出版時間:2007-4 出版社:河南大學(xué)出版社 作者:趙蔚彬 頁數(shù):307
序言前言List of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.0 Introduction1.1 Need for the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Outline of the Book1.4 SummaryChapter Two Literature Review2.0 Introduction2.1 Development of Writing Models2.2 The Revising Process in Writing2.3 A Revision Model for Chinese EFL/ESL Learners2.4 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Background3.0 Introduction3.1 Critical Evaluation of Previous Revising Models3.2 Defining Key Concepts3.3 Eclectic Research Design for the Present Study3.4 General Research Questions3.5 SummaryChapter Four Computer-aided Data Collection and Processing4.O Introduction4.1 Specific Research Questions4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.4 Description of Study Variables4.5 Data Collection Process4.6 Data Analysis Procedures4.7 Statistical Procedures4.8 SummaryChapter Five Questionnaire Survey5.0 Introduction5.1 Specific Research Questions5.2 Instrument5.3 Variables5.4 Data Collection5.5 Data Analysis5.6 SummaryChapter Six Statistical Work6.0 Introduction6.1 Specific Research Questions6.2 Variables ~~6.3 Data Preparation6.4 Data Analysis6.5 SummaryChapter Seven Decision-Making Styles: Results of Computer-aidedData Processing and Discussion7.0 Introduction7.1 Review of Proposed Questions7.2 Results and Discussion7.3 Major Findings from the Computer-aided Data Processing7.4 SummaryChapter Eight Affect and Metacognitive Knowledge: Resultsfrom Questionnaire Survey and Discussion8.0 Introduction8.1 Review of Proposed Research Questions8.2 Results and Discussion8.3 Major Findings from the Questionnaire Survey8.4 SummaryChapter Nine Decision-Making Equations: Synthetic Analyses9.0 Introduction9.1 Findings from Computer-aided Data Processing and Questionnaire Survey Reviewed9.2 Results from Optimal Scaling Analyses9.3 Discussion9.4 A Summary of the Synthetic Analyses9.5 SummaryChapter Ten Conclusion10.0 Introduction10.1 Major Contributions10.2 Implications10.3 Limitations10.4 Further ResearchAppendixesAppendix I The Logfile of C05Appendix II Tagged File of C05's RevisionsAppendix III C05's Final DraftAppendix IV Detailed Information about C05's RevisionsAppendix V Verbal Protocol of C05Appendix VI QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅵ Subjects' Revising RangeAppendix Ⅶ Immediate vs.Distant RevisionsBibliography后記