出版時間:2004-1 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:章振邦編 頁數:440
隨著改革開放的日趨深入,社會各界對外語人才的需求持續(xù)增長,我國英語專業(yè)的招生規(guī)模逐年擴大,教學質量不斷提高。英語專業(yè)本科生教育的改革、學科建設及教材的出版亦取得了巨大的成績,先后出版了一系列在全國有影響的精品教材。21世紀的到來對英語人才的培養(yǎng)提出了更高的標準,同時也為學科建設和教材編寫提出了新的要求。隨著中國加入世界貿易組織,社會需要的不是僅僅懂英語的畢業(yè)生,而是思維科學、心理健康、知識面廣博、綜合能力強,并能熟練運用英語的高素質的專門人才。由于中學新的課程標準的頒布,中學生英語水平逐年提升,英語專業(yè)本科生入學時的基礎和綜合素質也相應提高。此外,大學英語(公外)教育的迅猛發(fā)展,學生英語能力的提高,也為英語專業(yè)學生的培養(yǎng)提出了嚴峻的挑戰(zhàn)和更新更高的要求。這就規(guī)定了21世紀的英語教學不是單純的英語培訓,而是英語教育,是以英語為主體,全面培養(yǎng)高素質的復合型人才。教材的編寫和出版也應順隨這種潮流。 為了迎接時代的挑戰(zhàn),作為我國最大的外語教材和圖書出版基地之一的上海外語教育出版社(外教社)理應成為外語教材出版的領頭羊。在充分調研的基礎上,外教社及時抓住機遇,于新世紀之初約請了全國25所主要外語院校和教育部重點綜合大學英語院系的50多位英語教育家,在上海召開了“全國高等院校英語專業(yè)本科生系列教材編寫委員會會議”。代表們一致認同了編寫面向新世紀教材的必要性、可行性和緊迫性,并對編寫思想、教材構建、編寫程序等提出了建議和要求。
第一部分 《新編英語語法教程》的體系特征第二部分 英文講授提綱Introduction:Grammatical Hierarchy0.1 Morphemes0.2 Words0.3 Phrases0.4 Clauses0.5 SentencesLecture 1 Sentence Structure1.1 Clause elements1.2 Basic clause types and their transformation and expansmnLecture 2 Subject-verb Concord(Ⅰ)2.1 Guiding principles2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns as subjectLecture 3 Subject-verb Concord(Ⅰ)3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subject3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject3.3 Other problems of subject.verb concordLecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase4.1 Classification of nouns and function of noun phrases4.2 Number forms of nouns4.3 Partitives?Lecture 5 Genitive Noun5.1 Formation,meanings and uses of genitive nouns5.2 Independent genitive and double genitiveLecture 6 Determiners(Ⅰ)6.1 Collocations be:tween determiners and nouns6.2 Collocations between determiners6.3 A comparative study of some determiner usageLecture 7 Determiners(Ⅰ)Articles7.1 Generic and specific reference7.2 Articles in use with different classes of nounLecture 8 Pronouns(Ⅰ)8.1 Pronoun concord in number8.2 Pronoun concord in gender8.3 Pronoun concord in personLecture 9 Pronouns(Ⅱ)9.1 Choice of pronoun case forms9.2 Possessive pronouns,reflexive pronotms and generic use of personal pronouns9.3 Pronoun referenceLecture 10 Verb and Verb Phrase10.1 C1assification of verbs(Ⅰ)10.2 Classification of verbs(Ⅱ)10.3 A survey of tense,aspect,voice and moodLecture 11 Tense and Aspect(Ⅰ)11.1 Uses of simple present11.2 Uses of simple past11.3 Uses of present progressive11.4 Uses of past progressiveLecture 12 Tense and Aspect(Ⅰ)12.1 Uses of present perfective(progressive)12.2 Uses of past perfective(progressive)12.3 More on the use of perfective aspectLecture 13 Means of Expressing Future Time13.1 Constructions denoting future time13.2 Means of expressing past futureLecture 14 Passive Voice(Ⅰ)14.1 Active sentence and passive sentence14.2 Passive voice of phrasal verbs14.3 Passive voice of non-finite verbsLecture 15 Passive Voice(Ⅱ)15.1 Uses of passive sentences15.2 Passive constructions and passive meaningsLecture 16 Subjunctive Mood16.1 BEsubjunctive16.2 WEREsubjunctive16.3 ,Some few notes on ways of expressing hypothetical meaningsLecture 17 Auxiliaries(Ⅰ)17.1 Modals and modal meanings17.2 Epistemic and non.epistemic use of modalsLecture 18 Auxiliaries(Ⅱ)18.1 Semi.auxiliaries18.2 Contracted forms of auxiliariesLecture 19 Infinitive(Ⅰ)19.1 Forms of the infinitive19.2 Some few notes on the use of the infinitive signLecture 20 Infinitive(Ⅱ)20.1 Adjective+infinitive20.2 Noun(phrase)+infinitive20.3 Verb+infinitiveLecture 21 -ing Participle21.1 Collocation of?ing participle with verbs21.2 Verbs followed either by infinitive or bying participleLecture 22 -ed Participle22.1 -ed participle as premodifier22.2 -ed participle as complement22.3 Some few notes on“dangling participlesLecture 23 Adjective and Adjective Phrase23.1 Classification of adjectives23.2 Adjectives and participles23.3 Adjective(phrase).as modifier in noun phrases23.4 Adjective phrases as complementLecture 24 Adverb and Adverb Phrase24.1 Chief uses of adverbs and adverb phrases24.2 Adverbs with or withoutlyLecture 25 Comparison and Comparative Constructions25.1 Comparison of adjectives and adverbs25.2 Comparative constructions25.3 Contrast between comparative constructionsLecture 26 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase26.1 Collocation of prepositions with adjectives,verbs and nouns26.2 Complex prepositions……第三部分 練習參考答案
Lecture 40 From Sentence to Text Thc previous 39 lectures are chiefly concerned with morphologyand syntax in spite of the fact that the use of sentences is often de-scribed in connection with contexts. In this last lecture we shall ex-amine the role of sentences in the construction of a text or connect-ed discourse.40. 1 Sentence and text As has been pointed out, the sentence isthe highest rank ofgrammatical unit and also the basic linguistic unit constituting atext. A text, spoken or written, is a structurally cohesive and se-mantically coherent unit realized by a string of sentences for com-municative purposes. 1) Sentence meaning and communicative function No authentic sentences exist in a vacuum; they are invariablyassociated with a context or situation in which they are used, and itis the context or situation that determines the communicative func-tion of sentences. Lvery sentence has its meaning, which is closely related to, butcan by no means be equated with, its communicative function. Sen-tences, as we know, fall into four types: statement, question, Com-mand, and exclamation. This classification, which is chiefly basedon grammatical structure, is far from satisfactory in terms of com,municative function. Statements, for example, are not always usedto state a fact, and questions are not always used to ask a question.
《新編英語語法教程(第4版)(教師用書)》列入普通高等教育“十五”國家級規(guī)劃教材 培養(yǎng)高素質、復合型外語創(chuàng)新人才理念新穎 人文、科學知識融入教材特色明顯 覆蓋知識,技能,文化等科目,總數超過150種體系完備 全國30余所著名高校百余位英語教育專家參加編寫陣容強大 本套教材的編寫和出版,不僅能滿足21世紀英語人才培養(yǎng)的需要,其前瞻性、先進性和創(chuàng)新性也將為外語乃至其他學科教材的編寫開辟一條新的思路,拓展一片新的視野。