
出版社:上外教育  作者:朱伯通 編  


  During his lifetime, Lawrence published only one book of criti-cism, Studies in Classic American Literature. But, in fact, he did en-gage himself constantly in reviewing books, doing prefaces and intro-ductions for works that impressed him, and writing a number of excel-lent, most perceptive essays of criticism that British literature has everproduced on the novel as a genre, on its moral values and social func-tion, on the question of pornography as well as the subtle impact of Pu-ritanism upon the arts. Besides, the large amount of Lawrence's per-sonal letters and correspondence is also an invaluable treasury of his lit-erary reflections and criticisms.


  Foreword  D. H. Lawrence, as a most talented novelist in modem British litera-ture, has become more and more popular in China. But Lawrence as aunique, perceptive critic is almost unknown to many of us, includingthe literary study circles. I hope the publication of this anthology ofLawrence's critical writings could help a little to fill in the lack in ourBritish studies. I am deeply grateful to the British Academy and the K.C. Wong Foundation for granting me a four-month fellowship to do re-search at the University of Edinburgh. Without their generous support,the project would not have been fulfilled on time.  During his lifetime, Lawrence published only one book of criti-cism, Studies in Classic American Literature. But, in fact, he did en-gage himself constantly in reviewing books, doing prefaces and intro-ductions for works that impressed him, and writing a number of excel-lent, most perceptive essays of criticism that British literature has everproduced on the novel as a genre, on its moral values and social func-tion, on the question of pornography as well as the subtle impact of Pu-ritanism upon the arts. Besides, the large amount of Lawrence's per-sonal letters and correspondence is also an invaluable treasury of his lit-erary reflections and criticisms. Obviously, any serious study of Law-rence as a literary critic would be simply impossible without examiningat least the best representative of these materials. I therefore set up twoselection guidelines for myself to go by, that is, in terms of the crucialneeds of today's Chinese readers, the anthology should not only consistof a coherent set of commentaries, reviews, critical essays and personalletters that represent Lawrence's talent, power, and achievement as aliterary critic, it should also contain for the readers' further reference anadequate amount of selective excerpts from the latest, most important  works in Lawrencian scholarship. Hence the volume's four logical cat-egories of major texts with substantial, worthy appendices attached.   I would like to acknowledge a considerable debt to many promi-nent scholars in the field of Lawrencian studies, notably Anthony Beal,Michael Herbert, H. T. Moore, Edward D. McDonald, Warren Ro-berts, Armin Arnold, David Gordon, Aidan Burns, Bruce Steele,Mara Kalnins, John Worthen, Allan Ingram, Kate Millet, and MarkKinkead-Weekes, whose splendid works, together with many other im-portant orks in Lawrencian scholarship, are always a rich source ofknowledge and inspiration for me while preparing the manuscript of thisLawrence book.  My debt of gratitude also goesthe English literature department atto Professor Cairns Craig, Chair ofEdinburgh, and his colleague Dr.Faith Pullin, who both have helped me in many ways during my stay atEdinburgh. I also want to thank Miss Jenny Vinson, of the staff of theBritish Academy, who has been so functional and so helpful to mesince I was officially notified of the award in the summer of 1999.  I wish especially to express my deep gratitude to Professor RobertKiely, who is my old friend at Harvard, and whose excellent, highlyilluminating preface will certainly add much to the strength of this Law-rence anthology.  I owe special thanks to Professor Wang Tongfu and DirectorZhuang Zhixiang, of Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,whose dedicated, careful, and professional input helps make the publi-cation of the anthology possible. Finally, I'd say I am also very grateful to my wife. She accompa-nied me throughout the fellowship at Edinburgh and shared with me allthe stress and enjoyment.  Tongbo Zhu  March 2003   ……




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