
出版時(shí)間:2006-7  出版社:河南大學(xué)出版社  作者:黃怡俐  頁(yè)數(shù):231  


  Unit One General Issues about Teaching and Learning  Pre-reading  1.How to Be a Cood Teacher  2.Know Your Students  3.How to Manage Teaching and Learning  4.Effective Presentation,Explanation,and Instruction  5.How to Lead Practice  6.How to Teach Large Class  7.Teaching Plan  8.Evaluating the Success versus Failure of Lessons  9.Language Tests  Unit Two How to Teach the Language  Pre-reading  1.How to Teach Pronunciation  2.How to Teach Vocabulary  3.How to Teach Grammar  Unit Three How to Teach Skills  Pre-reading  1.How to Teach Reading  2.How to Teach Writing  3 How to Teach Speaking  4.How to Teach Listening  Unit Four Foreign Language Teaching Methods  Pre-reading  1.The Grammar-Translation Method  2.The Direct Method  3.The Audio-Lingual Method  4.The Silent Way  5.Desuggestopedia  6.Community Language Learning  7.Total Physical Response  8.Communicative Language Teaching  9.Content-Based,Task-Based,and Participatory Approaches  Unit Five Related Issues  Pre-reading  1.A Discussion of the Problems in Chinas EFL Teacher Education  2.Preparing Student Teachers for Future Development  3.Adapting Focus on Form for the Chinese EFL Teaching  4.Teaching EFL Pronunciation in China  References


Unit One General Issues about Teaching and LearningPre-reading1.How to Be a Cood Teacher2.Know Your Students3.How to Manage Teaching and Learning4.Effective Presentation,Explanation,and Instruction5.How to Lead Practice6.How to Teach Large Class7.Teaching Plan8.Evaluating the Success versus Failure of Lessons9.Language TestsUnit Two How to Teach the LanguagePre-reading1.How to Teach Pronunciation2.How to Teach Vocabulary3.How to Teach GrammarUnit Three How to Teach SkillsPre-reading1.How to Teach Reading2.How to Teach Writing3 How to Teach Speaking4.How to Teach ListeningUnit Four Foreign Language Teaching MethodsPre-reading1.The Grammar-Translation Method2.The Direct Method3.The Audio-Lingual Method4.The Silent Way5.Desuggestopedia6.Community Language Learning7.Total Physical Response8.Communicative Language Teaching9.Content-Based,Task-Based,and Participatory ApproachesUnit Five Related IssuesPre-reading1.A Discussion of the Problems in Chinas EFL Teacher Education2.Preparing Student Teachers for Future Development3.Adapting Focus on Form for the Chinese EFL Teaching4.Teaching EFL Pronunciation in ChinaReferences


  本書不只簡(jiǎn)單地給出教授外語(yǔ)的方法和技巧,并非單純羅列不同的教學(xué)方法和觀點(diǎn),更重要的是,它向讀者提供了反思的空間。所以,在使用本書時(shí),讀者最終的閱讀目的不應(yīng)該在于學(xué)習(xí)怎樣教詞匯,怎樣組織學(xué)生開展課堂口語(yǔ)練習(xí),而應(yīng)該在自身的教學(xué)環(huán)境中,反思自己的教學(xué)觀,探討發(fā)現(xiàn)新的教學(xué)理論和技巧,最終提高自身的專業(yè)素質(zhì)。  本書所針對(duì)的讀者是外語(yǔ)教學(xué)研究者、大學(xué)外語(yǔ)教師、中小學(xué)外語(yǔ)教師,以及在讀外語(yǔ)教師教育專業(yè)大學(xué)生。



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