
出版時(shí)間:2002年1月1日  出版社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社  作者:肯德爾(Kendall.M.D.)  頁(yè)數(shù):249  譯者:王健  




IntroductionPART 1 —— RECOGNITION1 Molecules of DistinctionSimilarity and DissimilarityDistinctive MarkersDistinguishing PeopleIdentifying the Enemy2 Distinctive FamiliesThe Family TreeFamily EstatesThe T Cell FamilyThe B Cell FamilyOther Families of Immune CellsThe Family RetinuePopulation Explosions3 Patterns of LifeLife BeginsThe New WorldFirst ChallengesAdjusting to LifeThe Later Stages of LifeTravelling the WorldPART 2 —— REACTION4 Repelling InvadersMajor DefencesPorts of EntryBreaching the DefencesSubversive Agents5 The Fight BeginsGeneral Defence Policy and the EnemySentry DutyThe Alarm CallThe Weapons of WarThe Battle Field6 The Main CampaignsMobilising the TroopsPrimitive PrionsVirile VirusesBattling BacteriaParticular ParasitesThe Critical BattlePART 3—— RECOVERY7 Life after DeathDying to LiveFiery FeversSoothing SleepRepairing the DamageLasting Relationships 8 Survival of the FittestA Sotmd ConstitutionA Fit BodyThe Stimulation of StressInherited Health9 Struggle for SurvivalCancers and Their IncidenceNormal and Abnormal Cell CyclesCarcinogens and ChemicalsThe Immune System and CancerAutoimmunity, Antibodies and Altered Self 10 The New MillenniumThe Appearance of New DiseasesThe Disappearance of Old DiseasesPerennial ProblemsVaccines in the FutureManipulating the Immune SystemAssisting the Fight against AIDSAttacking AutoimmnnitiesCaring for Cancer SufferersFinal Thoughts GlossaryIndex


  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) AIDS patients areseverely immunocompromised, since the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) attacks many of the immune system cells and destroys them. As a re-suit, the patient cannot fight off any pathogens that enter the body throughthe skin or other major ports of entry, such as the mouth, anus, eyes andsweat glands. Nor can the patient combat uncontrolled growth of cancerouscells within the body. In the initial stages of an HIV infection, before anyserious problems are suspected, the skin may have a transient rash. As thedisease progresses, patients may develop a number of skin conditions, such asdermatitis around the sebaceous glands of hairs, persistent genital ulcers, andeczema. Fungi such as Candida albicans, which can affect many healthy peo-ple without harming them, become a problem and cannot be controlled. Lat-er on in the HIV infection, many patients have shingles, and the serious skinand connective tissue cancer, Kaposis syndrome, takes hold. This is seen aspink/purple blotches on the skin which may ulcerate, and swellings caused byenlarged lymph nodes. AS many as 40% of homosexual patients with AIDSdevelop Kaposis syndrome, yet in healthy men that are not infected withH1V it is rare and only occurs in older men of certain Mediterranean origins.In Africa, both men and women may develop Kaposis syndrome in AIDS.Over 70% of patients get infections in the eyes, and these problems are oftenthe first reason for patients seeking help from the medical profession.



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