
出版時間:2007-7  出版社:北京交大  作者:宮玉波  頁數(shù):296  




Chapter I  Old and Medieval English Literature?、? An Outline of the Literature of This Period?、? Beowulf?、? Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?、? Geoffrey Chaucer  The Canterbury Tales (Excerpt)Chapter 2  The Renaissance Period Ⅰ. An Outline of the Literature of This Period?、? Christopher Marlowe  The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Ⅲ. William Shakespeare  Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Excerpt)  The Merchant of Venice (Excerpt)  Macbeth (Excerpt)  Sonnet 18  Sonnet 29?、? Francis Bacon  Of Studies Ⅴ. Iohn Donne  A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning  Death, Be Not Proud?、? John Milton  Paradise Lost (Excerpt)   On His Blindness Ⅶ. John Bunyan  The Pilgrim' s Progress (Excerpt)Chapter 3  The Age of Enlightenment?、? An Outline of the Literature of This Period Ⅱ. Daniel Defoe  Robinson Crusoe (Excerpt)  Moll Flanders (Excerpt) Ⅲ. Jonathan Swift  Gulliver' s Travels (Excerpt)  A Modest Proposal?、? Thomas Gray  Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (Excerpt)  Ode on the Spring Ⅴ. Alexander Pope  An Essay on Criticism (Excerpt)?、? Richard Bringsley Sheridan  The School for Scandal (Excerpt) Ⅶ. Samuel Johnson  Letter to the Right Honorable the Earl of ChesterfieldChapter 4  The Romantic Period?、? An Outline of the Literature of This Period?、? William Blake   The Chimney Sweeper   The Chimney Sweeper   The Tyger Ⅲ. Robert Burns  A Red, Red Rose  My Heart's in the Highlands?、? William Wordsworth  I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud ……Chapter 5 The Victorian AgeChapter 6 The Modern PeriodReferences



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