出版時間:2012-6-4 出版社:北方交通大學(xué) 作者:愫影
序 前言 薄殼理論 具有任意閉口截面的中長柱殼的應(yīng)力狀態(tài)和解法分類 邊界條件對受液壓作用圓柱殼穩(wěn)定性的影響 彈塑性裂尖場 理想塑性介質(zhì)中裂紋定常擴展的彈塑性場 裂紋起始擴展的彈塑性場 The asymptotic near-tip solution for mode-Ⅲ crack in steady growth in power hardening media Near-tip dynamic fields for a crack advancing in a power-law elastic-plastic material: modes Ⅰ,ⅡandⅢ Mode Ⅱ dynamic fields near a crack tip growing in an elastic-perfectly-plastic solid Asymptotic dynamic solution to the mode-Ⅰ propagating crack-tip field The asymptotic solution to the dynamic crack-tip field in a strain-damage material Plane stress dynamic plastic field near a propagating crack tip Further study on strain singularity behavior of moving cracks in elastic-viscoplastic materials Near tip quasi-static crack growth behavior in strain hardening and softening material Damage field near a stationary crack tip Logarithm strain singularity at tip of mode Ⅰ growing crack in elastic and perfectly-plastic material Exponential stress and strain singularity at tip of mode Ⅰ growing crack in power hardening plastic material Stress and strain field near tip of mode Ⅲ growing crack in materials with creep behavior Near tip field for pseudo mode Ⅱ crack growth: power law hardening material Pseudo plane stress mode Ⅱ crack growth in plastic materials(附部分手稿) Pseudo plane stress plastic field for mode Ⅰ crack growth(附部分手稿) 復(fù)合材料細觀斷裂力學(xué) Microcrack damage Debonding along the interface of composites Fracture of fiber-reinforced materials Damage theory of materials with microstructure Damage modelling of fiber reinforced composites A fracture model of reinforced concrete Analysis for enhancement of composite resistance to matrix cracking and interfacial debonding with rubber-coated reinforcement A theoretical analysis of stress concentrations in gels containing spherical fillers Analysis on interface damage of fiber reinforced composites under cyclic load Energy release rate for interface debonding with prestress and friction 橡膠材料大變形裂紋問題 Large strain field near an interface crack tip The crack tip field in a rubber sheet Notch-tip fields in rubber-like materials under tension and shear mixed load Large deformation field near a crack tip in rubber-like material Analytical solution to a notch tip field in rubber-like materials under tension Interface crack tip field in a kind of rubber materials Analysis of the interface crack for rubber-like materials 橡膠材料大變形Boussinesq問題 Large strain analysis of a rubber wedge compressed by a line load at its tip Asymptotic analysis of the nonlinear Boussinesq problem for a kind of incompressible rubber material(compression case) 橡膠材料和剛性楔體的接觸問題 Large deformation contact of a rubber notch with arigid wedge The contact problem of a rubber half-space dented by arigid cone apex 其他論文 A constitutive relationship for gels under large compressive deformation A theoretical analysis of the strength of composite gels with rigid filler particles A special mechanical behavior of gels and its micro mechanism Degeneration character of gels under cyclic loading and its constitutive relation A new description of the stress state at a point with applications 彈性大變形的余能原理… 一篇未完成的論文的部分手稿 論著列表 詩詞?謎語 高玉臣年表
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: Abstract: The dynamic elastic-plastic field near a crack tip running in a strain-damage material is investigated.The medium is assumed to obey the J2 flow theory and the damage rule is given asymptotically in a form like power-law strain softening. For the plane strain problem the constitutive relation is derived and much simplified for the case of Poisson's ratio v=1/2.The asymptotic equations of the dynanuc elasticplastic field are given and solved for mode Ⅰ crack. The displacements, strains and stresses are expanded in series ofln r/R; therefore the asymptotic behaviour of the field is revealed.The results show that at the crack tip the strain possesses the logarithmic singularity (ln r/R)δ while the stress is like (ln r/R )-nδ. 1. Introduction The singularity of stress and strain surrounding a crack tip concerns the fracture criterion to a great extent. Therefore the elastic-plastic field near a crack tip becomes an important, but complicated problem in fracture mechanics. The feature of field depends not only on the type of crack but also on the materials. For linear elastic materials, regardless of whether the crack is a stationary one or a running one, the crack-tip field always possesses singularity of r-1/2 ,r denoting the distance to the crack tip. For perfectly elastic-plastic material, the stress is bounded near the crack tip, while the singularity of strain depends on the nature and the mode of the crack.In the case of a stationary crack, the strain possesses singularity of r-1.In the case of quasi-static growing cracks, the strain possesses logarithmic singularities. Chitaley and McClintock(1) obtai.ed thea(ln r/R)2 singularity for mode Ⅲ crack. Using the Tresca yield condition,Slepyan(2)obtained the singularity of In r/R for mode Ⅰ crack and singularity of (ln r/R )2 for mode Ⅲ crack.Using Mises yield condition, Gao(3) obtained the singularity of In r/R for mode Ⅰ crack.Rice(4) obtained the same result with(3).As for the dynamic crack, the uniform singularity of In r/R for mode Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ problems was obtained by Gao and Nemat-Nasser(5-6).