出版時間:2005-3 出版社:清華大學出版社,北京交通大學出版社 作者:周生炳 頁數(shù):325
本書旨在提高讀者閱讀計算機英語文獻的能力。選題多樣,素材取自國外最新計算機著作、學術(shù)期刊、白皮書和網(wǎng)頁,軟件、硬件、網(wǎng)絡、應用并重,兼顧技術(shù)和文化,內(nèi)容涉及計算機科學各領(lǐng)域的當前現(xiàn)狀和最新發(fā)展?! ∪珪?4單元,分別介紹計算機歷史、計算機軟件、計算機硬件、計算機網(wǎng)絡、高級移動計算、因特網(wǎng)、萬維網(wǎng)與電子商務、數(shù)字媒體、計算智能、隱私與加密、計算機犯罪與安全、在線游戲、軍事應用及IT職業(yè)培訓。每單元包括若干篇課文,每篇課文均提供詞匯、縮略語和注釋。前13單元配有閱讀理解練習。 本書適合計算機專業(yè)高年級學生、研究生使用,也可作為各類培訓人員計算機文獻閱讀教材。
Unit 1 Brief History of Computing Passage One Personal Computer History Passage Two The History of Computer Languages Passage Three From ARPANET to INTERNETUnit 2 Computer Software Passage One Operating System Passage Two Databases Passage Three Information Systems Passage Four Application Software Passage Five Programming Language Passage Six Program Development Life CycleUnit 3 Computer Hardware Passage One The System Unit and Its Motherboard Passage Two Storage Devices Passage Three Input Devices Passage Four Output DevicesUnit 4 Computer Networks Passage One What Is a Computer Network? Passage Two LANs and WANsUnit 5 Advanced Mobile Computing Passage One Wireless Community Networks Passage Two Wireless Devices Unchained Passage Three Pervasive ComputingUnit 6 The Internet Passage One What Is the Internet? Passage Two The Internet Services Passage Three How the Internet WorksUnit 7 The WWW and E-commerce Passage One The World Wide Web Passage Two Browing the Web Passage Three Electronic CommerceUnit 8 Digital Media Passage One Bitmap Graphics Passage Two Vector and 3-D Graphics Passage Three Desktop Video Passage Four Digital SoundUnit 9 Computational Intelligence Passage One Artificial Intelligence Passage Two Soft ComputingUnit 10 Privacy and Encyption Passage One Privacy Passage Two EncyptionUnit 11 Computer Crime and Security Passage One Computer Crime Passage Two The Attackers Passage Three Computer Security Passage FourUnit 12 Online Games Passage One Online Games Technology Overview Passage Two Online Games Market OverviewUnit 13 Military Applications Passage One Improving Counterterroism Analysis Passage Two High Tech and Low Cunning Passage Three C4ISR=Total VictoryUnit 14 IT Careers Passage One Traditional IT Career Paths Passage Two New Information Technology Career PathsVocabularyAbbreviationsReferences
插圖:Nonimpact printers are the most widely used printers for PCs today. Nonimpact printers can produce both text and graphics. Some of the most popular nonimpact printers are laser printers and inkjet printers.InkJet primers (also called bubble-jet printers) are the least expensive (and most popular) nonimpact printers. Like dot-matrix printers, inkjet printers work by forming an image that is composed of tiny dots, but the dots are much smaller and more numerous. The result is a printout that' s difficult to distinguish from the fully-formed characters printed by laser printers. InkJet printers can also print in color, which makes them popular choices for home users. Earlier inkjets had problems with smudging, but new ink formulations have all but eliminated this problem. Although inkjet printers are inexpensive and produce excellent output, they are slow, and per-page costs may exceed the costs of running a laser printer due to the generally high cost of ink cartridges.Laser printers work like copy machines. Under the printer' s computerized control, a laser beam creates electrical charges on a rotating print drum. These charges attract toner, which is transferred to the paper and fused to its surface by a heat process. In contrast to inkjets, laser printers print faster; some can crank out 18 or more pages per minute. Although they are more expensive initially than inkjet printers, laser printers generally have lower per-page costs.