
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:廣東暨南大學  作者:余惠芬  頁數(shù):409  




Preface ⅠPrefaceⅡ1 Ancient Chinese History  1.1 Earliest Period:From Legends to Xia and Shang Dynasties  1.2 Zhou Dynasty(周朝)   1.3 Qin Dynasty(秦朝):The First Empire  1.4 I-tan Dynasty(漢朝):Consolidation of Empire  1.5 The Three Kingdom8,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties(三國兩晉南北朝)   1.6 Sui and Tang(隋唐):Restoration of Empire  1.7 Song Dynasty(宋朝):A Weak Empire  1.8 YuarrDynasty(元朝):An Empire with the Largest Territory  l.9 Ming Dynasty(明朝)   1.10 Qing Dynasty in Its Earlier Period(清朝前期)2 Ancient Chinese Philosophy  2.l A Brief Introduction  2.2 Philosophy During the Pre-Qin Period  2.3 Philosophy From the Western Han Dynasty to the Southem and Northern Dynasties  2.4 Philosophy During the Tang and Song Dynasties  2.5 Philosophy During the Ming and Qing Dynasties3 Chinese Religions  3.1 Primitive and Ancient Religion  3.2 Chinese Buddhism  3.3 Taoism   3.4 Western Religions4 Ancient Chinese Economic Thoughts and Business Culture  4.1 Fundamental Economic Thought in Confucianism  4.2 The Economists:From Ji Ran to Guan Zhong  4.3 Monopoly and Decentralization in The Debate on Salt and Iron  4.4 Wang Anshi and the New Policies  4.5 Laisser—Faire and Its Chinese Origin—Wuwei   4.6 Taxation in Ancient China  4.7 State Monopoly in Ancient China  4.8 Social Rank of Merchants and Business Culture in Ancient China  4.9 Ancient Chinese Currencies   4.10 Advertising in Ancient China  4.11 The God of Fortune  4.12 The Silk Road rSi chou zhi lu) 5 Chinese Literature   5.1 The Book ofSongs  5.2 Chi Ci  5.3 yue一Fu  5.4 Tang Poetry  5.5 Song Ci  5.6 The Yuan Variety Play  5.7 Ming and Qing Fiction6 Chinese Language and Characters  6.1 A Brief Introduction to the Chinese Language  6.2 A Brief Introduction to Chinese Characters  6.3 aguwen  6.4 The Structure of Chinese Characters   6.5 Unique Characteristics of Chinese Characters7 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting  7.1 Chinese Calligraphy  7.2 Chinese PaintingAppendixBibliorgraphyPostscript




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  •   很不錯的一本書,填補了中國歷史文化英譯版的空白,值得每一位文學愛好者細細品讀。
  •   適合比較專業(yè)的讀吧,編譯的非常好!不過就我來讀還是有一定難度的,嘿嘿。
  •   是正版,書很好。。。。。。。。
  •   很少有介紹中國文化的書,此書填補了空白,許多對中國名詞的翻譯都可在此書中找到。
  •   里面的關(guān)于中國古典文化的介紹還是有值得借鑒的地方的
  •   還沒讀完,希望從中學習到更多。暨南大學素有“華僑最高學府”之稱,看介紹,是國際學院幾位老師寫的。主編曾在國外執(zhí)教中國文化,有教研實踐做支撐,應(yīng)當有自己的一些心得體會。有待細讀
  •   該書簡單易懂,是一本不錯的教材
  •   還好吧,有的翻譯不是很好
  •   挺方便快捷的謝謝

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