學(xué)的啟迪等問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了深入淺出、精辟生動(dòng)的闡述與分析。.. *用詞簡(jiǎn)明生動(dòng),卻能夠歸納和闡述像喬姆斯基那樣晦澀難懂的語(yǔ)言理論?! ?圖形、圖表、測(cè)試和練習(xí)等多種形式的應(yīng)用使理論形象化,幫助讀者擺脫枯燥的說(shuō)理,強(qiáng)化理解?! ?科學(xué)的分析方法,通過(guò)采取對(duì)不同理論進(jìn)行橫縱對(duì)比、對(duì)同一理論進(jìn)行正反對(duì)比,避免了以偏概全?! ?吸取最新研究成果,尤其是青年學(xué)者活躍思想的結(jié)晶于自己的見(jiàn)解、看法之中兩者絲絲入扣,相得益彰。...
chapter one puzzles in sla . 1.1 a recent acronym 1.2 sla as a field of learning 1.3 issues for exploration 1.3.1 description 1.3.2 explanation external factors internal factors 1.4 the organization of this book 1.5 the use of this book chapter two the influence of behaviorism 2.1 the "interference" of l1 2.1.1 pronunciation 2.1.2 syntax 2.1.3 semantics and pragmatics 2.2 the behaviorist understanding of sla 2.2.1 "rat psychology" 2.2.2 the audio-lingual method 2.3 contrastive analysis 2.3.1 its strong form and weak form .2.3.2 decline in popularity 2.4 criticism from empirical research 2.5 conclusion chapter three the "chomskyan revolution" 3.1 introduction 3.2 chomskyan linguistics 3.2.1 response to behaviorism 3.2.2 abc of universal grammar 3.2.3 the innateness hypothesis 3.2.4 the hypothesis-testing hypothesis 3.2.5 a simple chronology 3.3 criticisms of chomskyan linguistics 3.3.1 piaget's debate with chomsky 3.3.2 the criticisms that never go away 3.4 interlanguage hypothesis 3.4.1 the coining of the word 3.4.2 insights from fla research 3.5 error analysis chapter four natural order and comprehensible input 4.1 introduction 4.2 natural order hypothesis 4.3 morpheme studies and their findings 4.3.1 finding the acquisition sequence 4.3.2 some specific findings 4.3.3 pienemann's study 4.4 problems with error analysis and morpheme studies 4.5 comprehensible input hypothesis 4.5.1 the "i+1" theory 4.5.2 flaws in krashen chapter five variability in performance and acquisition 5.1 introduction 5.2 variability in l1 use 5.2.1 labor vs. chomsky 5.2.2 social dialects of new yorkers 5.3 variability in l2 learner language 5.3.1 rod ellis study (1987) 5.3.2 foster and skehan study (1996) 5.4 role of variability in sla 5.5 learner variation 5.5.1 age 5.5.2 cognitive style 5.5.3 personality 5.5.4 attitudes and motivation 5.5.5 aptitude 5.6 research into the origin of aptitude: a conclusion chapter six input and interaction 6.1 introduction 6.2 terminology 6.3 input and interaction in l1 acquisition 6.4 input and interaction in natural settings 6.4.1 foreigner talk 6.4.2 the ft controversy 6.4.3 ways of meaning negotiation 6.5 input and interaction in classroom settings .. 6.6 effects of input and interaction on sla 6.6.1 the frequency hypothesis 6.6.2 the vertical constructions 6.6.3 the learning of formulaic sequences 6.6.4 the interaction hypothesis 6.7 criticism of the interaction hypothesis 6.8 swain's output hypothesis 6.9 empirical studies on the role of interaction 6.9.1 studies by rod ellis et al. (1994, 1995) 6.9.2 the lyster and ranta study (1997) chapter seven learner strategies 7.1 introduction 7.2 difficulty with definition 7.3 production strategies 7.3.1 planning and monitoring 7.3.2 the strategy of using formulaic language 7.4 communication strategies 7.4.1 achievement strategies 7.4.2 reduction strategies 7.4.3 some comments 7.5 learning strategies 7.6 the role of memorization strategies chapter eight noticing the native spearer selection 8.1 introduction 8.2 the noticing hypothesis 8.2.1 background 8.2.2 explaining the "wes phenomenon" 8.2.3 the use of compensatory strategy 8.3 effects of the noticing hypothesis 8.3.1 the role of instruction 8.3.2 impact on empirical research 8.4 noticing the native speaker selection 8.5 a new model of language chapter nine developing l2 literacy: reading 9.1 introduction 9.2 mainstream approaches to literacy development 9.2.1 reading by ear or by eye 9.2.2 the bottom-up model 9.2.3 the top-down model 9.2.4 the interactive model 9.2.5 influence on l2 reading instruction 9.3 post-modernist approaches: recent development 9.3.1 critical literacy 9.3.2 reader-response theory 9.4 reading for meaning vs. reading for l2 learning chapter ten developing l2 literacy: writing 10.1 introduction 10.2 l2 writing. process and product approaches 10.3 l2 writing as compared to l1 writing 10.4 the bandwagon of contrastive rhetoric 10.4.1 culture-dependent "thought patterns" 10.4.2 problems with the research 10.4.3 causes of l2 rhetorical problems 10.4.4 attraction to learners and teachers 10.5 developing l2 literacy skills 10.5.1 inadequacy of the pipeline model 10.5.2 writing as reader references index ...
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