出版時間:2003-1 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:Peter Roach 頁數(shù):116
SECTION 1: Survey
1. The science of speech
1.1 The speech chain
1.2 Phonetics
1.3 Phonetics and linguistics
2. Making speech sounds
2.1 Speech and breathing
2.2 The larynx
2.3 The vocal tract above the larynx
2.4 Describing speech production
3. Classifying speech sounds
3.1 Vowels
3.2 Consonants
3.2.1 Voicing
3.2.2 Place of articulation
3.2.3 Manner of articulation
3.2.4 Airstream mechanism
4. Tone and tone languages
4.1 Lexical and grammatical use of tone
4.2 Tone levels and contours
4.3 Tones and context
4.4 Tones and pitch-accents
5. Suprasegmentals
5.1 Stress and accent
5.2 Intonation
5.3 Rhythm
5.4 Other suprasegmental features
6. Acoustics of speech sounds
6.1 Acoustic waveforms
6.2 Acoustic and articulatory classification of speech sounds
6.2.1 Vowels
6.2.2 Fricatives
6.2.3 Plosives
6.2.4 Nasals
6.2.5 Affricates
6.2.6 Approximants
6.3 Acoustics of suprasegmental features
7. Sounds in systems
7.1 Systems of sounds
7.1.1 Vowels
7.1.2 Consonants
7.2 Group of sounds
8. Connected speech and coarticulation
8.1 Assimilation
8.2 Coarticulation
8.3 Elision
9. Variation
9.1 Regional variation
9.2 Social variation
9.3 Style variation
9.4 Age and variation
9.5 Choosing the speech to study
10. Conclusion
SECTION 2: Readings
SECTION 3: References
SECTION 4: Glossary