出版時(shí)間:2002-10 出版社:北京廣播學(xué)院出版社 作者:斯蒂芬·茨威格 頁(yè)數(shù):377
他的著作經(jīng)過(guò)高溫熔爐的所復(fù)冶煉,盈溢 著一種悲天憫人的宗教情懷,以及對(duì)人類(lèi)無(wú)限深情的眷有,他恰像一具精的小提琴,既能彈奏出無(wú)限溫柔與和諧嫩口天嬰般 妙唱,也能加入到龐大樂(lè)隊(duì)中合奏出汪洋大海洶涌澎湃的洪章,他的思想在席卷著歐洲的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)風(fēng)暴中巍然不動(dòng)
of Jean Christophe applies perfectly to himself: "Lesucces n6tait pas son but; son but etait la foi." [Notsuccess, but faith was his goal.] Fame loved Rolland who loved fame from afar, un-obtrusively. "It were pity," fame seemed to say, "todisturb this mans work. The seeds must lie for a while in the darkness, enduring patiently, until the time comesfor germination." Reputation and the work were grow-hag in two different worlds, awaiting contact. A smallcommunity of admirers had formed after the publicationof Beethoven. They followed Jean Christophe in hispilgrimage. The faithful of the "Cahiers de la quin-zaine" won new friends. Without any help from thepress, through the unseen influence o responsive sym-paties., the circulation of his works grew. Transla- tions were published. Paul Seippel, the distinguishedSwiss author, penned a comprehensive biography.newspapers had begun to print his name. The crown- Rolland had found many devoted admirers before theing of his completed work by the Academy was nothingmore than the sound of a trumpet summoning the armies of his admirers to a review. All at once accounts ofRolland broke uponthe world like a flood, shortly be-fore he had attained his fiftieth year, In 1912 he was still unknown; in 1914 he had a wide reputation. Witha cry of astonishment, a generation recognized its leader,and Europe became aware of the first product of the newuniversal European spirit. There is a mystical significance in Romain Rollandsrise to fame, iust as in every event of his life. Fame came late to this man whom fame had padded by during the bitter years of mental distress and material need.Nevertheless it came at the right hour, since it camebefore the war. Rollands renown put a sword into hisband. At the decisive moment he had power and avoice to speak for Europe. He stood on a pedestal, sothat he was visible above the medley. In truth famewas granted at a fitting time, when through sufferingand knowledge Rolland had grown ripe for his highestfunction, to assume his European responsibility. Repu- tation, and the power that reputation gives, came at amoment when the world of the courageous needed aman who should proclaim against the world itself theworlds eternal message of brotherhood.CHAPTER XIII ROLLAND AS THE EMBODIMENT OF THE EUROPEAN SPIRIT HUS does Rollands life pass from obscurity into the light of day. Progress is slow, but the impulsion comes from powerful energies. Themovement towards the goal is not always obvious,and yet his life is associated as is none other with thedisastrously impending destiny of Europe. Regardedfrom the outlook of fulfillment, we discern that all theostensibly counteracting influences, the years of incon-spicuous and apparently vain struggle, have been neces-sary; we see that every incident has been symbolic.The career develops like a work of art, building itselfup in a wise ordination of will and chance. We shouldtake too mean a view of destiny, were we to think itthe outcome of pure sport that this man hitherto unknownshould become a moral force in the world during thevery years when, as never before, there was need forone who would champion the things of the spirit. The year 1914 marks the close of Romain Rollandsprivate life. Henceforth his career belongs to theworld; his biography becomes part of history; his per-sonal experiences can no longer be detached from hispublic activities. The solitary has been forced out of ROLLAND AND THE EUROPEAN SPIRIT53 his workroom to accomplish his task in the world. Theman whose existence has been so retired, must now livewith doors and windows open. His every essay, hisevery letter, is a manifesto. His life from now onwardshapes itself like a heroic drama. From the hour whenhis most cherished ideal, the unity of Europe, seemebent on its own destruction, he emerged from his re-tirement to become a vital element of his time, an im-personal force, a chapter in the history of the Europeanspirit. Just as little as Tolstois life can be detachedfrom his propagandist activities, just so little is therejustification in this case for an attempt to distinguish be-tween the man and his influence. Since 1914, RomainRolland has been one with his ideal and one with thestruggle for its realization. No longer is he author,poet, or artist; no longer does he belong to himself. Heis the voice of Europe in the season of its most poignantagony. He has become the conscience of the world. CHAPTER I THE WORK AND THE EPOCH OMAIN ROLLANDS work cannot be under- stood without an understanding of the epoch inwhich that work came into being. For herewe have a passion that springs from the weariness ofan entire country, a faith that springs from the disil-lusionment of a humiliated nation. The shadow of 1870was cast across the youth of the French author. Thesignificance and greatness of his work taken as a wholedepend upon the way in which it constitutes a spiritualbridge between one great war and the next. It arisesfrom a blood-stained earth and a storm-tossed horizonon one side, reaching across on the other to the newstruggle and the new spirit. It originates in gloom. A land defeated in war islike a man who has lost his god. Divine ecstasy is sud-denly replaced by dull exhaustion; a fire that blazedin millions iscinder remain. extinguished, so that nothing but ash andThere is a sudden collapse of all values.Enthusiasm has become meaningless; death is purpose-less; the deeds, which but yesterday were deemed heroic,are now looked upon as follies; faith is a fraud; beliefin oneself, a pitiful illusion. The impulse to fellowship ades; every one fights for his own hand, evades respon- ……
編者的話 《名人名傳叢書(shū)》是一大型文化建設(shè)工程,在其起步之初,編者,有話告之于讀者: 歷史是無(wú)數(shù)人物之傳記。史源于事,事源于人;無(wú)人則無(wú)事,無(wú)事則無(wú)史。馬克思、恩格斯有言:“歷史不過(guò)是追求著自己目的的人的活動(dòng)而已。”評(píng)述“追求著自己目的的人的活動(dòng)”,即成傳記;解讀傳記,因而即是解讀歷史。無(wú)數(shù)人物之傳記構(gòu)成為歷史,于無(wú)數(shù)人物之傳記之外另求一歷史,則無(wú)歷史矣?! 饔浭莻髦鞒蓴〉檬е涗洝饔浿v解傳主之成敗得失,名傳講解名人之成敗得失。講善惡可也,講賢不肖可也,講毀譽(yù)可也,但均不及講智愚、講成敗得失來(lái)得根本。名人之跌倒與爬起、之挫敗與新生,其中之“一陰一陽(yáng)之道”,正是后人入世立足之航標(biāo)燈、之后車(chē)鑒、之警示牌。解讀傳記,尤其是解讀名人之傳記,恰如為自己“主政”請(qǐng)來(lái)無(wú)數(shù)大智大勇之“垂簾聽(tīng)政者”?! ∶怂髦畟饔浭侨宋闹A。名人為名人作傳,恰如“酒逢知已”、“棋逢對(duì)手”,一舉一動(dòng),一言一行,均了然于心,盡在不言中。凡人為名人作傳,所以不能上境界,在凡人無(wú)以跟上名人之大智大意;名人為名人作傳,所以能動(dòng)人心弦,在名人可以看穿名人之背后,從而能對(duì)傳主之成敗得失,達(dá)致“同情之了解”。酒不逢知己,酒而無(wú)味;棋不逢對(duì)手,棋而無(wú)趣。讀者猶如旁觀者,看兩強(qiáng)之打斗,自可以鍛煉自己、提高自己,而向名人靠近一小步。名人為名人作傳,記錄名人之成敗得失,從而也就記錄了歷史。吾人解讀名人所作名人之傳記,讀懂名人之成敗得失,從而也就讀懂了歷史?! 』谝陨险J(rèn)識(shí),《名人名傳叢書(shū)》將盡可能發(fā)掘、整理名人所撰名人之傳記。在近年內(nèi),將推出中文版名人名傳100種、英文版名人名傳100種,每種均在原文字基礎(chǔ)上,配以精美插圖,以收?qǐng)D文并茂、相得益彰之效。此工程而能完工,將是中國(guó)文化建設(shè)史上的一件大事?! 睹嗣麄鲄矔?shū)》由名人傳記文化研究中心編輯。該中心在編輯現(xiàn)有名人名傳的同時(shí),亦準(zhǔn)備推出名人文集和名人研究系列,歡迎賜稿。 聯(lián)系地址:北京西城區(qū)德外五路通街Q9號(hào)院2號(hào)樓 名人傳記文化研究中心
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