出版時間:2004-12 出版社:河南大學 作者:程工 頁數(shù):261 字數(shù):264000
解放軍外國語學院英語專業(yè)建立于1949年,學科體系健全,是全國和全軍的重點學科。擁有博士后科研流動站和博士學位授權(quán)點;師資力量雄厚,目前有近30名教師具有博士學位;教學質(zhì)量上乘,在全國英語統(tǒng)測中成績一直名列前茅;科研學術(shù)活躍,學風嚴謹,成果豐碩。 本書討論的主要包括三個:特征選擇(即哪些特征在構(gòu)詞時被組合到某個特定的詞語)、成分之間的融合度、中心詞選擇(即哪個成分被選擇為中心詞)。 本文庫是部分博士在國內(nèi)各名牌院校知名學者教授指導下精心撰寫的學術(shù)著作,計劃每年出版5本,敬請關(guān)注。
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Preliminary Remarks 1.1 General Framework 1.2 GB and MP Versions 1.3 The Minnimalist View on Variation 1.4 The Standard Binding Theory 1.5 An Outline of the Present Study 1.6 Organization of the BookChapter 2 Basic Data 2.0 Preliminary Remarks 2.1 Ziji in Chinese 2.2 [Pronoun+Ziji]Constructions 2.3 Long-distance Reflexives in Other Languages 2.4 ConclusionChapter 3 Literature Review 3.0 Preliminary Remarks 3.1 Modifying the Typology of DPs 3.2 The Parameterization Approach 3.3 The LF-movement Analysis 3.4 The Semantic Approach 3.5 Yan Huang's Pragmatic Theory 3.6 ConclusionChapter 4 Properties of Ziji 4.0 Preliminary Remarks 4.1 On the Distinction Between Reflexives and Pronominals 4.2 On the Nature of Ziji 4.3 Zi in Archaic Chinese 4.4 Ji in Archaic Chinese 4.5 A New View on Ziji 4.6 Further Evidence:the Case of Huxiang 4.7 ConclusionChapter 5 A Minimalist AccountChapter 6 Conclusions and ImplicationsReferences后記