
出版時(shí)間:2004年08月  出版社:西南財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)出版社  作者:傅泳  頁數(shù):238  




Chapter One IntroductionSection One What is International SettlementSection Two Characteristics of Modern International SettlementChapter Two Credit Instruments ( I ) -- Bills of Exchange ( I )Section One IntroductionSection Two Bills of ExchangeChapter Three Credit Instruments( I ) -- Bills of Exchange ( II )Section One Classification of Bills of ExchangeSection Two Finance under Bills of ExchangeChaPter Four Credit Instruments ( II ) -- Promissory Note and ChequeSection One Promissory NoteSection Two ChequeSection Three Functions of Credit InstrumentsChapter Five Correspondent Banking RelationshipSection One IntroductionSection Two Establishment of Correspondent Banking RelationshipSection Three Intemational Funds TransferChapter Six Payment Methods ( I ) -- RemittanceSection One General Introduction to Payment MethodsSection Two RemittanceSection Three Application of Remittance in InternationalCommercial SettlementChapter Seven Payment Methods ( II ) -- CollectionSection One IntroductionSection Two Types of CollectionSection Three Characteristics, Risks and Bank's Liabilities under CollectionSection Four Finance under Documentary CollectionChapter Eight Payment Methods ( III ) -- International FactoringSection One IntroductionSection Two Types and Procedures of FactoringSection Three Characteristics of International FactoringChapter Nine Payment Methods (IV) -- Letter of CreditSection One IntroductionSection Two The Contents and Procedure of L/CSection Three Types of Letter of Credit under UCP 500Section Four Types of Credit for Special PurposesSection Five Amendment, Characteristics, Advantages and Risks of L/CSection Six Finance under Letter of CreditChapter Ten Payment Methods ( V ) - Letter of Guarantee and Stand-by CreditSection One Introduction to Letter of GuaranteeSection Two Types of GuaranteeSection Three Practices and Characteristics of a GuaranteeSection Four Stand-by Letter of CreditChapter Eleven Documents ( I ) -- Draft, Commercial Invoice, Packing List andInsurance PolicySection One General Introduction to DocumentsSection Two Draft under Remittance, Collection and Letter of CreditSection Three Commercial Invoice and Packing ListSection Four Insurance DocumentsChapter Twelve Documents ( II ) -- Transport DocumentsSection One Marine Bills of LadingSection Two Sea Waybill and Air WaybillSection Three Other Transport DocumentsChapter Thirteen Documents ( III ) -- Other Commercial Documents and DocumentsExaminationSection one Other Commercial DocumentsSection Two Documents ExaminationSection Three Bank's Common Practices in the Event ofDocuments DiscrepanciesBibliography




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