出版時間:2003-2 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 作者:麥克納馬拉,,,澳大利亞 編 頁數(shù):140
PrefaceAurhor's prefaceSFCTION ISurvey1 Testing, testing…What is a language test?Understanding language testingTypes of testTest purposeThe criterionThe test-criterion relationshipConclusion2 Communication and the design oflanguage testsDiscrete point testsIntegrative and pragmatic testsCommunicative language testsModels ofcommunicative abilityConclusion3 The testing cycleUnderstanding the constraintsTest contentTest methodAuthenticity of responseFixed and constructed response formatsTest specificationsTest rrialsConclusion4 The ratlng processEstablishing a rating procedureThe problem with ratersEstablishing a framework for making judgemenrsRating scalesHolistic and analytic ratingsRater trainingConclusion5 Valldlty:testing the testThreats to test validityTesr contentTest method and rest constructThe impact of testsConclusion6 MeasurementIntroductionMeasurementQuality control for ratersInvestigating the properties of individual test itemsNorm-referenced and criterion-referenced measurementNew approaches to measurementConclusion7 The soclalcharacter oflanguage testsIntfoductionThe institurional character of assessmentAssessment and social policyAssessment and educational policyThe social responsibility of the language testerEthical language testingAccountabiliryWashbackTest impactCodes of professional ethics for language testersCritical language testingConclusion8 New directions-and dilemmas?
An important aspect of a scale is the way in which performanceat the top end of the scale is defined. There is frequently anunac knowledged problem here. Rating scales often make refer- ence to what are assumed to be the typical performances of native speakers or expert-users of the language at the top end of the scale. That is, it is assumed that the performance of native speakers will be fundamentally unlike the performances of non-native speakers, who will tend gradually to approximate native speaker performance as their own proficiency increases. However, claims about the uniformly superior performance of these idealized native speakers have rarely been supported empirically. In fact,the studies that have been carried out typically show the performance of native speakers as highly variable, related to educa- tionallevel, and covering a range of positions on the scale.ln spite of this, the idealized view of native speaker performance still hovers inappropriately at the top of many rating scales.The number of levels on a rating scale is also an important matter to consider, although the questions raised here are more a mat-ter of practical utility than of theoretical validity. There is no point in proliferating descriptions outside the range of ability ofinterest. Having too few distinctions within the range of suchability is also frustrating, and the revision of rating scales often involves the creation of more distinctions.The failure of rating scales to make distinctions sufficiently fine to capture progress being made by students is a frequent problem.It arises because the purposes of users of a single assessmentinstrument may be at odds. Teachers have continuous exposure to their students' achievements in the normal course of learning.In the process, they receive ongoing informal confirmation of learner progress which may not be adequately reflected in a cate- gory difference as described by a scale. Imagine handing parents who are seeking evidence of their child's growth a measuring stickwith marks on it only a foot (30 centimetres) apart, the measurenot allowing any other distinction to be made. The parents canobserve the growth of the child: they have independent evidence in the comments of relatives, or the fact that the child has grown out 'of a set of clothes. Yet in terms of the measuring stick nogrowth can be recorded because the child has not passed the magic cut-point into the next adjacent category of measurement. Teachers restricted to reporting achievement only in terms of broad rating scale categories are in a similar position. Most ratingscales used in public educational settings are imposed by government authorities for purposes of administrative effiaency and financial accountability, for which fine-grained distinctions are unnecessary, The scales are used to report the achievements of the educational system in terms of changes in the proficiency of large numbers of learners over relatively extended periods of time. The government needs the 'big picture' of learner (and teacher) achievement in order to satisfy itself that its educational budget is yielding results. Teachers working with these government imposed, scale-based reporting mechanisms experience frustrations with the lack of fine distinctions on the scale. The coarse-grained character of the categories may hardly do justice to the teachers' sense of the growth and learning that has been achieved in a course. The purposes of the two groups-administrators, who are interested in financial accountability, and teachers, who are interested in the learning process may be at odds in such a case. ……